Step Side, Cross Rock Replace, Chasse 1/4 Turn,
Step Turn 1/2, Triple 1/2 |
1 |
Step left to left side |
2 , 3 |
Cross rock right over left, replace weight on
left |
4 & 5 |
Chasse right to right side making 1/4 turn right |
6, 7 |
Step forward on left, Step turn 1/2 right |
8 & 1 |
Triple 1/2 turn right on the spot stepping left,
right, left |
Step Back Slide, Ball Step, Walk, Walk, Rock and
Cross |
2 - 4 |
Big step back on right, slide left up to right over 2
counts |
& 5 |
Step back on ball of left, step forward on right |
6, 7 |
Walk forward left, right |
8 & 1 |
Rock left to left side, replace weight onto right,
cross left over right |
1/4 Turn x 2,Shuffle Forward, Sway, Sway,
Shuffle Forward |
2 , 3 |
Making 1/4 turn left, step back on right, making 1/4
turn left step left to left side |
4 & 5 |
Shuffle forward on right |
6 , 7 |
Small step forward on left foot swaying weight onto
it, sway weight back onto right |
8 & 1 |
Shuffle forward on left |
Side Touch x 3, Rock and Cross |
2 , 3 |
Step right to right side, touch left toe out to left
side while slightly turning body to left corner |
4 , 5 |
Step left to left side, touch right toe out to right
side while slightly turning body to right corner |
6 , 7 |
Step right to right side, touch left toe out to left
side while slightly turning body to left corner |
8 & 1 |
Side rock left to left side, replace weight onto
right, cross left over right |
Rock Forward Replace, RightLock Back, Sweep 1/4
Step, Rock, Step Side |
2 , 3 |
Rock forward on right to slight right diagonal,
replace weight back on left |
4 & 5 |
Right lock back stepping, right, left right |
6 , 7 |
Making a 1/4 turn left sweep left toe out to left
side, step back on left foot |
8 & 1 |
Rock back on right, replace weight forward on left,
step right to right side |
Over Side, Sailor x 2 |
2 , 3 |
Cross left over right, step right foot to right side |
4 & 5 |
Left sailor step |
6 , 7 |
Cross right over left, step left to left side |
8 & 1 |
Sailor Step |
Hold Ball Step x 2, Over Side, Sailor 1/4 Turn |
2 & 3 |
Hold, bring left up to right, step right to right
side |
4 & 5 |
Hold, bring left up to right, step right to right
side |
6 , 7 |
Cross left over right, step right to right side |
8 & 1 |
Sailor 1/4 turn left |
Walk, Walk, Mambo Forward, 2 Walks Back, Rock Back
Replace |
2 , 3 |
Walk forward right, left |
4 & 5 |
Mambo rock forward on right foot |
6 , 7 |
Walk back on left, right |
8 & |
Rock back on left, replace weight forward on right
foot |
Begin Again |