Bernhard Lang


Short notice on the relationship between the original Wagner score and the resulting composition in Bernhard Langs "Parsifal"

The whole piece follows

  1. Wagner time structure, ranging from the overall prelude/3-act/2 intermissions-structure down to the length of individual "scenes",
    resulting in the length of about 200 minutes
  2. Wagners text: this is being transformed by
    1. translations into French (Blumenmädchen), English (Amfortas), Hebrew (Choir)
    2. cuts of "key-texts", omissions of lenghtier narrations (Gurnemanz)
    3. looping of "hook-lines" "Erlösung von Erlösern"
  3. Wagners narrative, with subtle changes and transformation of relationsships and persons (Kundry wins)
  4. Wagners personages, with the omission of Titurel and the reduction to 4 Blumenmädchen; one Knappe is sung by a Soprano, Parsifal by a counter

The whole piece follows my technique of Difference/Repetition, lined out in "Theater of Repetitions", "I hate Mozart", "Montezuma", "Der Reigen", "Der Golem".

Bernhard Lang Vienna 8 Dec 2015