Beta section

In this section you can find my current works. Please, download them just if you want to help in development of those programs (reporting bugs, giving advices on functionality, etc...).

The programs listed here are in development stage, so don't expect that they work perfectly (or should I say - expect problems)

Thank you.

Fast_isolinux 0.4 - NEW
Fast_isolinux uploaded.

I have coded this progam for the situations where you have to add a lot of floppy images to your isolinux.cfg file.
Fast_isolinux creates isolinux.cfg and coresponding text file with label names. You can use ILM after that to edit this text file.
Fast_isolinux uses Windows Clipboard capabilities, so you can in easy way copy/paste from/to existing isolinux.cfg files.

The_GUI v3 beta 4 - NEW
Just EXE uploaded, you'll also need one of previous full beta packages in order to use this beta4.
The_GUI v3 beta4 (contains just updated exe).

The_GUI v3 beta3 (installer, full package).

- reflecting recent additions in cdrtools

Not tested:
- BurnFree (my CDR-drive don't support buffer underrun protection) and Finalize CD (try to finalize CDs that don't have TOC)

Not finished:
- C&A module additional functionality like saving attributes in lists, extended selecting using joker signs...
- help file
- couple of templates (now called The_GUI project files)

ILMmini - command line previewer for Isolinux/Syslinux splash screens
ILMmini Linux - 72kb  - makes crapy graphic, colors doesn't match

- correct color issues in Linux version
- correct 8-bit ASCII display in Linux (very hard, I don't have enough info on using ncurses, if someone want to take developing of this - he is welcome. Developed in Kylix)
done in 1.1 version - make ILMmini capable of reading isolinux.cfg/syslinux.cfg files in order to have complete emulation with F1...F0 buttons (no LSS16 graphics support planed)