GPS dissertation - programs descriptions

Turbo Pascal programs
  1. formats: Starting with the navigation message file of all satellites, the program separates and prepares all messages for each satellite in an output file each.
  2. newformat: Uses the navigation message in precise ephemeris format (prepared by Berneese GPS Softwares) and results in separated files for each satellite containing the satellite coordinates in CTS system
  3. transform: A general program for coordinate transformations 3D <-> 3D, 2D<->2D, 3D<->2D of ground stations. A windows version of the program is under development
  4. hourangl: Solves the coordinates of the ionospheric point in many coordinates systems and preparing more computation parameters
  5. ctsastr: Transforms satellites coordinates from Cartesian Terrestrial System CTS into local Astronomical System
Turbo C programs
  1. timedlay: Computes the total electron content TEC using the time delay of GPS code signals in the ionosphere
  2. distance: Computes all possible combination of space vectors of all stations in an input files.
  3. phascor: Computes the corrections of the phase measurments caused by the TEC already computed in previous step
  4. reducedl: applys a geometrical correction on the previously computed beseline errors and preparing for further computations
  5. editneu: Edits the measurement files to include the phase corrections before a new processing step of the GPS campaign data
  6. electr: Computes the total electron content at the ionospheric point. The program uses the hour angle of the sun, ionospheric coefficients (produced by Berneese GPS Softwares) and session data
  7. solves0: prepares for computation of the electron content of the ionosphere. the program uses information from the Astronomical Almanach, session and coordinates data (ellipsoidal approximated data)
  8. aprmodel: computes the vertical electron content using an approximating model
  9. veckons: Computation of needed parameters to applay the methode of constant vertical electron content VEC. The programs uses the local astonomical coordinates of the ground stations and the CTS satellites coordinates.
  10. differ: Computes the differential baseline errors caused by the ionosphere.