1. German Elite Conquerors(GEC)    16 15 0 1 46 46 GEC
2. SenF(GirlZ)      16 13 0 3 42 42 SenF-GirlZ
3. Die Schmocks(DS PRO)    16 13 0 3 42 42 DS PRO
4. Kreuzritter Clan(KZR)     16 8 0 8 32 32 KZR
5. ZwerG(ZwerG)      16 8 0 8 32 32 ZwerG
6. Die Adleraugen(AA)     16 7 0 9 30 30 AA
7. -= The Vampire KillerS =-(TVK 1) 16 6 0 10 28 28 TVK 1
8. MoonClanMembers(MCM)      16 2 0 14 20 20 MCM
9. M.f.G. CLAN(MfG-1)     0 MfG-1
B1       0
1. CULT-Clan(CULT)      15 14 0 1 43 43 CULT
2. Dream Island Clan(ADA1)    16 12 0 4 40 40 ADA1
3. Celtic Fury(CF 1)    15 10 0 5 35 35 CF 1
4. The Knights of Avalon(kOa [I])  16 9 0 7 34 34 kOa [I]
5. The Invisible Dragons(TID)    16 7 0 9 30 30 TID
6. Oberhausen(OB)      16 6 0 10 28 28 OB
6. Scarabaeus(SCARA1)      14 6 0 10 28 28 SCARA1
8. Legion XIII(LXIII 1)    16 4 0 12 24 24 LXIII 1
9. ZwerG(WZWG)      16 3 0 13 22 22 WZWG
B2       0
1. Imperialkings(Imp 1)     14 13 0 1 40 40 Imp 1
2. Ordo Lux Veritas(OLV 1)   14 11 0 3 36 36 OLV 1
3. Demonmasters(DM1)      14 8 0 6 30 30 DM1
3. Rycerce Ognia I Miecza(ROM)   14 8 0 6 30 30 ROM
5. Clan of holy Kings(CoK 1)  14 5 0 9 24 24 CoK 1
6. SenF(Rentner)     [1] 14 6 0 8 24 26 SenF-Rentner
7. VietNam(VN)      14 4 0 10 22 22 VN
8. Erotix-Clan(Team1)      14 1 0 13 16 16 Erotix1
C1       0
1. Ordo Lux Veritas(OLV 2)   14 12 0 2 38 38 OLV 2
2. Dream Island Clan(ADA2)    14 8 2 4 32 32 ADA2
3. Imperialkings(Imp 2)     14 8 1 5 31 31 Imp 2
4. German-Austrian-Federation(GAF)      14 7 1 6 29 29 GAF
5. Celtic Fury(CF 2)    14 7 0 7 28 28 CF 2
5. Die Rattenbande(Ratte)     14 7 0 7 28 28 Ratte
7. BdKB(BdKB)      14 4 0 10 22 22 BdKB
8. Order of Knights(OoK)    14 1 0 13 16 16 OoK
C2       0
1. LoseYourSelf(LyS-TEAM)      14 13 0 1 40 40 LyS-TEAM
2. -= The Vampire KillerS =-(TVK 2)  14 11 0 3 36 36 TVK 2
3. Demonmasters(DM2)      14 9 1 4 33 33 DM2
4. Clan of holy Kings(CoK 2)  14 8 0 6 30 30 CoK 2
5. Grey Panther(GP3)     14 6 1 7 27 27 GP3
6. ZwerG(HZwG)      14 4 0 10 22 22 HZwG
7. hellknights of darkness(HKD)    14 3 0 11 20 20 HKD
8. LR-$T$(LR-$T$)      14 1 0 13 16 16 LR-$T$
C3       0
1. _AlwayS_(_AlwayS_)      14 13 0 1 40 40 _AlwayS_
2. Dark Angels of Hell(DAoH)   14 11 0 3 36 36 DAoH
3. aby clan(aby)     14 9 0 5 32 32 aby
4. Die Schmocks(DS FUN)    14 7 0 7 28 28 DS FUN
5. Immortal Warriors(IW2)     14 6 0 8 26 26 IW2
6. McLoudClan(McLoud)      14 6 0 8 26 26 McLoud
7. Erotix-Clan(PanTerS)      14 2 0 12 18 18 Ertx-PanTerS
8. Grey Panther(GP2)     14 2 0 12 18 18 GP2
C4       0
1. GigaWolveClan(GWC 1)     16 15 0 1 46 46 GWC 1
2. Grey Panther(GP1)     16 13 0 3 42 42 GP1
3. Lords of Highland(LOH)    16 11 0 5 38 38 LOH
4. Clan of holy Kings(CoK 3)  16 10 0 6 36 36 CoK 3
5. Knights of Heart(KoH 1)   16 9 0 7 34 34 KoH 1
6. Fatal Rooky Online STrategics(FROST)  [2] 16 8 0 8 30 32 FROST
7. CruX - Clan(CruX)   [3] 0 CruX
8. Schweizergarde(CHG)      0 CHG
9. Bloodsheds(Bs_Team1)      0 Bs_Team1
D1       0
1. Legion der Gerechtigkeit(LdG_ ^1)   14 12 0 2 38 38 LdG_ ^1
2. =ZECHERS=[united](zecher1)      14 11 0 3 36 36 zecher1
3. United Players Clan(UPC)    14 9 1 4 33 33 UPC
4. Blues Brothers Clan(BB Team)   14 8 0 6 30 30 BB Team
5. Celtic Fury(CF 3)    14 7 1 6 29 29 CF 3
6. Yet another Clan(Fun-team)    14 5 0 9 24 24 Fun-team
7. OesterReichsMiliz([ORM])      14 3 0 11 20 20 [ORM]
8. German profesional Team(GpT)    14 0 0 14 14 14 GpT
D2       0
1. Dragonheart-Clan(Dragons)      14 12 0 2 38 38 Dragons
1. Wayfarer(Wayfarer)      14 12 0 2 38 38 Wayfarer
3. Darkfighters of Cruelty([DFoC])    14 10 0 4 34 34 [DFoC]
4. Erotix-Clan(Chaos)      14 8 0 6 30 30 Chaos
5. German Fighter Clan(GFC)    14 6 0 8 26 26 GFC
6. Knights of Heart(KoH 2)   14 6 0 8 26 26 KoH 2
7. Knights of the Battleground(Team 2)  14 2 0 12 18 18 KotB 2
8. Bloodsheds(Bs_Team2)      0 Bs_Team2
D3       0
1. Legion der Gerechtigkeit(LdG_ ^2)   14 11 0 3 36 36 LdG_ ^2
2. Demonmasters(DM3)      14 10 0 4 34 34 DM3
3. Immortal Warriors(IW1)     14 9 1 4 33 33 IW1
4. EUR_ARMY_CLAN(EUR_ARMY)      14 9 1 4 33 33 EUR_ARMY
5. Digitaler Panik Clan(DPC)    14 8 0 6 30 30 DPC
6. Knights of the Battleground(Team 1)  14 6 0 8 26 26 KotB 1
7. eXercitus(=[FG]=)      14 2 0 12 18 18 =[FG]=
8. Scarabaeus(SCARA2)      0 SCARA2
D4       0
1. Guardians of Kingdom(GofK)    14 13 0 1 40 40 GofK
2. GigaWolveClan(GWC 2)     14 11 0 3 36 36 GWC 2
3. =ZECHERS=[united](zecher2)      14 9 0 5 32 32 zecher2
4. Erotix-Clan(Arrows)      14 9 0 5 32 32 Ertx-Arrows
5. Ordo Lux Veritas(OLV 3)   14 8 0 6 30 30 OLV 3
6. Grey Panther(GP4)     14 4 0 10 22 22 GP4
7. Lordz of Ringz(LoR)    14 2 0 12 18 18 LoR
8. German profesional Team(GpT 2)   18 0 0 18 18 18 GpT 2

Def Loss wegen nichtantretens vs CoK
2 Def. Lost vs. CoK -> nichtantreten

Disqualifziert weil sie nicht die 75% erreicht haben!