Negilahn Portal-Calculator
written by Andreas Jurenda :-})

standard user mode
for experts only
daylength: in 'hour:minute' or 'hour:minute:second'
start at portal: in 'month/day/fullyear hour:minute'
ability for daylight-saving  
your local timezone:
with daylight-saving:

show time in:
local time caverntime (CT/MST) GMT/UCT
show which information:
animal viewings day-/night-cycle Negilahn/Dereno portals *** SPOILER ***

monkey urwin portal event urwin
upper left window
upper right window
middle window
2 times unknown
  middle window
upper left window

special marks:
*) at this time, your local system (now standard time) has another timezone (daylight time)
!!) at this time, your local system (now daylight time) has another timezone (standard time)

Be aware, that by default, this event times are hopefully early enough, but the portallights appears in a timewindow of 6 minutes or more.
Start waiting some minutes earlier then the calculated timestamp and wait more than 6 minutes after this timestamp for geting the portallight.

written by juri1at KI# 00106277
More information you can find at: or in the Negilahn mainthread at:
Animal sightings are protocolled in: :-)kateR posting. Midday- and midnight-calculation based on these initial and final postings. Dawn- and dusk-calculation based on the ideas of this posting.
Dereno *** SPOILER *** based on this mojor spoiler posting.

All Myst, Riven and D'ni images and text © Cyan, Inc. All URU images © Cyan Worlds, Inc. Myst, Riven and D'ni are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cyan, Inc. URU is a trademark of Cyan Worlds, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.