Olahjiwa Olahtubuh Olahhidup - Alam takambang jadi guru
nyiak rimau

This martial art descends from the long tradition of the Sumateran Silek. Silek is the classic martial art of this isle. There are several regions of origin known, one of them is Western Sumatra - the land of the Minangkabau.


The History

ditepi tebing Originally Silek used simple forms imitating the movements of certain animals or the way plants grow, adapted to human understanding of the art. In consequence of cultural and regional differences hundreds of styles developed. Styles from coastal regions differ vastly from styles from the mountains. During colonial occupation Silek was forced underground and could only survive disguised as a dance.

The Inner Power

The role of Silek in the education of children and in the social structure of Indonesia has always been an important one. Therefore a certain style was taught only within family or village community. Much emphasis was laid on strict secrecy. Silek contains a multitude of magical elements and many exercises to strengthen the tenaga dalam (inner power). Still today all aliran (schools) watch over the ethical discipline of their students. "Respect human life and social conduct" is one of Pandeka Mihar's rules.

The Principles of PM G=Sentak

latihan dalam sasaran Each style of Silek is based on different aspects of training. The characteristics for PM G=Sentak are slow elegant moves alternating with quick snapping attacking techniques, developed from natural reflexes. Four principles can be discerned in PM G=Sentak. Each of them describes one goal and emphasizes one aspect without discriminating the others.
  1. Strengthening of personal defensive power by harmonic movements and breathing techniques.
  2. Defense against physical attacks by effective reflexive techniques both defensive and offensive. Action is based on redirection of the opponent's force.
  3. Careful study of human anatomy to know the vulnerable spots of the opponent in an attack and for use in massage (urut).
  4. Furthering of one's creativity through the dancelike forms of the movements and through traditional music also used for meditation.

Keep the traditional form

Pandeka MiharPandeka Mihar comes from Western Sumatra, which is one of the three regions of origin of Silek. From early childhood on, he was taught the martial arts and self defense techniques of Eastern Asia. Since he was six years old, he received training in the classic traditional Silek of his family. Until a few years ago, this style has only been taught within the inner family circle. Like all men of the Minangkabau he went abroad. After several years of exchanging experience with masters of other styles, participation in Traditional Martial Arts competitions and festivals and full time teaching, he founded his own institute named Pandeka Mihar G=Sentak. His goal is to keep Silek in its traditional form as well as to develop this martial art.

Olahjiwa Olahtubuh Olahhidup - Alam takambang jadi guru
Throwing techniques (Train the mind, train the body, develop your live, nature is your teacher)

is a motto of his institute.
Art and sport are equally important in the school of PM G=Sentak. The education includes basic techniques like kicks and punches (pukulan, tumbuak), throws (lempar, tjampakan, bantingan), locks (kuncian, kabek), levers (tangkapan, tangkok) as well as dances (tari, bungo), weapons (senjata, sinjato), disarming (melutjuti senjata), take away (menggiring) etc. All of those are used in attack as well as in defense. Many of the forms derive from careful study of nature and have been refined over hundreds of years. As the student progresses in his study of PM G=Sentak he reaches the more traditional forms of this art. During this progression the entire body as well as the mind are trained with an emphasis on flexibility. Slow, gentle and harmonious movements serve for mobilizing the tenaga dalam and help balancing out the energy of the opponent, as "Harmony in movement causes harmony in spirit"

"My Weapon is like a sleeping tiger"
Pandeka Mihar

dukun padusi

Most of the traditionally used weapons of Indonesia have their origin in ordinary tools. Use of firearms was prohibited by the colonial forces. Therefore inconspicuous tools, like sticks, sickles or fans were transformed into deadly weapons. Families had their own secret weapons (senjata rahasia), which were passed on together with poison recipes. Today most traditional weapons have lost their importance in self-defense and combat. They are only used in the martial arts and some of the martial dances. Others like the keris (flame knife, snake knife) are symbols of status and may only be carried by honored members of certain families. They are rumored to have magical properties.

The elements of training

Gerak Dasar (basic movements)
Garik / Tari / Bungo (motion/dance/flower of movement)
Sabung Berpasangan / Permainan (fighting techniques/play)
Sabung Bebas / Tjakak (free fighting/combat)
Tari Sewah / Main Pisau kuku alang (dance of the knife/play of the eagel´s knife claw)
Senjata / Ladiang, Tongkat, Sabit, Kurambik, Kipeh, Deta, Saruang, dst.(Universal weapons of the minangkabau/pagaruyuang) 
Bunyi-Bunyian/Aluang Bunian (musicform of the minangkabau/pagaruyuang)

PMG=Sentak – Train your body, open your mind, unfold your self

  The motives why people come to learn in the institute of grandmaster Pandeka Mihar may be very different ones: fascination of southeastern culture and martial arts, the wish to train your body and mind, to do something for your health, to develop your personality, to learn about selfdefence or to compete with others. When you get involved in the training you will learn more about your motives and you will also discover, that PMG=Sentak opens up a wide range of new experiences and of ways to unfold yourself.

As a Westerner, of course, you are confronted with a lot of unknown aspects in this training – with teaching methods, with rules and rituals from another cultural background, and so your first step of learning might be: to open your mind. PMG=Sentak is based on a very old and differenciated tradition of martial arts that were developed on the islands of Indonesia. The different styles of Silek and Galuik evolved in a close relation to nature and to the spiritual world. The movements of animals and the shape and life of plants taught the people how to use their body in the most effective and harmonious way, combined with the power of magic, with human wisdom and with ethical discipline. All these elements are still present in the martial art of PMG=Sentak and as a scholar you are offered the possibility to participate in this rich tradition.

What you are not offered is an exotic trip or a recipe how to become perfect. The whole training is based on the idea that you only learn step by step, by serious practice, by investing a lot of commitment, creativity, time and energy. Mastery is not reduced to the idea of perfection, it means an ongoing process of developing one´s human resources and spiritual potentials.

The Sasaran where the training takes place is thought as the womb of a mother: Here you go back to your sources, you unfold what was given to you. The scholars pay respect to this room, to the teacher and to each other. When you enter the Sasaran, you trie to leave outside the problems and moods of your everyday-life and to concentrate fully on the actual moment. So each scholar is contributing to an atmosphere of hightened attention and energy that supports the learning-process. An important part of the training is the warming up and the >tuning< of the body, often practised together with a partner, sometimes in playful competitions, combined with breathing techniques, with singing, shouting, dancing.

What is characteristic for the style of PMG=Sentak – the alternating of slow, harmonious movements with quick snapping and attacking techniques – this >rhythm< is also typical for the atmosphere in the training. There is exercises and challenges, where you go to your limits, you experience total exhaustion, thrill or fear and there is also playful and joyful actions, moments of relaxing and joking. The changing atmosphere and the altering tasks require a flexible attitude, students learn to react quickly and adequate, to adapt themselves to the actual situation and to the partner, and to be watchful and attentive. When progressing in your training you begin to recognize that this flexibility is one of the clues of PMG=Sentak: The art of fighting developes in the confrontation and exchange with the opponent and with the surrounding, it is the ability to react, to answer, to play, to adapt oneself and to surprise. In every moment you should be aware of your movements and of your surroundings – only if you are able to control your actions you are free to follow your intuition.

The education is focussed on the alternating of offensive and defensive techniques, in a series of choreographed fights the scholars repeat and refine the different techniques, they learn to use them like a language. This means for example that you redirect the attack of your opponent by using the energy of his kick or punch, turning it around like in a dance; or if you are thrown, you can use the touching with the ground as an impulse for an unexpected and swift action. In PMG=Sentak you learn to fall without being hurt or demoralized, by controlling your reactions and using your body in an effective and intelligent way.

All these abilities and techniques are taught in a programm, that includes also shadow fighting, fighting with weapons and education in the classical forms of Silek. In the shadow fighting you learn to work with your imagination, to balance and to aim your movements, to develop your individual expression in a harmonious and aesthetic way. Training with changing partners allows you to recognize and to extend your patterns of reactions and to deal with frustration and agression, and also to discover new aspects and qualities in a repeated course of movements.

There is different graduations, each of them emphasizing a special trait and qualitiy of the art of PMG=Sentak. Before you rise to the next graduation you have to pass an exam: this is the moment to practise all what you have learned, to test your strength, your inner power, your intuition and your perseverance. But it is in every single training hour, that you have the chance to learn, to shift your boundaries and to overcome timidity, irritability and indecision. PMG=Sentak is not focussed on spectacular shows or the thrill of competitions, you work – by the help of others – on your self. By experiencing Pandeka Mihar as a sovereign teacher and masterly performer of PMG=Sentak you can get a sense of the physical and spiritual potential, that lies in this martial art.

  Gisela Steinlechner

The Sasaran

Since 1989 Pandeka Mihar teaches in his sasaran in Vienna, Austria (Europe).

The adress is:

PM G=Sentak Sasaran                                                                           

Wurmsergasse 43/1-2
A-1150 Vienna, Austria
