Python String Formatting options (Document version 1.0 22.Sep 2000 by R.Kirsch)

>>> "%d_%c_%s" % (12.4,'A','abc')


(non decimal): minimal total field width
flag description format data output
- left justify '%-4d' 12 '12  '
+ numeric sign '%+4d' 12 ' +12'
0 zero fill '%04d' 12 '0012'
flag description format data output

code description format data output
%c character '%4c' 'a' '   a'
%s string (or any object) '%5.3s' 'abcd' '  abc'
%i decimal integer '%5d' 1234 ' 1234'
%d decimal integer '%5i' 1234 ' 1234'
%u unsigned integer '%u' 4.5 '4'
%o octal integer '%o' 9 '11'
%x hex integer (lowercase) '%x' 0x12ab '12ab'
%X hex integer (uppercase) '%X' 0x12ab '12AB'
%e floating point  '%e' 1234.34 '1.234340e+03'
%E floating point '%E' 1234.34 '1.234340E+03'
%f floating point '%f' 1234.34 '1234.340000'
%g floating point '%g' 1234.34 '1234.34'
%G floating point '%G' 1234.34 '1234.34'
code description format data output

%c - character

>>> '%c' % 'a'
>>> '%c' % 'abc'
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: %c requires int or char
>>> '%c' % '\x40'
>>> '%4c' % 'a'
'   a'

String escape codes

character description
\ (ignored) continuation character
\\ backslash
\' single quote
\" double quote
\a bell
\b backspace
\e escape key
\0 null (does not end string)
\n linefeed
\v vertical tab
\t horizontal tab
\r carriage return
\f formfeed
\0nn octal value
\xnn hex value
\other any other character
character description

%s - string (or other expressions auto-converted to string)

>>> '%s' % 'hello, world'
'hello, world'
>>> '%10s' % 'hello, world'
'hello, world'
>>> '%.10s' % 'hello, world'
'hello, wor'
>>> '%-10s' % 'hello, world'
'hello, world'
>>> '%.15s' % 'hello, world'
'hello, world'
>>> '%-15s' % 'hello, world'
'hello, world   '
>>> '%-15.10s' % 'hello, world'
'hello, wor     '
>>> '%15.10s' % 'hello, world'
'     hello, wor'

Usage of %% in formatting strings

represents a % character
>>> '%%%c' % 'A'

Usage of (name):

>>> '%(n)d %(x)s' % {'n':4, 'x':'alfa'}
'4 alfa'