Artist: |
Musical |
Albumtitle: |
The Pirates Of Penzance - Australian Cast Recording |
Year: |
1994 |
Label: |
Double-CD: EMI 4797752 |
Produced By Simon Gallaher and Essgee Entertainment |
Musicians: |
Jon English - Vocals (Pirate King) / Marc James - Vocals (Samuel, his
Lieutenant) / Simon Gallaher - Vocals (Frederic) / Toni Lamond - Vocals (Ruth, a Pirate
Maid) / Anna Butera - Vocals (Major-General Stanley's Daughter) / Susie French - Vocals
(Major-General Stanley's Daughter) / Melissa Langton - Vocals (Major-General Stanley's
Daughter) / Helen Donaldson - Vocals (Mabel) / Derek Metzger - Vocals (Major-General
Stanley) / Tim Tyler - Vocals (The Sergeant) Ensemble: David Coombs, Robert Dale,
Michale Falzon, Marc James, gary Jones, David Lowe, Emma Powell, Peter Rees, David
Scotchford, Jason Smith, Anthony Weigh, Lachlan Youngberg, Jenny Wilson
Orchestra conducted by Kevin Hocking: Beverley Kennedy - Synthesiser / Bradley Voltz -
Synthesiser / Ross Comerford - Synthesiser / Hugh Fraser - Bass / Jason Hawkins -
Percussion / Peter Skelton - Drums |
Gilbert And Sullivan Opening (Company) |
Pour, O Pour The Pirate Sherry (Pirate King, Samuel, Frederic
and Pirates) |
When Frederic Was A Little Lad (Ruth) |
Oh, Better Far To Live And Die (Pirate King and Pirates) |
Oh, False One, You Have Deceived Me! (Ruth and Frederic) |
Climbing Over Rocky Mountain (The Daughters) |
Stop, Ladies, Pray! (Frederic and daughters) |
Oh, Is There Not One Maiden Breast (Frederic and daughters) |
Poor Wandering One (Mabel and Daughters) |
What Ought We To Do? (The Daughters) |
How Beautiful Blue The Sky (Mabel, Frederic and Daughters) |
Stay, We Must Not Lose Our Senses (Frederic, Daughters and
Pirates) |
Hold, Monsters! (Mabel, Samuel, Major-General, Daughters and
Pirates) |
I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General (Major-General,
Pirate King and Ensemble) |
Oh, Men Of Dark And Dismal Fate (Company) |
Oh, Try The Glistening Tear (Mabel and Daughters) |
Then, Frederic, Let Your Escort Lion-Hearted (Major-General
and Frederic) |
When The Foeman Bares His Steel (Sergeant, Mabel, Police and
Daughters) |
Now For The Pirates' Lair! (Frederic, Pirate King and Ruth) |
When You Had Left Our Pirate Fold (Ruth, Frederic and Pirate
King) |
Paradox (Ruth, Frederic and Pirate King) |
Duty, Duty (Ruth, Frederic and Pirate King) |
Away, Away! My Heart's On Fire (Ruth, Pirate King and
Frederic) |
All Is Prepared (Mabel and Frederic) |
Stay, Frederic, Stay! (Mabel and Frederic) |
No, I Am Brave (Mabel, sergeant and Police) |
When A Felon's Not Engaged In His Employment (Sergeant and
Police) |
A Rollicking Band Of Pirates We (Pirates, Sergeant and
Police) |
With Cat-Like Tread, Upon Our Prey We Steal (Pirates, Police
and Samuel) |
Hush, Hush! Not A Word (Frederic, Pirates, Police and
Major-General) |
Sighing Softly To The River (Major-General and Ensemble) |
Finale 1880 (Company) |
Finale 1994 (Company) |