on this page: Kew Herbal K000345879 (John Kirk) & K000345880 (Walter Hood Fitch)

The Zamioculcas and Gonatopus
Online Library

Kew Herbarium Nr. K000345879
collected by Sir John Kirk (1861 ?)
on one sheet together with
Kew Herbarium Nr. K000345880
from Walter Hood Fitch (1872)
Zamioculcas Boivini Decne.
referred to in Curtis's Botanical Magazine,
Third series, Vol. 29, Tab. 6026 (1873)

Kew Herbarium Nr. K000345879 (right)
Label 1: "Anchomanes Kirkii - Zamioculcas Boivini Dcne. bis
Bot. Mag. 6026 - Lower Shire Valley Dr Kirk."
Label 2: "Gonatopus Boivinii, Hook.f. !"
Stamp: "Herbarium Hookerianum 1867."
Label 3: "Gonatopus boivinii (Decne.) Hook. f. ex Engl. determinavit J. Bogner 10.12.1971"
Label 4: "Gonatopus boivinii (Decaisne) Engl. det. S. Mayo (Flora of Tropical East Africa) June 1983"

note: the sheet is undated, but the remark "bis" indicates that this sheet corresponds to
K000345881 from Nov. 1861. Both were originally labelled as "Anchomanes Kirkii"
and have the same stamp "Herbarium Hookerianum 1867."

Kew Herbarium Nr. K000345880 (left)
Label: "Zamioculcas Boivinii, Dcne. - Type specimen of Bot. Mag. t. 6026 !
Kew Gardens Dec. 1872. Rec(eive)d from Mr. Fitch in spirits of wine"

note: this is probably the very flower painted by Walter Hood Fitch for Bot. Mag. 6026.

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