EDV Aktuell |
Futurezone ||
heise.de ||
Linux Weekly ||
Linux Magazin.de ||
CERT.at ||
Dr. Web Webdesign Magazin ||
telekom_presse_at ||
wcm |
Open Source Software |
FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory |
TheOpenCD - Quality Open Source for Windows |
2005-06 |
LibreOffice der Nachfolger des freien OpenOffice |
The Document Foundation
2013-08 |
Dmaths Mathematik Makropaket für LibreOffice-Writer |
2014-05 |
Apache OpenOffice.de •
The Apache OpenOffice API Project |
2013-08 |
Andrew Pitonyak's OpenOffice Macro Information |
2006-12 |
Unix commands and tools |
Unix Tutorial and command reference |
2003-02 |
bash quick reference |
bash advanced scripting guide
die bash ist die Standard-Shell unter Linux |
2003-02 |
bash programming resources |
2016-04 |
Tutorial pages (Donovan Rebbechi):
Unix & Linux Index |
grep (incl. regex) |
sed |
2008-01 |
GNU-awk user's guide ||
an awk primter |
2008-01 |
Cygwin - Unix shells, GUIs and tools on top of Win |
Cygwin Homepage |
Cygwin/XFree *
Mailing Lists:
2003-03 |
Linux |
Linux Mint ||
Ubuntu |
Kubuntu (=Ubuntu+KDE) •
ubuntu-forum.de •
Planet Ubuntu (blog) •
synaptic Package manager GUI ||
Debian |
2014-05 |
SelfLinux Linux Hypertext Tutorial •
Linux Online •
Linux in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition - online!
2014-05 |
http://www.rpmfind.net/ |
@fr2.rpmfind.net |
@gd.tuwien.ac.at ||
rpmseek ||
links2linux (.rpm für SuSE)
2005 |
Wubi -
an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users (Linux within container file partitions) |
2007-04 |
GRML Linux Live-CD for sysadmins and texttool-users |
2006-07 |
LPI - Linux Professional Institute Professional Certification for the Linux Community |
2006-05 |
vim, (vi unter Linux) - der Unix Editor |
vim (=improved vi):
online handbook (pdf)
orig. |
vim cookbook
2004-09 |
vim regular expressions: manual •
magic characters •
@softpanorama •
@Andrew's blog |
2014-05 |
Programming Environment |
Komodo Edit is the free and Open-Source counterpart of
Komodo IDE.
2015-08 |
Software Version Control • Versionsverwaltung |
git |
2010-04 |
git-cheatsheet @github.com |
2017-01 |
Apache™ Subversion® •
svn V.1.7 book
2015-08 |
Virtualisierung |
VirtualBox (Oracle) (für Linux u. Win Hosts) |
2008-01 |
VMware (kommerziell) |
Discussion forums |
2006-11 |
Tool for loading preconfigured virtual servers. •
Vagrant Boxes for Download •
Box list @vagrantbox.es
2016-04 |
xen (linux-basiert) |
2006-11 |
coLinux - Cooperative Linux |
wiki |
2014-05 |
Unix kommerziell |
Oracle Solaris 10 |
2013-08 |
IBM® e-server and AIX Information Center |
compiler information center |
2006-05 |
Firewalls |
a proven open source firewall with easy-to-use web interface |
2014-05 |
drag-and-drop GUI application configuring Linux iptables, Cisco ASA and PIX, Cisco FWSM, Cisco ACL,
pf, ipfw and ipfilter for BSD … |
2004-09 |
DNS Nameservice - bind |
bind @Internet Systems Consortium |
2014-05 |
DNS and BIND, 4th Edition - www.oreilly.com |
2004-09 |
Musik unter Linux |
Linux Distributions for Music: Ubuntu Studio |
2008-02 |
audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor, music editing environment •
Rosegarden tutorial ||
LilyPond Notensatz |
2008-10 |
Links to Sound Fonts:
www.saunalahti.fi |
www.synthzone.com |
2008-01 |
Aeolus - a synthesized (not sampled) pipe organ emulator:
Aelus Homepage |
older but still existing home-page |
wiki |
2015-08 |
Linkliste: Sound and MIDI sw for Linux |
2008-02 |
Musik am Computer - Payware |
Roland |
cakewalk (music sw) |
2008-02 |
an advanced computer organ system - a virtual pipe organ
@orgelbits.de |
2014-05 |
SCPOP - sound canvas pipe organ project |
2008-02 |
Foren: Music and Sound Cards
2008-02 |
3D Gestaltung am Computer |
blender |
wiki.blender.org |
cloud.blender.org •
List of addons that work with blender 2.8 |
2019-08 |
blender art magazine •
BlenderNationart, education, news |
blenderartists.org |
blendermarket.com |
2019-08 |
blender for architecture tutorials |
de.wikibooks.org Doku-Wiki |
Virtual Women '04 |
2019-08 |
Computer Grafik |
INKSCAPE - Vektorgrafikeditor |
Inkscape Wiki |
2007-02 |
Linux Printing / Drucken unter Linux |
CUPS Printing Setup Mini-HOWTO |
2006-08 |
MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows |
MinGW Homepage |
2005-08 |
Regular Expressions |
RegEx Tests für PHP (PCRE|POSIX) Java Script, Perl, Python |
2008-05 |
Regular Expression Test Page (@www.fileformat.info)
für Tests mit
java.util.regex |
2007-10 |
RegExp Online Tool (deutsch PHP) ||
Regex Coach (Lisp) |
2006-11 |
Five Habits for Successful Regular Expressions |
2005-05 |
PHP-Manual dt •
en •
PHP Homepage |
2011-11 |
pecl&pear (wiki) |
pear |
pecl |
2006-10 |
PHP Handbuch •
Buch: Prof.SW-Entwicklung mit PHP5 |
2007-04 |
symfony 1.x •
Symfony 2.x PHP framework for web projects
1.x Documentation
• 2.x Documentation |
2013-08 |
WWW (coding) |
Self-HTML Dokumentation
Forum |
2014-11 |
www.w3schools.com -
CSS Tutorial -
CSS Color Names -
Web Validation •
CSS3 Cheat Sheet -
HTML5 Beginner's Guide •
CSS-Discuss Wiki
2014-11 |
WWW (CSS) colortables ||
color blending tool
2014-11 |
css-tricks.com •
a complete guide to the table element |
2015-08 |
(Cascading Style Sheets) @Mozilla Developer Network |
2013-08 |
WWW Validator (@w3c) |
2004-10 |
Tastaturkürzel, Unicode und UTF-8 Tabellen •
html: Buchstaben mit diakritischen Zeichen und Sonderzeichen •
Unicode: Lateinisches Alphabet •
Unicode: Diakritische Zeichen |
2014-05 |
JavaScript |
JavaScipt @Mozilla Developer Network •
JSLint - online JavaScript Code Quality Checking Tool |
2013-08 |
jQuery a small and feature-rich JavaScript library |
2013-08 |
D3.js (Data Driven Documents)
a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data |
d3 API Reference |
2013-08 |
Perl |
Perl Documentation in HTML Format @perldoc.perl.org |
2005-03 |
CPAN - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network |
at.cpan.org |
2005-01 |
CGI Programming with Perl online!
| 2005-01 |
CGI.pm - a Perl5 CGI Library - doc by L.D.Stein Cold Spring Harbor Lab.
| 2005-01 |
Perl - Regular expression quick reference pdf |
2003-02 |
Perl5 quick reference |
2003-02 |
Perl online Kurs |
2004-10 |
zum Ausdrucken: mod_perl quick reference card |
2003-02 |
DBI Documentation |
2005-09 |
DBD::Oracle Documentation |
2005-09 |
Python |
Python - Official Homepage •
Documentation |
2014-11 |
PyPI - the Python Package Index •
The Vaults of Parnassus (Python Extensions) |
2014-11 |
Django - High-level Python Web framework |
django menu toolbar |
2008-11 |
Dive into Python •
Python Einführung von Th.Guettler
2014-11 |
Python Quick References ||
simon's |
2004-01 |
Daily Python-URL ||
ActiveState Programmer Network |
2004-01 |
Database API V2.0 |
2002-03 |
Python WWW frontends to database backends |
2002-04 |
Pyrex - a Language for Writing Python Extension Modules |
2003-03 |
Die Skriptsprache Python im Vergleich zu Perl und Tcl |
2004-01 |
LEO - python and tk/tcl based data management environment
@sourceforge |
2014-11 |
SQL Datenbanken und deren Umgebung |
self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine •
Categorial Doc list |
2013-08 |
Oracle8i documents index •
Oracle9i documents index •
Oracle SQL*Plus FAQ |
2005-07 |
PostgreSQL feature matrix |
2011-11 |
Sichere DB-Programmierung gegen SQL Injection
Bsp. von www.unixwiz.net |
www.securiteam.com |
2005-09 |
C++ |
C++ Quick Reference |
2004-01 |
Buch: B.Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language (3rd Ed.) |
2004-01 |
C# (=c sharp) |
.NET (=dot net) und mono [in der offenen Welt] |
(aus de.wikipedia.org) •
.NET based open source development platform |
2004-07 |
mono documentation •
the mono handbook •
dot gnu
implementation of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) - .NET |
2004-07 |
go (golang) |
golang.org Homepage |
wiki-de |
wiki-en |
blog |
go-playground pi Berechnung
2019-08 |
Java |
Tutorial |
2004-02 |
Server Monitoring Tools |
- Graphical Display of Numerical Machine Statistics |
2003-03 |
RRDtool (round robin database tool) |
2003-07 |
Python interface to rrdtool |
2003-11 |
cacti - the complete rrd-tool based graphic solution |
2004-09 |
(a CGI/FastCGI application for displaying MRTG graphs from data in the RRDtool format) |
2003-06 |
Cricket - a MRTG successor
using RRDtool (config written in PERL is completed different from MRTG) |
2003-06 |
nagios - an open source host, service
and network monitoring program |
2003-06 |
SW and DB planning tools |
TCM - Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling |
User's Guide and Reference |
old-wwwhome |
2013-08 |
DIA - gtk+ based diagram creation program |
2008-01 |
Entwicklungsumgebung |
Eclipse |
marketplace |
subversive - SVN Client |
PDT for PHP development |
2013-08 |
Spiritualität |
Katholische Kirche in Österreich
Evangelische Kirche in Österreich |
2008-02 |
Praystation Lainz -
monatlicher, spiritueller, meditativer und musikalischer Event |
2010-04 |
Das evangelische (Online-)Magazin (aus Deutschland) |
2003-05 |
Die Losungen - Gottes Wort für jeden Tag |
2013-09 |
Bibel im WWW |
kath. Einheits-Übers.
Uni Innsbruck |
2011-11 |
Schlachter,Luther,Elberfelder, KonkordanzB. •
dt:Einheits, Luther, Hoffnung, Neues Leben, ..., en, fr,... Septuaginta, Vulgata |
2011-11 |
Offene Bibel •
Neue Welt Übers.d.Hl.Schrift
(Wachturm/Zeugen Jehovas) |
2012-03 |
Zeiten, Kalender ... |
röm.kath. Liturgischer Kalender •
Direktorium der Erzdiözese Wien |
2019-08 |
Kalender für AT ||
Mondkalender online de |
2011-03 |
Musik |
Frequenzen der gleichstufigen Stimmung |
2008-02 |
Kirchenmusik |
Internationale Gesellschaft für Studien des gregorianischen Chorals |
Links |
2003-05 |
MusixTeX doc (pdf) |
related links ||
Der Satz von Gregorianischen Noten mit OpusTeX
(pdf) ||
Links zur Musik-Notation |
2003-11 |
Sprachen |
dict.cc - Online Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch |
2006-03 |
German - English Dictionary (TU-Chemnitz) |
2002-11 |
LEO (TU-München) Übersetzung Deutsch - Englisch |
2002-11 |
American English - Merriam-Webster dictionaries
spelling |
2002-06 |
cafe-lingua.de: Grammatik deutsch, englisch, spanisch |
2013-03 |
Perseus Digital Library |
2002-06 |
Latein Wörterbuch |
2008-02 |
Sprache in Österreich @www.ostarichi.org |
2006-10 |
Pfadfinder / Scouts |
http://www.ppoe.at/ •
http://www.scout.at/ •
LV Wien |
2019-08 |
Scout Wiki (deutschsprachig) |
2006-03 |
Knoten knüpfen •
Animated Knots |
jurtenburg.de Jurten, Schwarzzelte |
2019-08 |
Eisenbahn |
Eisenbahnforum Österreich |
Bahnbilder aus Österreich |
Bahnsignale in Österreich und der Schweiz
2019-08 |
MIBA - Die Eisenbahn im Modell |
2019-08 |
http://www.stellwerke.de/ |
Eisenbahn (Simulations-)Software |
2003-03 |
http://www.mytrains.at/ (J.Sturm) ||
AustroTrain-Webring |
2009-02 |
Institute für Eisenbahnwesen:
TU-Wien |
UNI-Stuttgart (mit online Prog.) |
TU-Braunschweig |
2009-02 |
Kunst ... |
Kunstbrowser.DE - Plattform fuer bildende Kunst |
2002-12 |
Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism, Romanticism periods (1000-1850) |
2011-09 |
Original Stiefelbein Bluhs Bänd |
2005-04 |
Diverse andere Verzeichnisse |
wikipedia.org |
wikipedia.de |
2010-10 |
softpedia |
2005-10 |
http://www.schlaufuchs.at/ |
2003-01 |
ZVAB - Zentralverzeichnis antiquarischer Bücher |
2010-10 |
Landkarten |
Europa,Welt Karte,Routenplaner |
norc - 3D "Stadtpläne" |
here Stadtpläne |
Europa, Welt:
mapquest •
bing |
2014-05 |
(amtl.Karten des BEV online) |
herold österr. Adressen, Karte, Luftbilder |
2014-05 |
Bayern(atlas) •
Baden-Württemberg •
2014-05 |
Wien |
Stadtplan mit Adressensuche |
Wiens Web Service |
digitaler Kulturgüterkataster |
2008-01 |
Johann Orth - Historische Kartographie aus Wien
2006-11 |
Aktuell vom Tag |
News: ORF •
Der Standard •
Die Presse •
Salzburger Nachrichten •
wienweb •
JobPilot •
JobNews •
[JobSearch Index]
⋄ |
Wetter |
ORF Wetterseiten ||
Zentralanst.f.Meteorologie und Geodynamik "Hohe Warte" ||
aktuelle Wasser-Pegel in Österr.
2013-06 |
Windy.com ||
CZ Wetter Radar ||
(realtime, weltweit, zoomable)
2019-08 |
Unwetterzentrale ||
Wetter Wien-Penzing ||
Wetterst. Weidling ||
Wetterkarten Europa ||
WetterOnline.DE |
2009-07 |
Suche und Meta-Suche im WWW |
duckduckgo die Suchmaschine die dich nicht verfolgt ||
clusty •
Meta-Spinner •
2014-05 |
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oder auf eine Seite mit verbotenem Inhalt zeigen, so bitte ich um Info per Email |
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