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Release notes

Changes in LatinByrd III (v7)

LatinByrd III v7 now recognizes footnotes in RTF documents. In the converted HTML documents, the footnotes are output as endnotes, and the numbering restarts with 1 in each document. The visual appearance of the footnote links can be altered in the Links preferences.

Font family names
LatinByrd III v7 now optionally outputs the names of the font families used, along with alternate font family hints. For example: <font face="Univers,Helvetica" size="+2">. For this, the Add font family names option has to be turned on in the Fonts & Characters preferences. Note that the 'face' attribute is not part of the HTML3.2 specification, and many browsers ignore this attribute.

Specifying additional attributes for anchor tags
Previously, the "Marker name" field in Edit's Link Inspector was always converted to a marker component of the anchor's link target. For example,

File name: SomeDoc.rtfd
Marker name: SomeMarker


<a href="SomeDoc.html#SomeMarker">
Now, if surrounded by angle brackets, the "Marker name" field is converted to additional tag attributes instead of to a marker component. For example,

File name: SomeDoc.rtfd
Marker name: <title="aTitle" rel="aType">


<a href="SomeDoc.html" title="aTitle" rel="aType">

Specifying text & background colors per web page
In case a <body ...> line is encountered as the last line of a document's red header lines, this line will be used as the "body" line in the converted web page, instead of a "body" line auto-generated according to the current Colors & Background preferences.
This lets you hard-code the text and background colors, on a per-page basis. Note that background images (specified via the "background=" tag) will not be copied/converted automatically. This would have to be done manually, after conversion.

Bug fixes

In LatinByrd III v6, shared background images for tables - as well as for individual table cells - were referenced from within the HTML pages as being local images instead of being shared ones.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd III v7.

Known bugs

Same as LatinByrd III v6's.

Changes in LatinByrd III (v6)

Table row/column end tags
LatinByrd III v6 now outputs </tr>, </td>, and </th> table row/column end tags.
Note: acc. to W3C's official HTML 3.2 reference specification, these end tags are as superfluous as is for instance the </p> tag. But try to tell this the morons at Netscape. Anyway, these end tags won't harm except making your web pages unnecessarily larger by perhaps a few bytes. If you want to disable the output of these end tags, enter the following command in a Terminal window:

dwrite LatinByrd UseTableEndTags NO
(There is no Preferences switch to control this setting.)

Automatic copying of referenced documents
During conversion of document trees, LatinByrd III v6 now checks whether any of the rejected files - i.e. those files which will not get converted to web pages - are referenced from within documents which will get converted. If so, the affected files are automatically carried over to the destination tree.
As an example, suppose you want a web page of yours to display a thumbnail image, which downloads the full-size image when clicked on. For this, copy the full-size version somewhere to your document tree, drop the thumbnail version in your RTFD 'source' document, and insert a link directly in front of the thumbnail image, selecting the full-size image as the link's target file. Note that the full-size image should already be in GIF, PNG, or JPEG format, as it will be copied to the destination tree w/o undergoing any image conversion.

Bug fixes

LatinByrd III v5 did not correctly restore the font size and font color for a paragraph's text which comes after a link. (The font settings were restored correctly only in case the link text was underlined.)
This has been fixed in LatinByrd III v6.
For a document tree containing - side-by-side - a subdirectory and a document which differ by extension only (for instance, a subdirectory myName and a document myName.rtf), LatinByrd III v5 created malformed URLs for links from other documents to myName.rtf.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd III v6.

Known bugs

Same as LatinByrd III v5's.

Changes in LatinByrd III (v5)

Table Inspector
LatinByrd's new Table Inspector lets you create tables with any desired cell layout. All HTML 3.2 table and cell attributes are supported, plus table and cell background colors and images. Tables created with the Table Inspector are stored in 'serialized' form in your documents.

Special-purpose fonts rendered as inline images
Characters from special-purpose fonts - which can't be displayed in HTML directly - now can automatically be rendered as inline images. Example: greek letters from the Symbol font, signs from the ITC Zapf Dingbats font, etc. etc.

HTML <head> tags
HTML code lines which precede your document's text will automatically go to the <head> section. Note that this way, you can set the web page's title to your liking.

Conversion of nroff files
Support for ASCII files in nroff format - UNIX man pages, for instance - has been added: nroff files are internally pre-converted via the UNIX command pipe "tbl | nroff -man -Tepson", preserving the 'bold' and 'italic' text attributes.

Less restrictive acceptance of file extensions
During conversion of document trees, RTF and nroff files are always accepted now, regardless of their extension.

Alternate text to display instead of images
You can now specify an alternate text for each of your images. (When the display of images is turned off in the user's browser, these texts will be shown within the empty image borders.) To specify an alternate text for an image, insert a marker directly behind that image, and enter the desired text in Edit's Marker Inspector.

Storing all images in the image subfolder
In the 'Files & Folders' preferences, you can now specify that all of your documents' images shall be stored in the given subfolder, regardless of whether they're indeed shared by at least two documents or not.

Bug fixes

For underlined links which - in your document - happen to get wrapped to the next line, LatinByrd II created two links instead of a single one.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd III.
LatinByrd II did occasionally output end tags like </font> or </b> in sawtoothed order with end tag </a>.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd III.
Upto (and incl.) Beta4, LatinByrd III did not correctly restore the font size and font color for a paragraph's text which comes after a link.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd III v5.
Upto (and incl.) Beta4, LatinByrd III's 'Fonts & Characters' preferences did freeze the application when you entered a new font size and then tabbed to the next text field, instead of pressing <Enter>.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd III v5.
Upto (and incl.) LatinByrd III Beta4, link target paths (i.e. directory file names) which contain umlauts or accented characters have not been URLified correctly.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd III v5.
For directory and file names intended to travel across the internet, use of umlauts or accented characters is strongly discouraged, anyway.

Known bugs

Same as LatinByrd II's.

Changes in LatinByrd II

Load & Save setup
New File Load Setup and File Save Setup As commands let you load/save all preference settings from/to .LBSetup files.

Embedded HTML tags
You can now enter HTML tags directly into your documents.

PNG graphics format
Conversion of TIFF/EPS images to PNG graphics format has been added. PNGs are usually smaller than GIFs, support two-dimensional interlaced rendering, and support TRUE ALPHA. LatinByrd creates PNGs w/colormap only (with and without alpha channel). Creation of lossless, truecolor PNGs is not supported.
In the Image Conversion panel, GIF and PNG share the same image well.

Progressive JPEG
The new "Progressive" option creates JPEGs which render progressively, i.e. two-dimensional interlaced.

Selectable maximum amount of colors
For GIF and PNG images, the maximum amount of colors/grays (i.e. the maximum number of palette entries) can be specified freely in a range from 2 to 256.

Improved grayscale handling
Grayscale GIFs previously couldn't be Netscaped or Floyded. They now can.

More zoom steps
In the Image Conversion panel, the zoom popup now also has 50% and 25% steps available.

Background image
To display a different background wallpaper in the Image Conversion panel, drag any image from outside into one of the image wells.

Selectable background color
In the Image Conversion panel, a tiny background color well has been added. This lets you view your images against different background colors. Note that for images w/transparency, the GIF and JPEG Apply! buttons will get enabled whenever a new background color is dragged into the color well.

Side-by-side image wells
In the Image Conversion panel, a button has been added that lets you switch between top/bottom image wells and left/right image wells. (For the latter, the GIF/PNG image is the left one.)

.cw extension
LatinByrd now recognizes CedarWord's .cw extension.

Bug fixes

When replacing underlined link buttons with neighboring text, LatinByrd not only created <a></a> tags, but also <u></u> tags which are superfluous. Further, the end tags were in sawtoothed order: <a href="..."><u>some text</a></u>.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd II.
For relative links to target files which are neither RTF/RTFD documents nor have any of the other accepted file extensions, LatinByrd created erroneous anchors like
<a href="../myPath/myPage.html.html">...</a>.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd II.
Soft line breaks were converted to hard breaks. This made no difference in page rendering, but made manual post-processing more difficult.
This has been fixed in LatinByrd II.
Unused instances of the invisible spacer image "sp.gif" as well as of the link button image are now automatically removed at the end of a conversion run.

Known bugs

LatinByrd still converts underlined words to underlined words. That is, non-underlined whitespace in between two underlined words gets underlined as well. For minimal use of attribute tags like <b> or <i> or alike, LatinByrd ignores attribute changes that would affect whitespace chars only. This works fine for, say, bold and italic (where the difference is invisible), but not for underline (where the difference is visible).
In the Image Conversion panel, the background color (if shown) does reflect the current gamma settings, while the background image (if shown) does not.This yields a preview mismatch of pre-resolved transparency. You can temporarily click the "Gamma" option away to get an impression of whether the selected background color really fits the selected background image.
Note that LatinByrd does not render GIFs, PNGs, and JPEGs on its own, but instead relies on an image filter app being installed on your system. And whether the supplied images are indeed gamma-corrected varies from filter app to filter app and from graphics format to graphics format...

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