About PaintBlog

Is it painting Blogs?
Is it Blogging paint?
Or is it a Blog as paintings instead of words?

PaintBlog - A short description by El(k)ement ©

Spin-Doctor & Head of Art Direction Development. Paradoxical example of recursive self-reference: The label PaintBlog is assigned to both the creator of a visionary virtual space - the PaintBlog - and at the same time denoting this space itself. So probably PaintBlogger would be more appropriate. Often considered non-human due to extraordinary activities from management to composing and paint(blog)ing.

PaintBlog is a resource investigator and monitoring evaluator and foresees the future of EPSI (and life, the universe and everything in general, especially 42). Although or because of his intellectual power, he summarizes his results in ONE IMAGE, which is called "Far in the distance" - "In der Ferne".

PaintBlog has revealed his lyrics / painting relations. Original and un-translatable comment: "ein neues stück paintblog für irgendwen mit elementaren sammelträumen". His subconsciousness-thrilling new work of art is obviously inspired by the EPSI logo. He claims his paintings to be inspired by famous poetry. Due to warping of curved space-time and the consequent formation of worm holes and time travel channels, an inspiration of ancient poets by PaintBlog's paintings explain the correlations more straight forward...


EPSI is a prestigious middle European Think Thank dedicated to:
Elementary research, painting blogs, collecting space and doing something.


www.paintblog.org is an internet page of

Walter Kuhn, MAS
Wallgasse 39/11
A-1060 Wien

paintblog (what do you think should be inserted here) chello.at


Last Modification of this page 16.05.2005 19:49