Java Installation

Move to the directory where you stored install.jar and issue the appropriate command for your OS Windows, Unix, Mac, or Other OS.

Windows with JRE 1.1.x:
jre -cp .;install.jar;[pathname]\swingall.jar load
Notes: You must replace [pathname] with the full path on your system to swingall.jar 1.1/1.2. There is a . (period) followed by a : (colon) before install.jar.

Windows with JRE 1.2.x or 1.3.x:
java -jar install.jar

Unix with JRE 1.1.x:
jre -cp .:install.jar:[pathname]/swingall.jar load
Notes: You must replace [pathname] with the full path on your system to swingall.jar 1.1/1.2. There is a . (period) followed by a : (colon) before install.jar.

Unix with JRE 1.2.x or 1.3.x:
java -jar install.jar

Mac with JRE 1.1.x, 1.2.x or 1.3.x:
  1. Make sure Apple's MRJ SDK is installed which includes the JBindery and other tools
  2. Launch the JBindery and add then enter load manually in the Command panel.
  3. In the Command panel, choose paths for console output and input.
  4. In the Classpath panel, enter install.jar in the search paths. If you're using JRE 1.1.x, then also include swingall.jar.
  5. In the Appearance panel, select any desired appearance features.
  6. In the Security panel, choose whether you want to use the code verifier.
  7. In any of the panels, select the Run button (or press the Return key) to execute the Java application.

Other OS with JRE 1.1.x:
jre -cp .:install.jar:[pathname]/swingall.jar load
Notes: You must replace [pathname] with the full path on your system to swingall.jar 1.1/1.2. There is a . (period) followed by the path separator for the OS before install.jar.

Other OS with JRE 1.2.x or JRE 1.3.x:

If your system has been configured to automatically launch .jar files with Java 2, then you can simply double click on install.jar.

Otherwise, issue the command:

java -java install.jar

After you complete the installation, you'll be ready to start your new Java app.

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