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Shrew Talk
"SHREW TALK" - Vol. 1, No. 07 - 1 July 1997
SHREW TALK - 1 July 1997 - Vol. 1, No. 7
Number of Recipients: >180
Contents of this Issue
o Editorial
o Research
1. Shrews and frogs
2. Shrews, frogs, and salamanders
3. RE: Shrews and frogs: a summary
4. Salamanders and shrews
o What's New on the Shrew (ist's) Site?
o Shrew (ist's) Site - Related Inquiries
o Shrew Talk Instructions
Dear Shrew-Fessionals and Shrew-Mateurs,
In this issue we cross the border to herpetological realms. Dr. Windmiller's
message is closely connected to an inquiry by myself in 1996 that is still
of immediate interest. It therefore seemed necessary to quote this and
some replies I received at that time as well, in order to provide the context.
Please pass this newsletter on to any of your colleagues involved in
herpetology or feel free to disribute it among the herpetology newsgroups.
Your's shrewly,
Werner Haberl
Shrews and frogs:
In the past years we have found several locations at Austria's Lake
Neusiedl with depots of killed and partially eaten frogs (Rana lessonae
/ esculenta). We would like to know about the predators.
I know that the European water shrew (Neomys fodiens) kills, stores
and eats frogs. But I also know that this behaviour is typical for Mustela
putorius. We are uncertain about the predator. The signs, according to
the eating patterns (sometimes very fine: small, juvenile frogs skeleted
at the hind or forelimbs and/ or eyes eaten) suggest that it must have
been a small predator like a shrew. Other circumstances (the great number
of killed frogs, the large body size of some frogs and the literature referring
to Mustelidae) still confuses us. Killing frogs and only eating the liver
is also reported from Rallus aquaticus (Aves). Besides, we are aware that
the predator catching and caching the frogs may not be identical with the
animal eating the carcasses. We want to find out more by some fieldwork
(trapping) next year, but I would be grateful if anybody could supply us
with some information on this topic.
The hypotheses are:
a) Frogs were caught, cached and eaten on by shrews (this would comply
with earlier findings described in the literature and my personal observations
in captive shrews)
b) Frogs were caught, cached and eaten on by a larger predator, eg
Mustela putorius.
c) Frogs were caught and cached by a larger predator, eg Mustela putorius
and then utilized by a small mammal, eg a shrew.
The complications in finding scientific evidence for either of the
hypotheses lie in i) the only occasional occurence of the phenomenon, ii)
the difficulty of direct observation and iii) that the area where these
depots were found is within the boundaries of the National Park and thus
extensive field studies are restricted.
Regarding the (below) contribution by Dr. Delfino, I would like to
know if there is anybody that has experience in discriminating minute tooth
marks on bones or skin or has any samples that can be used for a comparison.
The literature I have found on this topic should be fairly complete
as it concerns shrews. The list can be found on The Shrew Site at: http://members.vienna.at/shrew/bibselections3.html
but I would appreciate it, if anybody could provide further references
or leads.
Thank you in advance, Werner Haberl - shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at _______________________________________________________________________
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 97 15:07:17 UT
From: "Bryan Windmiller" <bwindmiller@msn.com>
Subject: Shrews, Frogs and Salamanders
Dear Werner et al.,
Thanks for your response to my subscription. I am a Ph.D. herpetologist,
having completed my dissertation on Ambystoma habitat preferences at Tufts
University, Massachusetts, USA last year. I now work as a self-employed
ecological consultant, mailing address:
Bryan Windmiller Hyla Ecological Services 65 Arrowhead Road Concord,
MA 01742 USA
I was intrigued by your observation of caches of killed / partially
eaten Rana lessonae in Austria. Through drift fence / pitfall trapping
I've had plenty of opportunity to witness the effects of Blarina and Sorex
cinereus predation on amphibians and the injuries that you describe (chewed
or skeletonized limbs, missing eyes) were common amongst the unfortunate
amphibians that shared my pitfalls with shrews.
My own interest in shrews was particularly spurred by the following
a) I radio-tracked adult Ambystoma maculatum and found that they almost
always inhabited small mammals burrows. Since I knew, from pitfall trapping,
that Blarina brevicauda was the most common small fossorial mammal in the
area, I kept a few in "ant farm" type enclosures and found that
the burrow systems that they excavated were similar in diameter and general
pattern to those inhabited by the salamanders.
b) Adult A. maculatum that spent the night in a pitfall with Blarina
were never visibly injured, implying that their toxicity and ability to
wave and spray their toxic glandular secretions in the face of a potential
predator were sufficient to dissuade even starving Blarina from further
attacks. However, newly-metamorphosed spotted salamanders were often killed
by Blarina in the pitfall traps but the shrews would only eat the limbs
and head leaving the dorsum and tail (where the densest arrays of skin
glands occur) intact. Perhaps this is why newly-metamorphosed A. maculatum
are found under logs but not within small mammal burrows far more often
than adults - it may take some time and the attainment of a critical size
or density of toxin-secreting skin glands for them to effectively repel
Blarina and thus dare to enter the shrews tunnels.
I haven't studied this relationship any further and am particularly
interesting in first ascertaining whether adult Ambystoma and Blarina actually
use the same burrow system simultaneously. Does anyone have observations
that would support this conclusion?? Thanks.
Bryan Windmiller _______________________________________________________________________
RE: Shrews and frogs: a summary
From: tulse@eponet.it
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 14:52:10 +0100
Subject: Re: frogs & shrews
As a paleoherpetologist I am involved in the problem. There are several
taphonomic problems involving the assemblages of frogs' bones and it would
be interesting for me to know exactly the predator. If tooth marks are
present on the bone surface it's possible to discriminate between Rodents
or Carnivores. This kind of difference is generally observed with S.E.M.
(Scanning Electron Microscopy).
I would suggest you to go deeper in the problem and collect the remains
for a S.E.M. study.
I'll wait for a study concerning taxa and numbers of predators, taxa
and numbers of prey, depot typology, presence of tooth marks on the bone
surface, .... Please keep me informed.
Kindest regards,
Massimo Delfino
Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory Earth Science Department
University of Florence Florence ITALY
From: SR71BLBRD@aol.com
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 20:15:39 -0500
Subject: RE: Subject: Frogs & Shrews
Rana pipiens -- Northern leopard frog & Blarina brevicauda -- Shorttail
The local Shorttail shrews do eat chunks from the frogs, maiming or
killing the frogs. Overnight, on the first two mornings of the frog migration,
and on a few later occasions, some or most of the frogs in the window well
pit-trap would have suffered one injury somewhere on their body - a bitten
leg or foot, a missing leg, a bite take from the nose, missing eye, a hole
in the ribcage, etc. The injured frogs, those still alive, would be likely
to squeal before being picked up, although throughout the season, many
would squeak, as well as cower, before being handled. Twice in the past
year, in my basement, I have accidently trapped up to three Shorttail shrews
at a time within live mouse traps. ( ... to the great detriment of the
mice within the trap.) Thus I am sure that the Shorttail shrew is also
the species inflicting the wounds on the frogs.
David Hoag, 173 West Shore Rd., Grand Isle, VT 05458, USA
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 09:00:55 +0100
From: airoldi@kl.unibe.ch (J.P. Airoldi)
Subject: killed frogs
Back in 1970, we also observed frogs (Rana temporaria) killed along
a creek which they have to cross in order to go from the woods to a nearby
pond to lay eggs. We were puzzled by the fact that some frogs were just
killed, but no eaten; others had parts eaten, like legs, or head, or flanks.
We concluded it was Rattus norvegicus after we found tracks corresponding
to that species. In many places we leveled the surface and put some fine
sand and clay so the tracks would be well visible. This killing happened
many years in a row, always in Spring when the frogs went to the ponds
for egg-laying. I do not know whether frogs are still killed in that area.
Nobody to my knowledge has continued to look at it recently.
Best regards, Jean-Pierre
Dr. Airoldi Jean-Pierre
BES / Biologie Université de Berne
Gertrud Wokerstr. 5 CH - 3012 BERN (Switzerland)
Tél. + 41 31 631 45 71 FAX + 41 31 631 85 40
e-mail: airoldi@kl.unibe.ch
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 13:42:17 +0100
From: <J.Wilkinson@open.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: Shrews and frogs
There are several observations of herons voiding large numbers of part-digested
frogs after a feeding frenzy, they have apparently overdosed on their skin
toxins, and "caches" or piles of dead frogs (and newts) have
been seen on the shores of large UK lakes. These have also been usually
attributed to herons. It sounds as if your findings could not be explained
purely by this phenomenon, however, but maybe they account for a few incidences?
I would be very interested to know if you discover more about these
phenomena. By the way, I am an amphibian ecologist, currently working for
the DAPTF at the Open University.
With very best wishes, John W. Wilkinson,
International Coordinator, Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force.
PRIVATE E-MAIL: j.wilkinson@open.ac.uk
DAPTF: DAPTF@open.ac.uk
WWW: http://acs-info.open.ac.uk/info/newsletters/FROGLOG.html
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 11:59:17 +0100 (MET)
From: "Henk Strijbosch" <hstrijbo@sci.kun.nl>
Subject: Frog predation
With some intervals I am working with amphibians for more than 25 years
in the Netherlands.
The depots of killed frogs (or toads!) you describe are found by us
frequently. Just like you we mostly are not sure about the real predator
responsible for the killing and responsible for the eating. We have found
traces of Mustela putorius and of Rattus norvegicus on the 'killing fields',
but we never could determine the predator with absolute certainty. Yet
we are sure, that the victims are (partly) eaten by more than the killer
itself. So the fine eating patterns found by you can be caused by another
predator than the killer.
Henk Strijbosch _______________________________________________________________________
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 15:25:44 -0500 (EST)
From: Wayne Van Devender <vandevenderr@appstate.edu>
Subject: Salamanders and shrews
(message shortened by WH)
(Ron Nussbaum offered to let Butch Brodie use one of his Dicamptodons
in a threat display presentation with Blarina. The outcome was well known
to Nussbaum in advance, since he had read the literature. The salamander
instantly ate the shrew!) (...)
Dicamptodon is a large predaceous salamander long known to eat mice
and shrews.
The Shrew Bibliography
is a collection of more than 6000 references to research on the biology
of the Soricidae (Insectivora, Mammalia) and small mammal ecology. More
info: http://members.vienna.at/shrew/shrewbib.html
To announce your new research papers/books, please follow the instructions
(separate fields with the character "#"): Author(s)#Year#Title#Journal&Page
No.#Abstract#Keywords#Address *I* would appreciate receiving a reprint
of your paper and/or a list of your publications to add to the bibliography.
o Last Update: 1 July 1997
o Number of Visitors (Date: 1 July 1997): 3338
o Number of "Shrewists on E-mail": >124
o New Pages:
- 1 July 1997: Shrew Bibliography Service: Frog remains and shrew predatation
o SHREW (ist's) SITE - Related Info & Inquiries
If anybody has photos of shrew - amphibian interactions, I would highly
appreciate it, if you could consider to let me use them on The Shrew Site.
Please contact me. - W.H.
All replies to the Shrew Talk inquiries should be posted to the group.
However, if you prefer to reply to someone personally, *I* would appreciate
receiving a copy of the mail (Cc or Bcc) and/or a summary of the "outcome".
Reply to shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at - include the words "Shrew Talk"
in the subject line.
For the present, this is also my personal e-mail. If you would like
mail to go to Werner Haberl rather than to the group, DO NOT include the
words "Shrew Talk" in the subject line and/or please indicate
in the body of the letter that it's personal.
To be removed from the list, write to the same address and ask to be
Dr. Werner Haberl Editor, SHREW TALK (http://members.vienna.at/shrew/shrewtalk.html)
Hamburgerstr. 11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria
Email: shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at URL: http://members.vienna.at/shrew
(The Shrew (ist's) Site)
The Shrew Bibliography (> 6000 references) (available on CD ROM)
This web site was created by
Dr. Werner Haberl. Address: Hamburgerstrasse
11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria.
E-mail: shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at
URL: http://members.vienna.at/shrew