Home of SrrTrains - Core Team

Members of the SrrTrains Core Team

The SrrTrains Core Team consists of following members:
  1. Christoph Valentin, located in Vienna, Austria, christoph[dot]valentin[at]gmx[dot]at
  2. Your name is missing here :-)

Projects and Products Dealt With

The project SrrTrains v0.01 was started in spring 2009. The goal was to implement the "Do-it-yourself-virtual-multiplayer-model-railroad"

After the first LAN Party we started The Simulated Railroad Framework Project in year 2010. The goal was to outsource the SRR Framework

After we had decided to "bury the base module", we started The Simple Multiuser Online Scenes Project in year 2013. The goal was to outsource the base module of the SRR Framework

Project Product License Homepage
SrrTrains v0.01 SRR Tools shareware Home of SrrTrains - Title Page
The Simulated Railroad Framework Project SRR Framework LGPL http://simulrr.sourceforge.net
The Simple Multiuser Online Scenes Project SMUOS Framework LGPL http://smuos.sourceforge.net

Three simple "equations" demonstrate the relations among the projects and products:

  1. SMUOS Framework = a set of X3D prototypes (X3D + ecmaScript)
  2. SRR Framework = SMUOS Framework + Train Manager Extension (a set of X3D prototypes)
  3. SRR Tools = SRR Framework + SRR Test Frame (a Visual Basic program)

This can also be depicted in two figures. First, the potential use cases of the SRR Framework, of which one is the "Hobby Virtual Railroad" (aka SrrTrainsv0.01):

Second, the potential use cases of the SMUOS Framework, of which one is the SRR Framework:

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