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The Shrew (ist's) Site:
How can I contribute?

This is not MY
site. ...It is composed of numerous contributions by a great number of
people that thought it worthwhile to share their experience, scientific
records and illustrations. It is therefore rather THEIRs
or ...
I'm just the Master of the House doing the work :-)

(...every two cents would help...)
- Providing any scientific material
- Providing photos or illustrations
- Sending copies or reprints of your works to add
to the Shrew Bibliography
- Linking to this site
- Donating: Donations are welcome, since this site
is managed on a non-profit basis. Any surplus money will be recycled back
into the pages and this project. Real excess will be used to support other
shrew projects after consideration and recommendation by the academic experts
(see proposals). Do it anonymously or ask
for details...
- Purchasing the Shrew Bibliography
- Shopping the Fleamarket
or providing shrew items to comission
- Simply writing something encouraging into the Guestbook
- Official Sponsorship: Page
of Sponsors (still a sad tragedy)
The site depends on being partially
supported by voluntary donations as a scholarly forum, to provide public
awareness of shrews, and to furnish enjoyable "shrewdness".
All correspondence should be sent to the address below:
Dr. Werner Haberl
Hamburgerstrasse 11/17
A-1050 Vienna, Austria
This web site was created by
Dr. Werner Haberl. Address: Hamburgerstrasse
11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria.