Joachim Conrad Loddiges
Painting by John Renton
© London Borough of Hackney
The Zamioculcas and Gonatopus Online Library
Plate No. 1408. Caladium zamiæfolium.
by George Loddiges (text) and George Cooke (plate).
in: The Botanical Cabinet, Consisting of Coloured Delineations of Plants, from all Countries, with a short Account of each, Directions for Management &c.&c. by Conrad Loddiges & Sons, The Plates by George Cooke. Vol. XV. - London & Hackney 1828. Tab. 1408. - [Bot. Cab. t.1408]
note: this is the first description of Caladium zamiæfolium Lodd. (Synonym of Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Lodd.) Engl.)
note: 'The Botanical Cabinet' was edited by Joachim Conrad Loddiges' son, George Loddiges (1786–1846; official abbreviation: G.Lodd.). (Source: Wikipedia). In botanical literature, however, Conrad Loddiges (1738-1826; official abbreviation: Lodd.) is credited as the author of the basionym 'Caladium zamiaefolium Lodd.', even though he had already died in 1826, two years before the publication of Vol. XV. (1828). So the correct author's name of Zamioculcas zamiifolia might be (G.Lodd.) Engl.

George Loddiges
Painting by John Renton
© London Borough of Hackney