Oberon-2 Source Code Beautifier

The Beautifier is a programm that reformats Oberon-2 Source-Code in compliance to the style-guide of the Department for System Software at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria.

The latest release fixes a lot of bugs, it should be really stable now. You can ftp it from ftp://sport1.uibk.ac.at/pub/tanis/ or directly by clicking here: Beautifier.Cod

New! I fixed a slip that caused exported procedures not to be displayed in bold font.

To assure system-independance the Files are ASCII-Encoded. Paths for decoding are adapted to the new directory structure of Linz V4.
In contrast to previous releases, all Documentation (plus a Beautifier.Tool) is included in the above file. .

This is the second release of Beautifier. It features:

Be sure to keep backups of your source-codes before using the beautifier! There ist no warranty as to what beautifier will do.
The Beautifier was made as a programming project at the Department of Software, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria. It was written by Robert Lichtenberger with support from Univ.-Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Markus Knasmüller
If you have troubles downloading you may also try The departments FTP - Server . The Beautifier should be under /pub/Oberon/LinzTools/
Please report any bugs you discovered or suggestions/proposals about the beautifier to: lichtenberger@ssw.uni-linz.ac.at or lichtenberger@ssw.uni-linz.ac.at
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