Shrew Project Proposals &
This space is reserved for your proposals for research projects related to the biology and conservation of the Soricidae.
If you have a proposal you
would like to see online, please contact
me. I think it's a good vehicle, not only for attracting possible grantors,
but also to gain the attention of the public. Since a proposal describes
a project, it gives people a way to learn more about what you are doing.
Many visitors to Shrew (ist's) Site enjoy reading in depth about work with
the shrews.
This space is reserved for your applications and job vacancies.
Good Luck
I am seeking research assistants for a study on the effects of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposure on the small mammals at forested site in central Pennsylvania. The overall goal for this study is to develop a method to assess biotic harm from PCB contamination in terrestrial habitats. Field studies focus on the assemblage of small mammals trapped with Sherman, Bolton and pitfall traps, and on the population biology of white-footed mice, short-tailed shrew and red-backed voles. Laboratory studies focus on the short-tailed shrew and white-footed mouse. Shrews are of special interest because they feed high on the food chain and have potentially high levels of exposure to PCBs through eating contaminated prey items.
The volunteer will be involved in all phases of the project, including trapping shrews for the field component of the study, daily data collection and husbandry of the captive shrews, assisting with the operation of experimental trials and data entry. Good work habits and ability to communicate are very important; the volunteer must be someone who can take general direction, discuss the procedures, be motivated enough to work carefully on their own and with initiative to solve some of the methodological issues that always come up. This is an excellent opportunity for someone to participate in a scientific study related to environmental protection. Dates are from 1 March 1998 to approximately 15 October, although these are somewhat flexible.
The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center is a federal research lab (of the U.S. Geological Service, Department of the Interior) located in Maryland about 12 miles N of Washington, D.C., on a 12,000 acre research wildlife refuge. Several different areas of research are carried out here including study of the ecological effects of environmental contaminants, migratory birds and their habitat use, and endangered species biology including captive propagation. There are roughly 50 scientists and 200 employees overall at Patuxent. Housing for volunteers is available, along with reimbursement of living expenses. There is no local public transportation from Patuxent to shopping areas so a car is desirable.
Please send (electronic or surface mail) resume and a letter to: