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Interface of the SRR Framework


An SrrTrains model railroad layout has following Software Structure (Overview).

Minimum Interfaces

Your module provides at least the following Minimum Interface miMod(Module).

Your model provides at least the following Minimum Interface miMod(Model).

SRR Framework

The SRR Controller - Base Module provides following Interface uiControl(SrrControl).

The SRR Controller - Train Manager Module (TMM) provides following Interface uiControl(SrrControlTm).

The Module Coordinator - Base Module provides following Interface uiMod(SrrModCoord).

The Module Coordinator - Train Manager Module (TMM) provides following Interface uiMod(SrrModCoordTm).

The Tracer provides following Interface (SrrTracer).

SRR Objects

Basic SRR Objects (no TMM necessary)

The trigger provides following Interface uiObj(SrrTrigger).

The binary switch provides following Interface uiObj(SrrSwitchA).

The carousel drive provides following Interface uiObj(SrrDriveA).

The key container provides following Interface uiObj(SrrKeyContainer).

The lock provides following Interface uiObj(SrrLock).

The avatar containers provide some means to solve the "bouncing avatars problem", that appeared when entering the moving carousel.
The avatar container provides following Interface uiObj(SrrAvatarContainer).
The master avatar container provides following Interface uiAva(SrrMasterAvatarContainer).

SRR Objects for Tracks and Turnouts (TMM necessary)

The basic track section provides following Interface uiObj(SrrBasicTrackSection).

The basic 2-way turnout provides following Interface uiObj(SrrBasicTurnout2Way).

The n-way switch that is used in turnouts, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrSwitchB).

The track edge provides following Interface uiObj(SrrTrackEdge).

The track node provides following Interface uiObj(SrrTrackNode).

The setup point that is used to create vehicles, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrSetupPoint).

SRR Objects for Vehicles (TMM necessary)

The 2-axled wagon type A provides following Interface uiObj(SrrWagon2axA).

The "Rocket" style locomotive provides following Interface uiObj(SrrA1plus2).

The axle that is used in vehicles, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrAxle).

The transformation type A that can be used in axles and vehicles, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrTransformationA).

The simple cab type A that is used in vehicles, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrCabA).

The boolean control type A that is used in vehicle cabs, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrControlBoolA).

The integer control type A that is used in vehicle cabs, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrControlIntA).

The floating point control type A that is used in vehicle cabs, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrControlFloatA).

The floating point control type B (plane sensor) that is used in vehicle cabs, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrControlFloatB).

The simple vehicle drive type A that is used in vehicles, provides following Interface uiObj(SrrVehicleDriveA).

3rd Party SRR Objects

You could develop and provide your own SRR objects - currently no documentation for this.