The workshop

It was an important date for me. I was scheduled to play Bartók’s Second Violin Concert at a Music Event. Two weeks previously, I heard about a Master Class to be held by Sándor Végh in Salzburg and promptly appeared there the next morning. I found him in the Mozartheum, in a hall overflowing with students. Upon entering, he saw me, the newcomer, and asked what business I was traveling in.
prof. He Xian
Mr. Xian He has been a professor of violin performance at the Shanghai Conservatory since 1990. He is currently the vice dean of the string department and the director of Shanghai New Ensemble. As a soloist he has performed with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra, and Shanghai Virtuosi. As both the founder and first violinist of the Chord Quartet, he has performed in the United States, Austria, Germany, France, England, Switzerland, and Japan, among many others.  Professor He is the founding member of the Shanghai New Ensemble, a professional chamber orchestra devoted to the contemporary music. He has led the ensemble in many highly-praised performances worldwide, including distinguished venues such as the Austria-Germany Contemporary Music Festival, the Asia Contemporary Music Festival in Japan, the International ISM Hongkong Contemporary Music Festival, and the Shanghai International Art Festival.
Mag. Attila Szabó - Oremusstraße 2, 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria