Notes by Country and Location

Countries with notes entered (6)
Austria Austria - 385703 (99,9 %)
Germany Germany - 87 (0,0 %)
Slovenia Slovenia - 48 (0,0 %)
Italy Italy - 42 (0,0 %)
Turkey Turkey - 30 (0,0 %)
Bulgaria Bulgaria - 5 (0,0 %)

Number of notes by location (154)

Austria Austria
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesAvg. valueNameNotes
 1 Austria Klagenfurt***33833287,714,50Althofen29
 2 Austria Villach**119353,19,67Baldramsdorf5
 3 Austria Graz**97172,510,27Bodental7
 4 Austria Krumpendorf**34390,913,48Brckl531
 5 Austria Ebenthal***31780,845,37Dellach3
 6 Austria Viktring*23530,628,83Deutsch-Griffen1
 7 Austria Salzburg*23240,65,82Diex3
 8 Austria Wolfsberg**15630,410,23Draschitz4
 9 Austria St. Stefan*13580,49,93Eben9
 10 Austria St. Veit an der Glan**12320,324,23Ebenthal3178
 11 Austria Vlkermarkt**10660,327,68Eberndorf2
 12 Austria Sirnitz**9140,213,01Eberstein5
 13 Austria Feldkirchen*6690,215,16Feistritz bei St. Jakob im Rosental11
 14 Austria Spittal an der Drau**6220,220,66Feistritz bei St.jakob im Rosental2
 15 Austria Maria Saal**6000,210,00Feldbach374
 16 Austria Maria Rain*5610,136,87Feldkirchen669
 17 Austria Brckl*5310,125,59Ferlach426
 18 Austria Tainach*4560,110,88Flattach1
 19 Austria Lassendorf*4510,19,99Flughafen Wien47
 20 Austria Ferlach*4260,111,38Frantschach-St. Gertraud1
 21 Austria Feldbach**3740,120,91Frantschach-St.gertraud39
 22 Austria St.stefan 3480,1158,13Fresach4
 23 Austria Wernberg**3260,110,40Friesach258
 24 Austria Grafenstein**3000,110,00Frojach10
 25 Austria Radenthein*2870,110,42Gallizien4
 26 Austria Friesach*2580,118,99Glanegg2
 27 Austria Moosburg*2120,111,75Globasnitz4
 28 Austria St. Stefan im Lavanttal**1900,018,76Gldnitz1
 29 Austria Velden am Wrthersee*1390,016,01Gnesau5
 30 Austria Prtschach**1350,011,19Grafenstein300
 31 Austria Kttmannsdorf*1290,08,26Graz9717
 32 Austria St. Kanzian**1000,010,00Graz Jakomini1
 33 Austria Lienz in Osttirol*950,044,00Graz-Jakomini3
 34 Austria Hermagor*860,023,60Griffen4
 35 Austria K*740,05,00Grokirchheim(Dllach)2
 36 Austria Prtschach am Wrthersee*700,010,00Guttaring4
 37 Austria Judenburg 560,011,07Heiligenblut3
 38 Austria St. Jakob im Rosental 500,034,80Hermagor86
 39 Austria St.kanzian**500,010,00Himmelberg3
 40 Austria Flughafen Wien*470,054,89Httenberg2
 41 Austria Knittelfeld 400,010,00Ilz2
 42 Austria St. Paul im Lavanttal 400,010,00Irschen1
 43 Austria Frantschach-St.gertraud 390,010,00Judenburg56
 44 Austria St.veit an der Glan 380,048,16K74
 45 Austria Althofen 290,051,72Kappl am Krappfeld4
 46 Austria St.andr in Lavanttal*240,041,67Kirschentheuer2
 47 Austria St. Andr*220,050,45Klagenfurt338332
 48 Austria St. Andr im Lavanttal 210,030,95Klein St. Paul6
 49 Austria Mariahof 150,010,00Knittelfeld40
 50 Austria Mettnitz 150,018,00Kolbnitz2
 51 Austria Mauterndorf 140,015,00Kraig3
 52 Austria Ramingstein*140,09,29Krumpendorf3439
 53 Austria St. Michael im Lungau*140,012,86Krumpendorf am Wrthersee10
 54 Austria Neumarkt 120,020,83Kttmannsdorf129
 55 Austria Stadl 120,011,67Landskron1
 56 Austria Steinfeld 120,020,83Lassendorf451
 57 Austria Feistritz bei St. Jakob im Rosental 110,080,91Lavamnd11
 58 Austria Lavamnd 110,013,64Lendorf2
 59 Austria Frojach 100,010,00Liebenfels1
 60 Austria Krumpendorf am Wrthersee 100,09,50Lienz in Osttirol95
 61 Austria Eben*90,011,67Lind9
 62 Austria Lind 90,010,00Linsendorf3
 63 Austria Magdalensberg 90,010,00Ludmannsdorf8
 64 Austria Ludmannsdorf 80,048,75Magdalensberg9
 65 Austria Poggersdorf 80,048,75Mallnitz2
 66 Austria Bodental**70,028,57Maria Rain561
 67 Austria Weizelsdorf 70,012,86Maria Saal600
 68 Austria Wlfnitz*70,027,86Mariahof15
 69 Austria Klein St. Paul 60,010,00Matrei in Osttirol4
 70 Austria Niederdorf 60,045,83Mauterndorf14
 71 Austria Baldramsdorf 50,09,00Mettnitz15
 72 Austria Eberstein 50,018,00Moosburg212
 73 Austria Gnesau 50,018,00Mrtschach2
 74 Austria Schiefling 50,019,00Mhldorf4
 75 Austria Draschitz 40,011,25Neuhaus1
 76 Austria Fresach 40,011,25Neumarkt12
 77 Austria Gallizien 40,022,50Niederdorf6
 78 Austria Globasnitz 40,011,25Ossiach4
 79 Austria Griffen*40,010,00Poggersdorf8
 80 Austria Guttaring 40,022,50Prtschach135
 81 Austria Kappl am Krappfeld 40,020,00Prtschach am Wrthersee70
 82 Austria Matrei in Osttirol*40,010,00Radenthein287
 83 Austria Mhldorf 40,010,00Ramingstein14
 84 Austria Ossiach 40,0100,00Rangersdorf4
 85 Austria Rangersdorf 40,011,25Reifnitz3
 86 Austria Sittersdorf 40,011,25Rennweg am Katschberg2
 87 Austria Wals*40,021,25Ruden3
 88 Austria Zeutschach 40,011,25Salzburg2324
 89 Austria Dellach 30,015,00Schiefling5
 90 Austria Diex 30,013,33Schottwien3
 91 Austria Graz-Jakomini*30,06,67Sirnitz914
 92 Austria Heiligenblut 30,015,00Sittersdorf4
 93 Austria Himmelberg 30,08,33Spittal an der Drau622
 94 Austria Kraig 30,010,00St. Andr22
 95 Austria Linsendorf 30,08,33St. Andr im Lavanttal21
 96 Austria Reifnitz 30,010,00St. Jakob im Rosental50
 97 Austria Ruden 30,015,00St. Kanzian100
 98 Austria Schottwien 30,023,33St. Margareten2
 99 Austria St. Michael ob Bleiburg 30,015,00St. Margarethen im Rosental2
 100 Austria Weitzelsdorf*30,05,00St. Michael im Lungau14
 101 Austria Weienstein 30,013,33St. Michael ob Bleiburg3
 102 Austria Zell Pfarre 30,015,00St. Paul im Lavanttal40
 103 Austria Zbern*30,011,67St. Stefan1358
 104 Austria Eberndorf*20,07,50St. Stefan im Lavanttal190
 105 Austria Feistritz bei St.jakob im Rosental 20,050,00St. Urban1
 106 Austria Glanegg 20,075,00St. Veit an der Glan1232
 107 Austria Grokirchheim(Dllach) 20,07,50St.andr in Lavanttal24
 108 Austria Httenberg 20,030,00St.kanzian50
 109 Austria Ilz**20,07,50St.stefan348
 110 Austria Kirschentheuer 20,020,00St.veit an der Glan38
 111 Austria Kolbnitz 20,07,50Stadl12
 112 Austria Lendorf 20,07,50Stall1
 113 Austria Mallnitz 20,07,50Steinfeld12
 114 Austria Mrtschach 20,07,50Steuerberg2
 115 Austria Rennweg am Katschberg 20,07,50Tainach456
 116 Austria St. Margareten**20,07,50Techendorf1
 117 Austria St. Margarethen im Rosental 20,020,00Tibitsch1
 118 Austria Steuerberg 20,07,50Velden1
 119 Austria Weitensfeld 20,010,00Velden am Wrthersee139
 120 Austria Wien 20,05,00Viktring2353
 121 Austria Zlan 20,07,50Villach11935
 122 Austria Deutsch-Griffen 10,020,00Vlkermarkt1066
 123 Austria Flattach 10,05,00Wals4
 124 Austria Frantschach-St. Gertraud 10,010,00Weitensfeld2
 125 Austria Gldnitz 10,020,00Weitzelsdorf3
 126 Austria Graz Jakomini*10,05,00Weizelsdorf7
 127 Austria Irschen 10,050,00Weienstein3
 128 Austria Landskron 10,05,00Wernberg326
 129 Austria Liebenfels 10,010,00Wien2
 130 Austria Neuhaus 10,05,00Wolfsberg1563
 131 Austria St. Urban 10,010,00Wlfnitz7
 132 Austria Stall 10,05,00Zell Pfarre3
 133 Austria Techendorf*10,05,00Zeutschach4
 134 Austria Tibitsch*10,05,00Zlan2
 135 Austria Velden*10,05,00Zbern3

Germany Germany
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesAvg. valueNameNotes
 1 Germany Hamburg*580,040,52Hamburg58
 2 Germany Mnchen 110,024,09Hamburg Flughafen6
 3 Germany Mnchen-Flughafen*100,018,50Hofolding2
 4 Germany Hamburg Flughafen*60,031,67Mnchen11
 5 Germany Hofolding 20,012,50Mnchen-Flughafen10

Italy Italy
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesAvg. valueNameNotes
 1 Italy Caorle 270,041,30Caorle27
 2 Italy San Stino di Livenza 60,05,00San Stino di Livenza6
 3 Italy Tarvisio**40,012,50Tarvis2
 4 Italy Udine 30,010,00Tarvisio4
 5 Italy Tarvis 20,015,00Udine3

Slovenia Slovenia
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesAvg. valueNameNotes
 1 Slovenia Topolsica*170,025,00Dravograd3
 2 Slovenia Prevalje*120,039,17Prevalje12
 3 Slovenia Trzic*110,044,09Topolsica17
 4 Slovenia Velenje*50,015,00Trzic11
 5 Slovenia Dravograd*30,041,67Velenje5

Bulgaria Bulgaria
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesAvg. valueNameNotes
 1 Bulgaria Sozopol, Duni 30,011,67Burgas2
 2 Bulgaria Burgas 20,020,00Sozopol, Duni3

Turkey Turkey
By notesAlphabetically
#NameNotes% of all notesAvg. valueNameNotes
 1 Turkey Antalya*200,019,50Antalya20
 2 Turkey Belek*100,021,50Belek10

Alphabets of Locations
   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  #
Austria Austria 1 3   4 4 12 12 4 2 1 11 9 11 3 1 3   6 27 3   5 9     4 21 (135)
Germany Germany               3         2                           2 (5)
Italy Italy     1                               1 2 1           4 (5)
Slovenia Slovenia       1                       1       2   1         4 (5)
Bulgaria Bulgaria   1                                 1               2 (2)
Turkey Turkey 1 1                                                 2 (2)

Bundesländer of Austria (5/9)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Austria notes
Austria Niederösterreich*550,00,0
Austria Salzburg*23790,60,6
Austria Tirol*990,00,0
Austria Steiermark**102482,72,7
Austria Kärnten***37292296,696,7

Biggest Cities of Austria (5/20)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Austria notes
Austria 02 - Graz**97212,52,5
Austria 04 - Salzburg*21240,60,6
Austria 06 - Klagenfurt***33841287,787,7
Austria 07 - Villach**119363,13,1
Austria 16 - Wolfsberg**15630,40,4

Politische Bezirke Österreichs / districts of Austria (24/98)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Austria notes
Kärnten / Carinthia (10/10)
Austria 201 - Klagenfurt (Stadt)***33841287,787,7
Austria 202 - Villach (Stadt)**119363,13,1
Austria 203 - Hermagor*860,00,0
Austria 204 - Klagenfurt Land***119313,13,1
Austria 205 - Sankt Veit an der Glan**21320,60,6
Austria 206 - Spittal an der Drau**9650,30,3
Austria 207 - Villach Land**5420,10,1
Austria 208 - Völkermarkt**17000,40,4
Austria 209 - Wolfsberg**36060,90,9
Austria 210 - Feldkirchen**16000,40,4
Niederösterreich / Lower Austria (2/25)
Austria 318 - Neunkirchen*60,00,0
Austria 324 - Wien-Umgebung*490,00,0
Salzburg (4/6)
Austria 501 - Salzburg (Stadt)*21240,60,6
Austria 503 - Salzburg-Umgebung*2040,10,1
Austria 504 - Sankt Johann im Pongau*90,00,0
Austria 505 - Tamsweg*420,00,0
Steiermark / Styria (7/17)
Austria 601 - Graz (Stadt)**97212,52,5
Austria 604 - Feldbach**3740,10,1
Austria 605 - Fürstenfeld**20,00,0
Austria 608 - Judenburg 560,00,0
Austria 609 - Knittelfeld 400,00,0
Austria 614 - Murau 530,00,0
Austria 617 - Weiz**20,00,0
Tirol / Tyrol (1/9)
Austria 707 - Lienz*990,00,0

Bundesländer of Germany (2/16)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Germany notes
Germany Bayern*230,026,4
Germany Hamburg*640,073,6

Biggest Cities of Germany (see forum) (2/50)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Germany notes
Germany 02 Hamburg*640,073,6
Germany 03 München 110,012,6

Landkreise und Kreisfreie Städte of Germany (see forum) (4/413)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Germany notes
Freistaat Bayern (3/96)
Germany Landkreis Freising (FS)*100,011,5
Germany Kreisfreie Stadt München (M) 110,012,6
Germany Landkreis München (M) 20,02,3
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (1/1)
Germany Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (HH)*640,073,6

Kreisfreie Städte, kreisangehörige Städte und Gemeinden Bayern (3/2056)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Germany notes
Landkreis Freising (FS) (1/24)
Germany Freising*100,011,5
Kreisfreie Stadt München (M) (1/1)
Germany München 110,012,6
Landkreis München (M) (1/29)
Germany Brunnthal 20,02,3

Postleitzahlen (4/100)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Germany notes
20000-29999 (2/10)
Germany 20*500,057,5
Germany 22*140,016,1
80000-89999 (2/10)
Germany 80 110,012,6
Germany 85*120,013,8

Hamburger Bezirke (Districts of Hamburg) (4/7)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Germany notes
Germany Altona*270,031,0
Germany Mitte*500,057,5
Germany Nord*60,06,9
Germany Wandsbek*80,09,2

Regioni d'Italia / Regioni of Italy (2/20)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Italy notes
Italy Friuli Venezia Giulia**90,021,4
Italy Veneto 330,078,6

Province d'Italia / Provinces of Italy (3/107)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Italy notes
Friuli Venezia Giulia (2/4)
Italy Trieste 20,04,8
Italy Udine**70,016,7
Veneto (1/7)
Italy Venezia 330,078,6

Municipalities (Občina) of Slovenia (5/210)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Slovenia notes
Slovenia Dravograd*30,06,3
Slovenia Prevalje*120,025,0
Slovenia Šoštanj*170,035,4
Slovenia Tržič*110,022,9
Slovenia Velenje*50,010,4

Provinces of Bulgaria / Административно деление на България (1/28)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Bulgaria notes
Bulgaria Burgas / Област Бургас 50,0100,0

Provinces of Turkey (1/81)
NameNotes% of all notes% of Turkey notes
Turkey Antalya*300,0100,0

Generated 2008-12-20 20:05:05 (by NIG version 1.70)