Description: OpDLTest is a Tool to load a URL and logs the Time, bit/sec,
B/sec, ... to a File.
A Graphic displays the overview of a Day and the Statistics.
The Graphics can be stored to any Directory and the .html-Files also. Here is a
Test: OpDLTest-Online-Statistic
With the Speed
Calculator you can calculate the Download-Time.
Use this Tool to...
Log the Provider-availability and the Speed of the Line.
Set the Host to the nearest Webserver of your Provider, set the AutoTimer
Value to about 60000 (this is 60 Sec.) and check the "Auto
Watch an Webserver
Auto Connect the DUN-Line (ADSL, ...)
Monitor the LAN or WAN Speed
In the LogFile the following Values are stored:
Date, Time, Size, DownloadTime, bit/sec, Byte/sec, KByte/sec, Mbit/sec, MByte/sec
and the URL