Docker Basics

Published: 2019-04-03
Updated: 2019-05-05

Docker is for deployment. It is a virtualization at operating-system level. When you pack your application into a docker image and run that image, the application will believe that it has the whole computer on its own. All dependencies will be in that image, as configured in a Dockerfile of your application together with build- and runtime-environment variables. You don't depend on any software being installed on your deployment target.

Virtualization is what virtual machines did for us until now, but docker can do that more lightweight and much faster. Originally it was available on LINUX only, because the LINUX kernel can somehow "duplicate" itself (cgroups, namespaces), which feels like more than one operating-system "instances" running on the same hardware. For WINDOWS 10 this is available as "Hyper V" feature, you must activate virtualization in the BIOS of your computer; alternatively run a LINUX VM that hosts the docker installation for WINDOWS. Such said you will understand that, instead of a VM, docker has to be installed on the machine where you want to run your docker image.

You can find all what's in this Blog on the docker homepage. Lots of docker images are available freely on the internet.

Mind that ....

Build Image, Run Containers

The image is what you build. The container is what you run.

The image won't change, it's the template for the container, while the container is a process that can take on states. You can instantiate many containers from one image. Containers are still present after they terminated, unless they were created using the --rm flag, like in docker run --rm imagename.

Useful Commands

You can manage your docker platform by lots of commands that all start with "docker".

Purpose Command
List all images installed on computer docker images
docker image ls
List all running containers on computer docker ps
docker container ls
List all running and stopped containers on computer docker ps -a
docker container ls -a
Instantiate a container from image "hello-world", with download if the image is not present docker run hello-world
Look at the logs of container "mysql" docker logs --follow mysql
Terminate the container with identity "mysql" docker stop mysql
Start again the stopped container with identity "mysql", using the same file system docker start mysql
Stop and start again the running container with identity "mysql" docker restart mysql
Remove a container "hello-world" docker rm hello-world
Remove an image "hello-world" docker rmi hello-world
Start an interactive shell (bash) inside a running container "mysql" docker exec -it mysql bash
Copy a file /opt/mysql/my.ini from a container "mysql" into current directory (".") sudo docker cp mysql:/opt/mysql/my.ini .
Display the layers inside the image "hello-world" docker history hello-world
Create an image out of the app in current directory where a Dockerfile exists docker build .
Remove all stopped containers, unused images and other resources docker system prune -a
Remove all images not connected to a container docker image prune -a

Dockerfile Keywords

A Dockerfile normally is placed in the root directory of the project that needs to be packed into a docker image. It's like a C makefile, or a Java/Maven pom.xml, but it has its own syntax. Following is a short reference of some important keywords used in such a file.

Keyword Meaning
# Exclusively at line start, opens a comment or a parser-directive like "# directive=... ", "# syntax=...", "# escape=..."
FROM The docker image this app builds on. A Java app would put a JRE here. Dependencies of dependencies need not to be listed. A valid Dockerfile always starts with FROM.
ARG Buildtime variable, optionally with default-value. Can be set or overwritten by an option in the docker build command.
An ENV- or ARG-variable XXX can be used inside a Dockerfile via $XXX or ${XXX}.
ENV Runtime variable for OS-environment of the contained app. Can be overwritten by an option in the docker run command.
LABEL Metadata, can be recalled by docker inspect.
EXPOSE The port where the contained app listens, defaults to a TCP type port.
VOLUME Creates a directory (or mount point) shared with the outside world that will not be removed when the container gets removed.
WORKDIR Sets the working directory for all RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY, ADD statements following in the Dockerfile. In case WORKDIR doesn't exist, it will be created.
USER Sets the system-user for all RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT statements following in the Dockerfile.
COPY Buildtime, copies files from file system into the image to build.
ADD Buildtime, copies files from file system or URLs from the network into the image to build.
RUN Buildtime, executes the command to the right of RUN.
CMD Runtime, starts the contained app on docker run. Only one CMD statement is possible in a Dockerfile.

Mind that setting the image's name inside a Dockerfile is not supported!

Layers and Gotchas

A Dockerfile like this one

FROM debian:jessie
ADD large_file /var/www/large_file
RUN chown www-data /var/www/large_file
RUN chmod 756 /var/www/large_file

that packs a large_file of 1 GB size and then changes its access rights will lead to a 3 GB image with following layers:

IMAGE          CREATED          CREATED BY                                      SIZE        COMMENT
49b4a4ea228a 36 seconds ago /bin/sh -c chmod 756 /var/www/large_file 1.074 GB
09d77316932b 2 minutes ago /bin/sh -c chown www-data /var/www/large_file 1.074 GB
7adb7c72c3ef 2 minutes ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:a86f6dedfb4ba54972 1.074 GB
f50f9524513f 8 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"] 0 B
<missing> 8 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:b5391cb13172fb513d 125.1 MB

That means, every build step like FROM, RUN, COPY, ADD creates a new layer, and files referenced in the commands executed there will be copied always newly into the image.

This also affects final cleanups of left-over files, they would be deleted in the topmost layer only.
Docker observes the file system and notices any change after a build step (resulting in a new layer), but it doesn't associate steps and draw conclusions.


Commands that change the file system should be linked together by the '&&' operator to just one command:

RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y vim \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt

A chown could be done by a preparing "RUN usermod -u 1000 www-data".
Alternatively the container can be started by a script that provides all necessary circumstances:

docker run hello-world --entrypoint=/bin/

In the latter case the /bin/ should be inside the docker image.

ɔ⃝ Fritz Ritzberger, 2019-04-03