Description: OpDirSF is a Tool to scan Direcrories and find any Text in Files.
* Exclude Dir (_vti*.*, sav*.*, ...)
* Exclude Files (*.bak, pagefile.sys, ...)
* Search Text in Files
* Configure your prefered Editor (TextPad, UltraEdit, ...)
* DblClick the Result opens it with your Editor
* Jumping direct to the Text you have searched with the Option DispLine and DispCol
* write a Out-File
* write a FTP-Script-File
Find in your VB-Projects (*.vbp) for "Reference" and "msado15.dll"
Find in your VB-Projects (*.vbp) for "Object" and "COMCTL32.OCX"
Find in your VB-Projects (*.vbp) for common used Modules, Forms, Classes, ... and "zzmod_API"
"Module=zzMod_API; ..\..\vb_Functions\zzMod_API.bas"
Find in your VB-Modules (*.bas) for Api-declares "Declare Function" and "GetDeviceCaps"
"Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "GDI32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal iCapabilitiy As Long) As Long"
VersionHistory: 1.x5 (2003.06.15) Newest Version 1.x4 (2003.05.11) FileSize 1.x3 (2003.05.08) minor 1.x2 (2002.12.22) minor 1.x1 (2002.12.03) w/o DLL 1.x0 (2002.11.29) Start