Awards and Recognitions

Shri Mataji has been recognized worldwide by several prestigious institutions for her selfless work and for the powerful results of her spiritual teachings through Sahaja Yoga, some of these are listed below...
United Nations, N.Y., 1989-1994: Invited by the United Nations for four consecutive years to speak about how to achieve world peace
Brazil 1994: The Mayor of the city of Brazilia welcomed Shri Mataji at the airport and presented her with the key to the city, and sponsored all of her programs.
Italy 1986: Declared "Personality of the Year" by the Italian Government.
Romania 1995: A warded Honorary Doctorate in Cognitive Science.
Yonkers, NY, 1996: Letter of Welcome was granted by Mayor of Yonkers, NY. September 26th is proclaimed as "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day."
New York, 1994: Police escort was granted for a welcoming parade honoring Shri Mataji and celebrating her association with Mahatma Gandhi. The half day march encircled Central Park and originated on 5th Avenue.
Los Angeles, 1994 and 1993: Letter of Welcome and continued friendship was granted by Mayor Richard Riordan on behalf of the people of Los Angeles.
British Columbia, 1994: Letter of Welcome was granted by the Premier of the Province of British Columbia, Mr. Mike Harcourt, on behalf of the people of Canada.
Vancouver, 1994: Letter of Welcome was granted by Mayor Philip W. Owen on behalf of the people of Vancouver, Canada..
Philadelphia 1993: October 15th is proclaimed as "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day."
Cincinnati, 1992: September 10th is proclaimed as "Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day."
St. Petersburg, 1993: Appointed as Honorary Member of the Presidium of Petrovskaya academy of Art and Science. In the history of the Academy only twelve people have been granted this honor, Einstein being one of them.
St. Petersburg 1993: Inaugurated the international Conference on "Medicine and Self-Knowledge," a yearly event now conducted in Russia.
Moscow, 1989: Shri Mataji met with the head of the USSR Ministry of Health. Following this meeting Sahaja Yoga was granted full government sponsorship, including founding for promotion and scientific research.
India, 1995: The Indian Government has granted Shri Mataji a one hour primetime television series, broadcast nationally.
China, 1995: Official guest of the government to speak to the people of China