Good User Interfaces

Published: 2017-05-20
Updated: 2017-05-29

Good user-interfaces are like good books: you understand, you can follow, they express common sense. Good documentation is not very much different, both should be well-structured and not self-repeating. Moreover a good user interface should be usable without having to read its documentation.

On the web you find a lot of quite different teachings about what makes up a good user interface. Not that I want to increase this confusion, I just want to summarize what of it I found useful, and mix it with my own experience. So (as the "10 things that ..." have become a web tradition:-) here come my ...

Seven (7) Things that Make Up Good User Interfaces

1 Simplicity: don't overburden users

2 Consistency: words and symbols

3 Transparency: hints, progress, success and errors

4 State Keeping: it is easy to come back

5 Navigation: can step safely

6 Different work speeds: support for all kinds of users

7 Layout: look regular

ɔ⃝ Fritz Ritzberger, 2017-05-20