www.reizend.tk by Gerald Zahn


        For a video preview please visit this direct link to my new page [link]



        Hairy Monsters - a video installation by Gerald Zahn © 2007

stills from the video HAIRY MONSTERS
        Hairy Monsters - a video installation by Gerald Zahn © 2007

        format: DVD PAL 4:3
        duration: 3' 16''
        limited edition [7]

        (english below)

        Hairy Monsters - Die augenzwinkernde Hommage an die Pornos der 60er/70er Jahre entführt in Welten in denen Enthaarung kein         Thema ist. Sanft im Wind wogende Schamhaar-Landschaften verwandeln sich durch die Optik eines Kaleidoskops zu bizarren,         gefräßigen Lebewesen.
        Hairy Monsters - A witty homage to the porn films of the 60s and 70s, taking place in the worlds where hair removal is not an issue.         The magnified, gently swaying landscapes of pubic hair are tranformed by a kaleidoscopic lens into bizzare, threatening creatures.