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Verhaltenspsychologie und Kommunikation

Die folgenden Bücher haben mir gut gefallen:

Autor Titel erschienen
Berne, Eric Games people play
The Psychology of Human Relationships
Carnegie, Dale How to win friends and influence people 1936
Damasio, Antonio Descartes' Error 1994
Fisher, Roger &
Ury, William
Getting to Yes
Negotiating agreement without giving in
Gladwell, Malcolm The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference Little 2000
Gladwell, Malcolm Blink: The Power Of Thinking Without Thinking 2005
Gladwell, Malcolm Outliers: The Story of Success 2008
Gladwell, Malcolm David and Goliath : underdogs, misfits, and the art of battling giants 2013
Goleman, Daniel Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ 1995
Heath, Chip and Dan Decisive:
How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
Heath, Chip and Dan Switch:
How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
Heath, Chip and Dan Made to Stick:
Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
Kolb, Deborah &
Williams, Judith
The Shadow Negotiation
How women can determine the hidden agendas that determine bargaining success
Morris, Desmond Manwatching
A Field Guide to Human Behaviour
Morris, Desmond Bodywatching
A Field Guide to the Human Species
Tannen, Deborah You just don't understand
Women and men in conversation
Tannen, Deborah Das hab ich nicht gesagt
Kommunikationsprobleme im Alltag
(That's not what I meant)
1986 (original)
Tannen, Deborah Job-Talk
Wie Frauen und Männer am Arbeitsplatz miteinander reden
(Talking from 9 to 5)
1994 (original)