H o m e | L i s t e n | O r d e r | C o n t a c t | L i n k s | B o r i s | C o m m u n i t y |

Do you want to know what 'weitweitweg productions' is all about?
Or maybe you want to be informed when our site will be updated?
There is also the possibility to order some mju:zik right here.
Or you can book gush, xbert or en masse for a dj gig / live performance
and we promise that they will rock the house with their geistamusik.
We appreciate contributions to our site - music, literature, politics,..
stay tuned, keep the peace, and please be patient
:-)bert, somewhere someday


interested in 'weitweitweg mju:zik'? order here!

democd/minidisc 'geistamusik' vol. 1
the name says it all, or? simply spooky music
democd/minidisc 'xbert'
a real dancefloor shocker
democd/minidisc 'en masse'
jazzy spooky ambient sound

docucd 'demo in Vienna'
live recording of some of the thursday marches against the Austrian government, which took place from 01/2000 to 01/2002 - plus contributions by Austrian artists.

6,00 Euro

promocd 'supersonic saturdays'
live recording of a classic supersonic event feat. xbert
took place at club meierei/vienna 10/1997
6,00 Euro
promocd 'gush'
gush that´s andi pils and xbert
with their brilliant fusion of real instruments and electronic beats they will satisfy your synthetic pleasures.
6,00 Euro
promocd 'la vida volar doris'
a jam session performed by
doris steinbichler (epicentro/mexico city) and bert preiss.
doris, the electro chanteuse adds her spooky voice to geistamusik arranged by xbert.
took place at weitweitweg home/vienna 08/2001
6,00 Euro
livecd(2) 'soundfactory dublin 106.8fm'
xbert meets lizer m. (andi pils) and chime (felix fuchs) (tournee idyl/vienna)
this is the live recording (2cds) of a highly memorable soundfactory radioshow, where the 3 rocked the house.
took place at soundfactory 106.8fm
at the redbull musicacademy/dublin 08/2000
10,00 Euro
livecd(edit) 'xbert's swan song'
a jam session performed by
the geistamusik jam band and the beefcake suckers.
a truly legendary jam that happened at the vienna fluc, an underground club in a railway station close to the prater on 17/09/2004 to wish xbert farewell, before he moved to dublin - up to 20 electronic and acoustic musicians performed an open-end jam session. and the people danced until the end to the heartbeat of the best music.
6,00 Euro
*shipping not included

do you have any particular question?
do you want to contribute with your music or literature or spirit?
or simply book gush, xbert or en masse for a gig in your club.