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The Shrew .(-ist's). Site
A Contribution to Promote the Investigation of the
Biology of the Soricidae (Insectivora - Mammalia)
(a.k.a. Shrews, Spitzmäuse, Spitzmuizen, Musaraignes, Rijacki, Toporagni, Näbbmöss etc. .. Check the dictionary) 
by Werner Haberl
To enliven and deepen the study of a science,
nothing is more effective
than to fathom its historical development.
This web site aims to not only become a place for zoologists specialized in the biology of shrews (Soricidae, Insectivora, Mammalia) but also a scholarly forum , to provide public awareness of shrews, furnish enjoyable "shrewdness" and to serve an educational purpose. Many visitors to the Shrew (ist's) Site enjoy reading in depth about scientific work with shrews. The pages are composed of numerous contributions by a great number of people that thought it worthwhile to share their experience, scientific records and illustrations. Contributions are most welcome.

Research on shrews has assumed immense proportions during the past decade. Even for specialists it is hard to keep up to date with the numerous research papers published every year. A considerable time-lag slowing down progress must be taken into account when trying to get an overview of the current stand of research. Especially references to older papers and those in journals not listed in databases are hard to locate. A great deal of shrew research is 'disguised' and hidden in general publications on small mammals. 

P.S.: Shrews (Suncus etruscus) have always been said to be the smallest mammals, but in fact, they are only among the smallest mammals, as recently a bat was found to be the smallest mammal: "The Bumblebee Bat" (Craseonycteris thonglongyai) =
Tour the Site by starting from any of the following links.
This journey will take you through 8 MB of shrew data: 
Shrew Talk: an E-mail newsletter and archives
The Shrew Bibliography (with a link to selected references)
Scientific Information and Online Reports on the Biology of Shrews and Other Insectivores
The Shrew Photo Gallery
Shrewists on E-mail
IUCN / SSC / ITSES: Insectivore, Tree Shrew & Elephant Shrew Specialist Group 
The Shrew Conference Hall
Current Inquiries
Announcements, Congresses...
Shrew Dictionary
Shrew Culture, Myths, Stories and Poisonous Facts
Links of Interest
Shrew Project Proposals & Jobs
The Shrew Leisure Site
The Shrew Fleamarket

More about the nature of this site and how to contribute (Contributions are most welcome...)
Guestbook - - - Archives 1997
Click here and then reload the upcoming page to see last update and what's new

Personal Stuff:
My List of Publications
I would appreciate receiving reprints of your latest papers on Soricidae and small mammal ecology.

This web site was created by
Dr. Werner Haberl ©. Address: Hamburgerstrasse 11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria.
Created in October ,1996. (any comments?) 

You seem to be visitor no.  to this site, which was awarded as the "Coolest Science Site" 18.11.1996. This is what "inScight" (Science Magazine & Academic Press) wrote about this site on November 27, 1996

Cool Sci- Site    
mentioned in the BBC Wildlife Magazine 1997 & Encyclopedia Brittanica Online 
(still a sad tragedy)
But a Good Place to Find Trapping Equipment, Ethology Software and other Scientific Aids Related to Small Mammal Studies !