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Announcements, Congresses...

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  International Colloquium on the Biology of the Soricidae II

14-18 October 2002, Powdermill Biological Station, U.S.A.

Congresses that were held in 1998-2000:

EURO-AMERICAN MAMMAL CONGRESS: Challenges in Holarctic Mammalogy Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain July 20-24, 1998

A symposium on the BIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION OF SEMI-AQUATIC INSECTIVORES will be part of the Euro-American Mammal Congress to be held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in July 1998. The description of the symposium is:

A number of species of lipotyphlan insectivores have become specialised for a semi-aquatic lifestyle, including many different shrews (Soricidae), desmans and the star-nosed mole (Talpidae), and otter shrews and the aquatic tenrec (Tenrecidae). These semi-aquatic insectivores seem to be very sensitive to habitat disturbances and changes in water quality, and as a result many species are presently considered to be threatened or endangered. Also, because of their sensitivity to environmental degradation, semi-aquatic insectivores may be important as flagship species for the conservation of aquatic and riparian habitats. This symposium will address the basic biology of these semi-aquatic insectivores, including their evolution, ecology, behavior, and general natural history. An underlying theme will be conservation, including the conservation status of individual species, and conservation measures that can be used to protect these unusual animals and their habitats.

If you are interested in participating in this symposium you should do two things:

1. Send one of us your proposal for an oral presentation or a poster (our names and adresses are below). The proposal should have an English title and a short provisional abstract. We are exploring ways in which contributions can be made in absentia: these might include video recordings (10-15 minutes) and posters. Please let us know if you cannot attend the congress, but might be interested in participating in the symposium in absentia.

2. Contact the Local Committee of the EAMC to indicate your interest in the meetings. This can be reached at:

Euro-American Mammal Congress Laboratorio de Parasitologia Facultad de Farmacia Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Spain. - Fax (34) 81 593316

Thank you for your interest in this symposium. We hope to see you in Santiago!


Ana Isabel Queiroz, Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza, Rua Filipe Folque, n 46 - 1150 Lisboa, Portugal. Phone: (351) 1 3523018. Fax: (351) 1

Howard P. Whidden, Biology Department, Central College, 812 University Avenue, Pella, IA 50219, USA. Phone: (1) 515 6285147.

From the second e-mail circular (Santiago Reig) describing the
EURO-AMERICAN MAMMAL CONGRESS: Challenges in Holarctic Mammalogy Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain July 20-24, 1998
I excerpted the following shrew-related symposia that will be held:
* CHROMOSOMES IN SYSTEMATIC AND PHYLOGENETIC RESEARCH Conveners: Vitaly Volobouev, Laboratoire de Zoologie, Mammiferes et Oiseaux, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 55, rue Buffon F-75005 Paris, France. Phone: (33) 1 40793065. Fax: (33) 1 40793063. William S. Modi, Intramural Research Support Program, SAIC Frederick, National Cancer Institute, Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center, Frederick, MD 21702-1201 U.S.A. Fax: (1) 301 8461909. Jan Zima, Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics As Cr, Veveri 97, Brno CZ-60200, Czech Republic. Phone: (420) 412 12292+K1. Fax: (420) 412 12988.
* SHREW COMMUNITIES: EAST, WEST, NORTH, AND SOUTH Conveners: Gordon L. Kirkland, Jr., Vertebrate Museum, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA 17257, USA. Phone: (1) 717 5321407. Fax: (1) 717 5304048. Sara Churchfield, Biosphere Sciences Division, King's College Campden Hill Road, London W8 7AH UK. Phone: (441) 71 3334463. Fax: (441) 71 3334500.

Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 11:54:19 +0000 (GMT) From: <>
I am writing on behalf of Gordon Kirkland and myself who are convening a symposium on the subject of shrew communities for the Euro-American Congress of Mammalogy to be held in Santiago de Compostela, northern Spain on July 19-24, 1998. Our aim is to have as wide a geographical coverage as possible in terms of research activity on shrew communities in different continents. There will be spoken presentations and posters. We would like to publicise the symposium through the shrew-news network.
Anyone who is interested in contributing should contact Gordon Kirkland or me. My E-mail address is and FAX number is 0171-333 5400. We are busy getting the programme together.
Sara Churchfield

* BIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION OF SEMI-AQUATIC INSECTIVORES Conveners: Ana Isabel Queiroz, Instituto da Conservacao da Naturaleza, Rua Filipe Folque, n 46 - 11050 Lisboa, Portugal. Phone: (351) 1 3523018. Fax: (351) 1 3574771. Howard P. Whidden, Biology Department, Central College, 812 University Avenue, Pella, IA 50219, USA. Phone: (1) 515 6285147.
* SEARCHING FOR THE GRAIL: A SAMPLING METHOD THAT ACCURATELY PORTRAYS SMALL MAMMAL COMMUNITIES Conveners: Gordon L. Kirkland, Jr., Vertebrate Museum, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA 17257, USA. Phone: (1) 717 5321407. Fax: (1) 717 5304048. Jiri Gaisler, Department of Zoology and Ecology, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic. Phone: (420) 5 41129522. Fax: (420) 5 412 112 14.
Postal address for correspondence is:
Euro-American Mammal Congress Laboratorio de Parasitologia Facultad de Farmacia Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Fax (34) 81 593316



We call on all potential participants to, whenever feasible, use electronic mail. The electronic mail address to be used for all queries and requests is: or contact: Dr. Fernando Palacios

International Symposium of Rodent Ecology Evolution and Integrated Management, Oct., 1998, Beijing

The Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is going to hold an international Symposium on rodent ecology, evolution and integrated management in October of 1998, Beijing, P. R. China. The Symposium will last five days. During the symposium, formal lecture, discussion, poster, product display and visit will be organized. Researchers and students on rodent ecology or taxonomy, experts or companies on rodent control are welcome to participate in this symposium. If you are interested in this symposium and want to know further information, please contact with the following person and address: Dr. Zhibin ZHANG Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100080, China Tel:(010)62554027, (010)62552225 Fax:(010)62565689 E-mail:


Congresses that were held in 1997:

7th International Theriological Congress (Acapulco, Mexico: 6-12 September, 1997)

Doug Anderson has proposed a symposium, "Ecology of riparian mammals on large, aridland rivers" for the 7th International Theriological Congress, to be held in Acapulco, Mexico, 6-12 September 1997. If you plan to attend this meeting and are interested in participating in this symposium, or know of someone who might be, please contact me (Doug) directly as soon as possible. I believe the symposium has been approved by the meeting organizers, and I will soon need to send them a list identifying potential participants. I will maintain a list of e-mail addresses of those contacting me, on the chance we can form a discussion group on this topic. > >Doug Andersen >

31th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Prague, August 13-16, 1997

There will be 6 plenary presentations (40 minutes including discussion), 48 spoken presentations in two parallel streams, and a poster session which will be given ample time and space during the conference. The 60 minutes Wood-Gush Memorial Lecture will be given by Ilan Golani, Tel Aviv University, Israel.Please address all correspondence to ISAE97, c/o Marek Spinka, Research Institute of Animal Production (VUZ V), CZ-104 00 Praha 10 - Uhrineves, Czech Republic, phone +42 2 6771 0713, fax +42 2 6771 0779 or 6771 1448, e-mail VUZV1@MS.ANET.CZ

U.S.-China Conference on the Environment in Beijing on August 5-8, 1997

Arizona State University is a Cooperating Organization for this Conference. The committee is soliciting papers for concurrent sessions at this conference. Contact Dr. Larry Olson for details on paper submission at LARRY.OLSON@ASU.EDU We invite you to participate in this significant environmental meeting. We hope you will assist us by informing others in your network about this opportunity. For more information on the conference please visit our website at or send us E-mail:

Thank you. Jodie Brown, Coordinator 


Through his career-long dedication to understanding vole biology, Lowell Getz has fostered the development of a still-growing interest in these fascinating rodents. Lowell will formally retire from the University of Illinois in May, 1997. We plan to use this occasion to celebrate his career accomplishments, and to bring together researchers interested in vole behavior, reproduction and related topics. The vole conference will be a satellite of the annual meeting of Animal Behavior Society, scheduled to be held at the University of Maryland, College Park from June 21-27. Time and Location: The vole conference will be held between 9:30 am and 5:00 pm on June 21, 1997. The meeting site is Room 1208, Zoology-Psychology Building on the campus of the University of Maryland (northwest of Hornbake Library on Campus Drive). The first event for the ABS meeting will a reception to be held on the evening of June 21, so attendance at the vole conference will not conflict with that meeting.

ORGANIZERS: Sue Carter and Bruce Cushing: Department of Zoology, Univrsity of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 301-405-6940 (office), 391-314-9358 (fax), or; Melinda Novak:

Rocky Mountain National Park All-Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, Colorado, 9-10 June, 1997
We invite you to participate in Rocky Mountain National Park's first all-scientists meeting, to be held at Park Headquarters, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado. The day-and -a-half meeting will begin Monday afternoon, June 9, and will include a plenary presentation, contributed paper and poster sessions, and a barbeque. Everyone with an interest in park resources is welcome to attend the meeting. Researchers who have conducted studies in the park are invited to submit an abstract and present their findings as an oral or poster presentation. Please share this announcement with your colleagues.
Further information and instructions for abstract submission can be obtained from Jill Baron or Vivian Ridley:
Jill Baron, USGS-BRD, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO, 80523, ph: (970) 491-1968, fax: (970) 491-1965. email:
Vivian Ridley,Division of Resources Management and Research, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, CO 80517; ph: (970) 586-1297; fax: (970) 586-1310 email: 
The 6th World Wilderness Congress will be held in Bangalore, India, October 18-25, 1997. The Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute and the Wilderness Society will co-chair an extended symposium entitled, "Wilderness Designation, Management, and Research". There will be a wide array of sessions available covering such topics as:
* threats and management of invasive/alien species in wilderness; * wilderness site restoration methods and successes; * restoration and management of fire in wilderness; * use of historical ecological information in wilderness management; * issues surrounding protection of cultural or ancestral values in wilderness; * specifying, protecting, and expanding biodiversity values; * sustainability of experiences, resources, and benefits related to wilderness tourism; * wilderness monitoring issues; * wilderness planning issues; * management of human uses, including recreation; * personal and social meanings of wilderness.
Abstracts will be accepted for review on any of these topics until the April 1st deadline. For a complete call for papers or for more information on this exciting international event, please contact: Alan Watson, Research Social Scientist, PO Box 8089, Missoula, MT 59807, (406)542-4197, FAX (406)543-2663, or via e-mail at: /s=a.watson/
Zoos Committing to Conservation THE SECOND BIENNIAL CONFERENCE
The 1997 Zoos Committing to Conservation Conference will be hosted by Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida, U.S. from the 11th - 14th of December. Appropriately, the meeting will take place in the Westshore Hyatt which overlooks an Audubon Sanctuary. This habitat is owned and protected by the hotel on the shore of Tampa Bay. It is in this setting that we hope to foster the spirit of the 1995 landmark conservation conference created and hosted by the Columbus Zoo. A diversity of people, including zoo personnel, field researchers, conservation organizations, educators, and artists will gather to learn how to develop productive partnerships for in-situ conservation projects. This is a unique opportunity to help determine the role zoos will play in conservation in the 21st century. To be added to our mailing list or become involved in this program, please e-mail your response to or fax Busch Gardens at 813-987-5548. Don't miss out on the ideas, camaraderie, and a chance to make a difference. 
1997 Meeting of The American Society of Mammalogists
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 14-18 June, 1997
Contact Kaye White Walker, Arts and Sciences Extensions, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-3052, USA. Fax: (405) 744-6992, e-mail:

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Dr. Werner Haberl. Address: Hamburgerstrasse 11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria.