2004 |
Fox Video |
Bar Code No:
5039036016025 |
Region 2 |
Sp. Features:
Audio commentaries from directors, producers, writers and creator Joss Whedon
Deleted scenes
Serenity: The Tenth Character featurette
The Making Of Firefly featurette
Joss Whedon tours the set
Footage from Alan Tudyk's audition
Joss Whedon sings the Firefly theme!
Gag reel
Easter Egg (hidden feature)
Firefly - The Complete Series |
Serenity Part 1
Original Title:
Serenity Part 1 |
Firefly: 1-1 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Joss Whedon
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
After a flashback to Zoe's and Mal's days in the wars six years previous, we cut to the modern day where the Serenity crew is running a salvage operation on a deserted ship and are forced to flee witht he cargo when the Alliance show up. Their buddy Badger refuses to buy the cargo so they head off to the rim worlds after picking up three passengers: Book, Simon, and Dobson. En route someone sends a signal to the Alliance and it turns out to be Dobson, an undercover Federal agent, who arrests Simon but is glad to take the whole crew in. He shoots Kaylee before being captured, and Simon forces Mal to flee in return for his doctoring services. When Mal investigates Simon's cargo he finds a naked woman...
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Firefly FAQ
Schweizer Firefly Fan-Site
Official DVD Site
Serenity Part 2
Original Title:
Serenity Part 2 |
Firefly: 1-2 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Joss Whedon
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
The naked woman is Simon's sister River, a government test subject he helped to escape. After ducking a dreaded reaver ship, Mal tries and cuts a deal with Patience, an old "friend" but suspects a trap. Patience tries an ambush but the team escapes just as the Reavers return and the Federal agent breaks loose. Mal shoots the agent dead and Wash manages to duck the Reavers. at the end Mal decides to take on all three of his remaining passengers full-time.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
The Train Job
Original Title:
The Train Job |
Firefly: 1-3 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Joss Whedon
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Während die Serenity illegale Transporte durch den von der Allianz kontrollierten Raum fliegt, wird die Crew der Serenity vom einem mächtigen und gefürchteten Gauner namens Adelei Niska angehäuert, einen Zug auszurauben. Der Zug transportiert medizinische Hilfsgüter für eine Gemeinde; Reynolds und Zoe werden misstrauisch. Mit Inara's Hilfe werden Sie aus der misslichen Lage befreit und bemerken, daß sie betrogen wurden. Sie versuchen Niska das Geld zurückzubringen. Dessen Gefolgsmann ist nicht sehr glücklich, aber Mel "überzeugt" den nächsten, das Geld zurückzunehmen.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Original Title:
Bushwacked |
Firefly: 1-4 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Tim Minear
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Bei einer Erkundungstour auf einem treibenden Kolonie- schiff, findet die Crew der Serentiy Hinweise darauf, dass die Crew von den kanibalistischen Reaver's getötet wurde. Sie finden einen Ueberlebenden, aber die Dinge nehmen eine schlechte Wende als ein Schiff der Allianz auftaucht, das nach einem nicht registrieten Firefly-Klasse Schiff sucht, welches ein Geschwisterpaar beherbergen soll.
Die Crew versteckt Simon and River und weichen den Fragen des Allianz-Kommandanten aus, aber der Ueberlebende wurde beim Ueberfall der Reaver geistesgestört und startet einen Blutigen "Racheakt".
Mel rettet den Kommander der Allianz und dieser lässt sie schliesslich gehen.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Disc 2 |
Original Title:
Shindig |
Firefly: 1-5 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Vern Gillum
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Auf dem Planeten Persephone kontaktiert die Crew ihren alten "Freund" Badger, um einige Güter für einen lokalen Gangsterboss zu transportieren.
Während Mal auf einem Ball einen Transportjob vereinbaren will, muss er Inara, derren Ehre von einem gegenwärtigen Kunden beleidigt wurde, verteidigen.
Gemäss lokanlen Gepflogenheiten fordert er Inaras Kunden, Atherton Wing, zum Duell auf.
Inara muss Mal beibringen, wie man mit einem Schwert umgeht, während Badger den Rest der Serenitycrew festhält, um zu verhindern, dass sie sich in seine Wiederernennung einmischen können.
Dank Inaras Ablenkungsmanöver, gelingt es Mal, Atherton zu besiegen und den Job zu erhalten.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Original Title:
Safe |
Firefly: 1-6 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Michael Grossman
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Die Serenity liefert das Vieh (aus "Shindig") aus. Kaylee und Inara gehen auf dem Planeten schoppen, und Kaylee's crush on Simon is again brought up.
Later, Book is shot as a bystander during the crew's cattle deal.
Unfortunately Simon and River have been captured by hillfolk who need a doctor for their community.
Book eventually receives medical attention when Mal takes a chance and takes him to an Alliance base. When they see Book's ident card they immediately give him treatment.
Meanwhile, Simon and River receive an initially warm welcome from the community which has many afflicted people who are in need of serious help. When River is able to telepathically find out things about a little girl named Ruth who has not spoken since her mother went insane and tried to kill her, she is accused of being of witch.
The townfolk try to burn her at the stake, but Simon is able to stall, just enough for Mal and the crew to come back and save them.
Meanwhile, we see flashbacks to how River was taken to The Academy and Simon's early attempts to get her free
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Our Mrs. Reynolds
Original Title:
Our Mrs. Reynolds |
Firefly: 1-7 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Vondie Curtis-Hall
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Nachdem sie einen Job auf einem Planeten durchgeführt haben, erfährt Mal, dass er unbeabsichtigter Weise, mit Saffron, einer naiven jungen Frau, verheiratet wurde. Saffron verlässt ihre Heimat, um bei ihrem "Ehemann" zu sein.
Durch ihr Ungeschick werden Mal und Wash von Saffron ausser Gefecht gesetzt, während sie das Schiff für die Uebernahmen durch Raumpiraten vorbereitet und einen Kurs einschlägt. Sie versiegelt die Steuerung und macht sich mit einem Shuttle aus dem Staub.
Die Serenity ist auf Kurs mit einem Schiff, das andere Schiffe durch ein elektronisches Netz verschrotten kann.
Die Crew entscheidet, das Netz mit einem gezielten Schuss ausser Kraft zu setzten und sich Saffron zu schnappen.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Original Title:
Jaynestown |
Firefly: 1-8 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Marita Grabiak
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Die Serenity landet bei einer Kolonie auf Canton, in der Jayne für einen Vorfall, der vor Jahren stattfand, als Held gefeiert wird. Er liess damals unbeabsichtigt einen Sack voll Geld, das er uns sein Partner Stitch vom örtlichen Richter gestohlen haben.
Obwohl Jayne weiss, dass er fällschlicher Weise als Held gefeiert wird, ändert er nichts an dieser Tatsache und geniesst es in vollen Zügen.
Unterdessen tanzen Kaylee und Simon, River schreibt Book's Bibel um und Inara macht sich daran, den Sohn des Richters zu 'entjungfern".
Der Richter lässt Stitch, der damals geschnappt wurde, frei, sich an Jayne zu rächen und den Stadtmenschen die wahre Geschichte zu erklären, aber sie scheinen sich nicht dafür zu interessieren und ein junger Mann opfert sogar sein Leben, um Jayne zu retten. Ein Opfer, welches dieser nur mit Mühe verstehen kann.
Mit der Hilfe des Sohns des Richters gelingt es der Crew der Serenity zu entkommen.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Disc 3 |
Out of Gas
Original Title:
Out of Gas |
Firefly: 1-9 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
David Solomon
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Die Episode beginnt mit einem verwundetet Mal, der benommen auf dem Schiff umherirrt.
Die Serenity hat nach einer Explosion im Maschinenraum ihre Lebenerhaltungssysteme verloren.
Die anderen acht Crewmitglieder verlassen mit den zwei Shuttles das Schiff in entgegengesetzten Richtungen, während Mal an Bord bleibt und hofft, dass jemand auf Ihre Notsignal reagiert.
Zurück in der Gegenwart, irrt Mal immernoch durchs Schiff und erlebt verscheidene Flashbacks, wie der die Serenity erwarb, Wash and Kaylee anheuerte, Inara als Pasagier anwarb, und von Jayne angegriffen wurde und ihn dann ebenfalls für sich gewinnen konnte.
Ein anderes Schiff hat auf den Notruf reagiert und offeriert Mal das benötige Ersatzteil, aber dessen Captain beschiesst ihn und versucht die Serenity zu kapern. Doch Mal gelingt es die Bande zu überwältigen und das Ersatzteil zu retten.
Der schwer verwundete Mal versucht das Teil in die Systeme einzubauen, hat erfolgt, erreicht aber den Rückruftaster für die Shuttles nicht mehr, bevor er geschwächt vom Blutverlust zusammenbricht.
Aber diese haben ohnehin beschlossen zum Schiff zurückzukehren.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Original Title:
Ariel |
Firefly: 1-10 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Allan Kroeker
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
The crew visit the planet Ariel because Inara needs to receive an annual Companion physical. The crew is offered a surprising job by Simon: in return for stolen medicine he wants them to get him into a hospital to use a high-end scanner to diagnosis River. Simon devises a plan - Kaylee and Wash browse through the local dump and find parts to make an imitation emergency vehicle so the crew can get into the hospital posing as EMTs. Simon and River pose as corpses with the aid of a drug Simon has. While Mal and Zoe round up some medicine, Jayne stays with River and Simon, who are unaware he has ratted them out to the Alliance in return for money.
Jayne rushes Simon through the examination and on the way out Jayne, Simon, and River are caught by the Alliance. Jayne is betrayed by the Alliance and becomes a prisoner himself. They manage to escape as the Men With Blue Hands arrive and ruthlessly execute anyone who had contact with the Tams. Mal and Zoe end up saving their friends and Simon makes a big deal about Jayne fighting, thinking he was trying to save River and himself. Mal realizes that Jayne leaked the information about Simon and River to the alliance and tosses Jayne in the airlock. Jayne admits to doing so and Mal decides to let Jayne off the hook. In the end, Inara returns, and Simon begins "healing" River.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
War Stories
Original Title:
War Stories |
Firefly: 1-11 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
James Contner |
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Jealous of Zoe's relationship with Mal, Wash insists (thanks to a bit of scheming) that he go with Mal to try to sell some of the medical supplies the crew stole from the Alliance. In the middle of the deal Mal and Wash are kidnapped by men working for Niska the crime lord, who wants revenge against Mal for the botched train heist. He tortures Mal and Wash until Zoe shows up offering money in exchange for the prisoners. Niska says that the money is only enough for one person and Zoe chooses Wash. Wash realizes that Mal's antagonizing him while they were being tortured was to help keep him alive and kicking. This inspires him to do everything he can to help Zoe rescue Mal from Niska. The rest of the crew jump on board to save the Captain.
Meanwhile Inara extends her services to a council member. To the crew of Serenity's surprise, it's a woman. And Simon continues to treat River with some of the medicine he stole but she suffers the occasional relapse as well as displays a penchant for blind-shooting
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Original Title:
Trash |
Firefly: 1-12 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Vern Gillum
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Saffron (from "Our Mrs. Reynolds") returns - after Mal breaks up her current gig, she convinces him and the crew to help out with a "perfect crime" that isn't. The crime: go to Bellerophon and steal a criminal's prototype laser gun from his collection. The plan: Saffron and Mal sneak in and dump the gun down the trash, bypassing security, and the Serenity crew grab it from the disposal system. Of course, this is Saffron, and it turns out she's married to the crook, Durran, and plans to double-cross Mal. Things don't work out so well and Saffron strands Mal naked in the desert. Fortunately Mal and Inara anticipated a betrayal and set it up so Inara grabs the gun, leaves Saffron behind, and rescues Mal.
Meanwhile, Simon figures out Jayne betrayed them (in "Ariel") and the two have words.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Disc 4 |
The Message
Original Title:
The Message |
Firefly: 1-13 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Tim Minear
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
An old war comrade of Mal's and Zoe's, Tracey, mails his corpse to them. He also leaves a message asking them to deliver his body to his family. Some men claiming to be with the Alliance is on the trail of the body and catch up to them demanding the body. The crew can't find anything on Tracey's corpse, but as they prepare to cut it open, Tracey comes back to life. He explains he is smuggling super-organs in his own body. They flee to the planet with the men in hot pursuit and eventually/supposedly agree to give up Tracey. Tracey gets wind of the plan and makes a break for it with Kaylee as a hostage - they shoot him down and Mal reveals they were going to send the officer off since he's out of his jurisdiction and on a personal mission with no authority. Then Tracey dies and they deliver his body for real this time.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Heart of Gold
Original Title:
Heart of Gold |
Firefly: 1-14 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Thomas J. Wright
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
The crew of the Serenity are in for a gunfight when one of Inara's companion colleagues asks for their help. The Serenity crew defends a bordello from a gunslinger who got a prostitute pregnant and now intends to collect the child; Mal falls for the bordello's madam.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database
Objects in Space
Original Title:
Objects in Space |
Firefly: 1-15 |
2002 |
42 min |
Aspect Ratio:
1,78:1 |
Surround 2.0 |
Joss Whedon
Nathan Fillion
Gina Torres
Alan Tudyk
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
When River gets hold of a loaded gun the crew begins to believe she may never recover. Their discussions are interrupted by the arrival of a bounty hunter, Early, who sneaks on board the ship and takes out or locks up the crew and forces Simon at gunpoint to take him to River. River talks to him, apparently having possessed the ship. She stalls for time only to reveal she is on Early's ship. She claims that since the crew was willing to give her up, she's best off going with Early. But when he leaves Mal has been directed to him by River and kicks the bounty hunter off into space.
Web Links:
Internet Movie Database