GPS dissertation - programs descriptions
Turbo Pascal programs
- formats: Starting with the navigation message file of all satellites, the program separates and prepares all messages for each satellite in an output file each.
- newformat: Uses the navigation message in precise ephemeris format (prepared by Berneese GPS Softwares) and results in separated files for each satellite containing the satellite coordinates in CTS system
- transform: A general program for coordinate transformations 3D <-> 3D, 2D<->2D, 3D<->2D of ground stations. A windows version of the program is under development
- hourangl: Solves the coordinates of the ionospheric point in many coordinates systems and preparing more computation parameters
- ctsastr: Transforms satellites coordinates from Cartesian Terrestrial System CTS into local Astronomical System
Turbo C programs
- timedlay: Computes the total electron content TEC using the time delay of GPS code signals in the ionosphere
- distance: Computes all possible combination of space vectors of all stations in an input files.
- phascor: Computes the corrections of the phase measurments caused by the TEC already computed in previous step
- reducedl: applys a geometrical correction on the previously computed beseline errors and preparing for further computations
- editneu: Edits the measurement files to include the phase corrections before a new processing step of the GPS campaign data
- electr: Computes the total electron content at the ionospheric point. The program uses the hour angle of the sun, ionospheric coefficients (produced by Berneese GPS Softwares) and session data
- solves0: prepares for computation of the electron content of the ionosphere. the program uses information from the Astronomical Almanach, session and coordinates data (ellipsoidal approximated data)
- aprmodel: computes the vertical electron content using an approximating model
- veckons: Computation of needed parameters to applay the methode of constant vertical electron content VEC. The programs uses the local astonomical coordinates of the ground stations and the CTS satellites coordinates.
- differ: Computes the differential baseline errors caused by the