Die heiligen 10 Gebote des Steinbruchs
(international version)


moses.gif (35732 bytes)
Primster [erbost(Gewitter)]:
"y0! Whaaazzzuuuuuupp??"


How it all began (long version):

Many many years ago, there was this man. His name was Primster. Primster was looking at a mountain and thought "WTF?" 'cause he noticed a bush that was burning but never burned up. He thought that this bush was definitely a bush with a Glockenspiel and that it was sooooo w00t!  Primster decided to climb the mountain and see what was going on with this freaky bush. That mountain was called Steinbruch. Primster climbed the mountain and saw the l33t bush and sure enough it was burning but it still wasn't burned up. Primster looked at it for a while and thought "w00000t….. a fusion powered bush" when he heard a strange voice in his head.

The voice called: "Primster."
Primster said: "y0! strange voice. Whaaaaaaazzzzuuuuuupp??"
The voice said: "Remove your sneakers, Müsli. You are standing on Holy Ground."
Primster said: "OMG! What you say?"
Then the voice said: "I want you to lead my people to l33tness. Go to them and say 'The Steinbruch' sent me.  That is my name for all generations."

The people of Vienna had been sooooo lame for a long time and now Primster was leading them to l33tness. After Primster had rounded them together they left and the Steinbruch was with them. He took care of them on the long journey. He loved the people and the people loved Him.
The Steinbruch asked Primster to return to the holy place where they first met and gave him ten laws.
The Steinbruch said: "I am the Steinbruch thy Sanctum from now on. These are your Commandments which everyone is to follow."
They were written by Primster on one mighty html page. Primster took the page and uploaded it so that everyone visiting the Steinbruch shall know and obey them.

How (short version):

The Steinbruch gave Primster the 10 Commandments, rules which must be obeyed if you are to please the Steinbruch (and Primster). The Commandments were written on a html page by the fingers of Primster Himself. (Awwwwwwwwwwwww)

But now bring 'em on:

And Primster spake all these words, saying, I AAAAM the LAW, which have brought thee out of the land of Vienna, out of the house of l4m3n3ss.

The First Commandment:
Thou shalt gather firewood for thy Sacrificial Fire and thou shalt not rest till there is plentiful.
Any sacrificeth e.g. diceth, cell phoneth, witcheth or even more witcheth purified in thy Holy Fire will pleaseth the Steinbruch and thy neighbourth!

The Second Commandment:
Thou shalt only use the purifying light of fire, thou shalt not use any sort of artificial light.
Neither in, nor near thy Sanctum and never ever on the narrow and dangerouth path of faith that leadeth thee to it.

The Third Commandment:
Thou shalt not desecrate thy Holy Sanctum by using a cellular phone,
Unleth thou are explaining the way to l33tneth to a ignorant one.

The Fourth Commandment:
Thou shalt not listen to music coming out of a box.
Boxeth with music in them are the toolth of Satan!!!

The Fifth Commandment:
Thou shalt not even think about smoking in the Steinbruch,
For the only things smoking shalt be thy Sacrifical Fire, thy Käsekrainer, thy Ripperl or a witch.

The Sixth Commandment:
Thou shalt use but those toolth naturally supplied by me, thy Steinbruch to prepare thy food.

The Seventh Commandment:
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s Käsekrainer nor thy neighbour’s Ripperl nor any goodie that ith thy neighbour’s.
Thou shalt take your own water and bread with you!

The Eighth Commandment:
Thou shalt not undermine thy neighbour’s attempt to grill hith goodieth by stumbling over thy neighbour’s multipode,
Nor shalt thou touch it unless thy neighbour asketh thou to do so.

The Ninth Commandment:
Thou shalt clean up before thou leave thy Holy Sanctum,
For He will not hold him dry but dampen him with no mercy, him that messeth with thy Sanctum.

The Tenth Commandment:
Thou shalt not be of tidy and clean nature after thy sacrificial dutieth have been done.
Only he who ith covered in mud, sweat and barbecue sauceth shall prevail on the cleansing path of faith.

These 10 Holy Commandments are to be obeyed by anyone setting foot upon the holy soil of the Steinbruch. He who contravenes them shall be judged by all members of the Steinbruch's High Council present at the time of the offence.

The honourable members of the High Council are as follows:

Dulo the Misunderstood, a former member of the High Council disobeyed Commandment #1, #7 and #8 far too often and has therefore been expelled until further investigation!!

May the Steinbruch be with you, always!