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The Shrew (ist's) Site:
Guestbook Archives (1997-2000)
On 28.02.00 at 00:35 from Trystan ( / no homepage)
I'm doing a research project on the shrew, so anyone who's got any info on them send it to me!!!!
On 26.02.00 at 17:35 from Rik Brys ( / no homepage)
Dear shrewfreaks, This is the best shrev and mammal-site in al its aspects. Congratulations!! Greetings, "Batman" mammalfreak from Limburg-Belgium Rik Brys
On 19.02.00 at 17:00 from Joris Gerritsen ( / no homepage)
I'd like to ask the audience if there is nice (or not so nice)way of getting rid of shrews. Around my house (and probably also in it) each year around february/march they are the cause of a terrible smell. It was said that this is caused by the males trying to attrackt femails for their breeding. This auwsome stink is very noticable but we never see a trace of the animals themselves. How can we destroy these little bastards?
On 18.02.00 at 22:51 from Yo Kintner ( / no homepage)
YO Hi I love shrews Yo signing off
On 06.02.00 at 17:43 from Alfreda and Tanissha Shrewha ( /'sFarm)Hi this is Alfreda and Tanisha Shrewha. We were justb looking for websites on our family tree, and we went to this site but it was on the SHrew. Now we are Dismol Swamp Shrew experts.We fell in love with the animals and have done lots and lots of research on them. Thanks for the extra extra extra extra extra extra cool site.
On 04.02.00 at 03:27 from Reed (via / no homepage)
Today I saw a shrew
On 03.02.00 at 18:00 from Jim Snajczuk ( / no homepage)
Finally i found out it was shrews not mice in my garden. How do i get rid of them. Help!!
On 26.01.00 at 21:33 from Curious Kids ( / no homepage)
Great site!!! I didn't know that the strange looking mouse my son and I had caught was actually a SHREW,I never heard of such a thing. Till we found your site. Thanks for the Info. ps. We caught 1, the cat got 1, so how many do you think are still living in my house? How can I get rid of them or do they actually hurt anything being there?
On 19.01.00 at 05:10 from Mark Ravenelle ( / no homepage)
I was shoveling snow during the day when I notices a small rodent tunneling through the snow. It was a shrew and it was white! It looked like a tiny polar bear.
On 17.01.00 at 13:16 from Mary Vriens ( / no homepage)
Proffessionally I work with small mammals and nocturnal animals at Rotterdam Zoo. In my private collection I keep M. proboscideus. So far I bred 6 babies, but all died at the age of 21 to 24 days. A lot of theories for the deaths,no solutions.Ideas?
On 11.01.00 at 21:58 from Margaret ( / no homepage)
Great page, I'm doing some research work on tree shrew mDNA myself as a graduate student, so a little background information was useful.
On 11.01.00 at 20:46 from Rachelle ( / no homepage)
I think shrews are the cutest........i wish i had one for a pet!!!!!!!!!!!!
On 09.01.00 at 04:16 from Alison Sheehey ( /
Thank you for this great site. It is a pleasure to see new entries every time I visit. I am working on a project documenting the status and distribution of mammals in Kern County California USA, if anyone has shrew infomation for this area please contact me. Especially looking for evidence of Sorex palustris. Thanks.
On 02.01.00 at 03:25 from Jenifer Plamondon ( / no homepage)
are all shrews so small???
On 02.01.00 at 03:23 from Jenifer Plamondon ( / no homepage)
i like the site!
On 10.12.99 at 15:40 from Michael Francis ( / no homepage)
Seeking information on shrews in the hot Sonoran Desert. I have failed to find a reference for locally occuring species. Any ideas?
On 08.12.99 at 17:05 from Sherri Hieber Day ( / no homepage)
Shrews of the World or World of Shrews! Cannot believe the wonder of this site. Was able to confirm that there was a film about killer shrews! On the serious side, I need color pics for a kid's book called Amazing Animal Records of our friend suncus etruscus. The publisher will pay! Thanks
On 07.12.99 at 23:22 from Jacque ( /
this has aweomse pics. good for funny presentation of "The taming of the shrew" by shakespeare in english class... thanx!! U ROCK
On 01.12.99 at 17:46 from toasty ( / no homepage)
Yo yo yo! Jus' like to say that shruz r safe, brah!
On 23.11.99 at 21:14 from corey sorenson (via / no homepage)
This site was awesome
On 16.11.99 at 14:59 from MRS (via / no homepage)
Does anyone know what the smallest mammal is?
On 15.11.99 at 04:55 from James Henderson ( /
Great small mammal web page!!! Your shrew pictures brought back memories of surveying small mammals, while employed as a seasonal Wildlife Biologist, a few years ago.
On 12.11.99 at 14:15 from Shrew o matic ( / no homepage)
Great great site
On 12.11.99 at 01:41 from joesappoon (via / no homepage)
Do shrews lose their hair when they get chemo?
On 09.11.99 at 05:12 from shrewboy? ( /
I was wondering if I would ever see that logo again since I lost my shrewboy t-shirt
On 07.11.99 at 18:37 from Magda Mazurska ( / no homepage)
I study biology and I am interested in common shrew. This page really helped me in my work!
On 07.11.99 at 18:36 from Magda Mazurska ( / no homepage)
I study biology and I am interested in common shrew. This page really helped me in my work!
On 03.11.99 at 17:14 from Ben Abbott ( / no homepage)
I'm a biology undergraduate doing an Hons. project on small mammal populatons ( mostly Bank Voles and Wood Mice ) - but I've trapped a few shrews, so I thought I'd see what other people thought about them! You're all clearly mad on shrews!! Great site though - keep up the good work. PS (If anyone has any info on small mammals they'd like to send me, I'd really appreciate it!!)
On 02.11.99 at 01:23 from stuart lupinski ( / no homepage)
I am visiting this web site because Im doing aa book report my age is nine.Thank you for the great information!
On 26.10.99 at 12:40 from Mike and Judy ( / no homepage)
Dear Shrewists, Glad to know that some people are as mad about shrews as we are. However, we are still desperately searching to find one in the wild. Any tips would be gratefully received. We presently live near the River Crane in West London, a possible prime site. Keep up the good work. Would definitely be interested in shrew memoribilia.
On 24.10.99 at 04:32 from ( /
Tolle Page. Mach weiter so. T'schau Pfundskerl.
On 12.10.99 at 07:27 from Adam Harpster ( / no homepage)
I know that my former employer, the late Dr.Gordon Kirkland, must have loved this site because I certainly do. Keep up the good work.
On 09.10.99 at 18:01 from Birdy ( / no homepage)
Wenn ich der erste Besucher sein sollte, der sich einträgt, soll es mich freuen Birdy
On 27.09.99 at 05:03 from Rachel ( / no homepage)
it was a great site i got losts of info great artwork. It was very usefull on my science project!! Keep up the good work!!!
On 23.09.99 at 05:15 from Kersten Belzer (via / no homepage)
Biology honours undergraduate, recently completed field study with Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, researching home range of Tree shrews native to South Western Canada. Excellent site!
On 22.09.99 at 07:49 from Melissa R. Hempe ( /
I am trying to discover the name of the small animal I saw over a year ago. It was black, had small paws for digging, but most uniquely a trumpet shaped snout with a cheerio like opening at the end. Very tiny and cute. Neurotrichus gibbsii - Shrew-mole - NW North America perhaps?
On 14.09.99 at 06:27 from K Sivakumar ( / no homepage)
I am studying the wildlife of Andman and Nicobar Islands especially fauna. Since 1995, I have been studying the ecology of the endemic avifauna of these islands. Along with this study, I collected some information regarding the distribution, density, ecology and breeding biology of the Nicobar Tree Shrew. After entering this great website, I would like to discuss with the tree shrew specialist about the Nicobar tree shrew (this species ever studied before) especially its conservation. Intrested people kindly contact me because I look forward to learing lots about tree shrews.
On 13.09.99 at 18:47 from Jane Ann Junge ( / no homepage)
What a useful site. Shrew(ists) have been scattered all over the world. This permits comminication ! Loved the artwork
On 16.08.99 at 02:42 from Roger Neumann ( / no homepage)I am researching a small mammal reportedly chewing off the insulation on ignition wires on cars in Germany. An exchange student told us they cannot leave a car parked outside in some areas for fear the animal will do damage to the wires. Any info on this is appreciated.
On 06.08.99 at 19:13 from John R. Bryce ( / no homepage)
Great site. My work includes identifying contaminant hairs in foods. Having published a paper on the characteristics of the hairs of Suncus murinus, it is interesting to note that food imported from Asia has been found to be contaminated by the hairs of this little commensal mammal.
On 06.08.99 at 08:21 from Althea Roderick ( / no homepage)
What a great find! Never imagined there was a website for the shrew. I have a great story from my childhood in Minnesota about two pet mice and a shrew that I tell to kids. Wanted to know more about this mammal we mistook for a mouse. Things are not always what they look to be!
On 28.07.99 at 16:44 from T. C. Flanigan ( / no homepage)
Hi, Great Web Site. I am seaching for information about the Star-nosed Mole, (Concylure cristata). Can you assist me inlocating some? Thank you!
On 16.07.99 at 14:26 from Kim Roberts ( / no homepage)
Hi there, i am a new convert to the shrewist way of life ,and its a wonderful world. I am presently studying their foraging behaviour and effeciveness as pest controllers,if any one has any info. i would be most greatful. Brilliant homepage, keep shrewmania alive forever.
On 13.07.99 at 23:11 from Robert ( / no homepage)
Hi, I'm a 14 year old Shrewist, and I need list of all the differant types Shrews for a report. P.S. Kick A** Site.
On 06.07.99 at 07:14 from Jase Flanagan ( / no homepage)
I live in Guam, and we have a terrible time with all of the shrews here. They get into everything and leave feces everywhere! I have discovered that the most effective way of catching them in a trap is to use another dead shrew. Why is that? When I kill one in the shed, by the time I get back from the house with a baggie to pick it up, it has been moved across the shed (about 5 feet). They seem to like to recover their dead--is this a common trait in shrews? Please email me if you know anything about this--Oh, and if you also might know what type of shrew this is here in Guam, there are no pictures resembling ours on the shrew site--Jase.
On 05.07.99 at 15:28 from L. Philipp (via / no homepage)
Lovely site about small animals!
On 29.06.99 at 06:13 from Emma H. ( / no homepage)
Dear Shrewists, I'm a 10 year old 4-H wildlife project member from little Greenwood, Missouri. My fair project this year is about Missouri Shrews. I have visited your site many times to collect information. Thanks! Emma Hackney
On 29.06.99 at 06:13 from Emma H. ( / no homepage)
Dear Shrewists, I'm a 10 year old 4-H wildlife project member from little Greenwood, Missouri. My fair project this year is about Missouri Shrews. I have visited your site many times to collect information. Thanks! Emma Hackney
On 24.06.99 at 21:45 from PhilDaPoohBear ( /
Bear from Chicago, IL :0)
On 21.06.99 at 23:36 from David Thomsen ( / no homepage)
I need a bit of expert help. I put a question in our company newsletter, asking "What is the only poisonous mammal?" with the expected answer of the platypus. An employee has answered "shrew" instead. Is this a possible correct answer?
On 11.06.99 at 22:38 from John P. Levell ( /
Dera Dr. Haberl, Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy both the e-mail newsletter (Shrew Talk) and the on-line Shrew (ist's) Site. Although my primary interests are in the field of herpetology, I must admit learning much about shrews and being most impressed by your webpages. So impressed in fact, I've added a link to your site on our on-line Zoo Book Sales natural history book catalog. Once again, great job on the Shrew (ist's) Site.
On 11.05.99 at 02:07 from Casey ( / no homepage)
Cool!! thanks 4 the info. Sure I'll get a doule A+ on my assignment!!
On 23.04.99 at 11:08 from Pauline Neveu ( / no homepage)
i am looking for shrews to study their locomotion. does somebody have some?
On 20.04.99 at 19:15 from Dan Watson ( / no homepage)
I'm an undergrad helping my advisor with his research on kidney function in shrews, if anyone has any good ideas on how to collect urine samples from them i would truly appreciate it, Thank you!
On 17.04.99 at 12:48 from Gord ( / no homepage)
I have a shrew in my basement. It seems to stay for a week or so, then dissappears for a time. It seems to have preferred defecation sites. The first time it came, it was bold, coming out in the open, but it seemed to learn I keep a cat and now it is much more cautious.
On 06.04.99 at 19:30 from Frizz ( / no homepage)
Shrews are awesome!
On 06.04.99 at 17:05 from Jens (via / no homepage)
In Danish it is called a "Spidsmus" (sing & Plur)
På dansk hedder det en "Spidsmus" (også flertal)
On 01.04.99 at 08:58 from Sally Walker ( /
I run an NGO in India which runs CBSG, India and several taxon networks with the ultimate objective of conducting CAMP Workshops for biodiversity assessments. Last year we conducted a CAMP (Conservation Assessment and management Plan ) workshop which utilises the IUCN Red List Criteria, 1994 as an assessment tool, and assessed 400 species of Indian mammals of which about 100 were rodents and insectivores. To view the summary of this workshop see website below. We are starting a Network for South Asian field biologists and scientists who specialise in Rodents and insectivores. This shrew site is providing a lot of goodinformation. If anyone has information on shrew or rodent specialists in India or on the animals themselves, I would be happy to have it.
We are also looking for a sponsor for the network. It will cost a couple of thousand dollars to run. Out aim is conduct a C.A.M.P. workshop for only Indian (and possibly South Asian) Rodents and Shrews in the year 2000 or 2001.
On 23.03.99 at 19:41 from T. McIntyre ( / no homepage)
I am a college student doing a research paper on small mammal habitat preference. If anyone could give me any information on shrew habitat preference of the Blarina brevicauda and the Sorex cinereus or where I may find such information it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
On 16.03.99 at 19:00 from Henrik Johansson ( / no homepage)
Very good page! I love shrews. I´m from Sweden, and this is the best site I have visited.
On 15.03.99 at 21:39 from Carl Raichle ( / no homepage)
I have accidentally killed my second common shrew in my garage mousetrap which is always baited with sunflower seeds. Have the shrews been periodically disemboweling my dead mice? Do shrews attack moles? If so, ship me several dozen! Great website--Vielen Dank, Carl Raichle, Glen Gardner, NJ, USA
On 24.02.99 at 11:30 from bine (via /
wirklich gelungene Seite
On 24.02.99 at 01:43 from steve lavender ( /
great site very interesting will add alink from my site wildlife of great britain at the weekend
On 09.02.99 at 12:23 from Ryan L ( / no homepage)
The site is amazing!!!!!
On 03.02.99 at 22:37 from John P. Levell ( /
Great to find out that a shrew website actually exists. While I'm primarily interested in North American varieties, I think your webpages will prove most interesting. Thanks
On 23.01.99 at 21:35 from Claire Basney ( /
Dear Shrew-ists
Thank-you for the opportunity to visit your truly unique site. I am a storyteller about to tell a story which features a giant shrew (bigger than a polar bear) and so wanted to imagine accurately what that would look like. The site helped a lot. If you want to add the story to your bibliography, it is called "The Battle Song of the Giants"--an Inuit myth--and is in a collection called Tales of Ticasuk, by Emily Ivanoff Brown. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1987... Are there shrews in the Artic or northern Alask? I would appreciate any data as far as northern geography you could give me, and soon. : ) Thanks again.
On 20.01.99 at 19:07 from Clarissa Gumbinger ( / no homepage)Sehr geehrter Herr Doctor!
Mein Referat war ein voller Erfolg. Das ist mir doch glatt ein Eintrag in ihr Gästebuch wert. Ich wollte Ihnen noch viel mals danken. Sie haben einen großen Teil zu meinem Referat bei getragen und ein Wissen, dass mir für immer bleiben wird.
On 19.01.99 at 03:56 from Jennie ( / no homepage)Wow, I thought all you people were a little off your rocker and hey you all may very well be, but I really enjoyed the photo gallery. They are such itty bitty things! Well I am doing an undergrad project on them and I like them so far, but I think shrewist is a bit strong for me yet? What's the total fascination? Just wondering.
On 12.01.99 at 23:32 from Howard Olson ( / I found the page very interesting especially the page on Scandentia.
Howard Olson Medical Dept Silicon Valley College Walnut CA 94598 USA
On 08.01.99 at 00:22 from Andrew Behrendt ( / see that my favorite page about my favorite animal is looking good. i wish I had something to contribute, but alas, I am at a loss for ideas. Keep up the outstanding job!
On 02.01.99 at 17:09 from Alyse ( / no homepage)I am doing a report on Shrews and I used your website for information. It was a great help! Thank you! Also, I was wondering if you had any information on the reproduction of shrews if so please send it to me a.s.a.p. thank you so much!
On 30.12.98 at 19:26 from Ken Berger ( / no homepage)The best (bias aside) web sit I have ever visited. Keep up the good work. Makes me proud to be a "shrewist".
On 07.12.98 at 21:35 from Brittany Sie (via / no homepage)I am looking for a short-nose elephant shrew and I can't seem to find it do you suppose you could get some information out on it
On 17.11.98 at 02:18 from jenn ( / no homepage)I'm looking to compare short tailed shrews and deer mice. I hope to find what I'm looking for here, but if any other shrewists have insights let me know :)
On 17.11.98 at 02:15 from jenn ( / no homepage)Looking for info on short tailed shrew vs. deer mice....still looking if anyone's got any really great info. Very neat site with lots of great pictures and knowledge, I hope to find what I'm looking for here.
On 13.11.98 at 04:41 from ejh ( / no homepage)Cool to have visited here. In a basic bio class. Looking up insectivora. Thanks for the info.
On 11.11.98 at 19:14 from Dr. Hartmut Delventhal, Dipl. Biol. (VJNHDELVI@AOL.COM / http://noneatthemoment)It was my very first day in the internet and I found all the amazing pictures and stories about shrews. And it so happened that on this very day my youngest son needed material for school about "Spitzmäuse". So I was very lucky that you could help him, because you collected all this competent and widespread informations about shrews. Your work is absolutely great. My son's teacher kept all the "prints". Thanks and greetings from Berlin!
On 09.11.98 at 00:03 from Cinda Timperley ( / no homepage)Greetings!
I am doing Master's work on fossil Sorex and am pleased to find this website. It is great!
On 07.11.98 at 19:48 from T. Cheesnaps Gail ( / no homepage)This is a great site. You should enter it into the Secret of NIMH webring and/or the Redwall webrings.
On 03.11.98 at 02:50 from laura (via / no homepage)thanks for helping me with my homework!
On 01.11.98 at 23:36 from Melissa ( / no homepage)Thank you for helping me with my homework
On 27.10.98 at 14:06 from Daniela Hamidovic ( / http://(inthenearestfuture))Don't know what to say. They all said it before me. I can only describe this place like a piece of art, a master piece etc, etc. I found it while I was searching for people who are also interested in Crocidura. Well, I know very small part of such big field, but I must do my after diploma work on the skull of Crocidura suaveolens. And this site is for now the biggest help I can get. Except people I'm working with. Thank You again very much. And I hope you won't become a shrew in the future (or You will?!). You never know.
On 20.10.98 at 02:04 from ADAM AGOSTI ( / no homepage)I'M DOING MY FIRST SCHOOL REPORT . THANKS FOR THE HELP
On 15.10.98 at 18:45 from :) (via / no homepage)I spent a year beginning a research investigation into the olfactory tissue of the American short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda during my senior year in undergrad....i spent many LONG hours looking for other current research, and i wish i could have found this site then!!
On 14.10.98 at 03:46 from Jessie ( / no homepage)Early this last summer I was riding my mountain bike and saw a small rodent looking this run across my path. So I jumped of and caught it. It looked like a hamster. I love small rodents and wanted to find out what I had found. After putting it back in the brush away from the trail. I went to my friend's not really thinking of the animal but I did take his room mates Missouri Consevationist were I was lucky to find the story about shrews. Now I'm looking for information in the desert shrew for a zoo. mid-term. If anyone has more info please sent it to me. I really liked the page.
On 08.10.98 at 21:07 from Miguel V. Fenandes ( / no homepage)I very glad to have found this wonderful site. I am an udergraduate at the university of Montana and I worked on flactuating asymmetry in a free-living population of Sorex sinereus. I look foward to learning lots more about shrews.
On 07.10.98 at 01:11 from Andrew Dressel ( / no homepage)Found the weirdest-looking 'mouse' this morning in the driveway. Thanks for helping me identify the first shrew I've ever seen.
On 05.10.98 at 17:34 from Frank Feyerabend ( / no homepage)Hallo, tolle Seite. Ich werde demnächst auch ein (hoffentlich guter) Shrew'ist und würde mich immer über Hinweise und ähnliches freuen. Bis demnächst!
On 24.09.98 at 18:40 from Darrell Smith ( / no homepage)Shrewly a great site!
On 22.09.98 at 13:46 from Thom (via / no homepage)The best ever for us shrew lovers.
On 20.09.98 at 01:21 from ? ( / http://nottellingyou!!!!!!)hellooooooo you need to make you page with more skulls okkkkkkkkkkkk
On 09.09.98 at 19:13 from Peter Clare ( / no homepage)I found your site while doing my Year 8 Biology homework: it's huge!
On 03.09.98 at 04:03 from larry b. ( / no homepage)Shrews rewl!!!
On 03.09.98 at 01:57 from Mary Reed (via / no homepage)Hello Werner....just wanted to congrat you on your's great!!! We direct all shrew questions in you of course!
On 02.09.98 at 04:40 from Jay Villemarette ( /, Skulls Unlimited would like to anounce that we now offer both Solenodon skulls as well as a Shrew skull in replica form. These are all wonderful casts of these very special mammals. You will be able to view them on our web site in a few weeks,or if you would like a preview please e-mail at the below address. Please make a note that our web address has changed and the address on your site is a dead link.Our new address is
If I can be of any other assistance, Please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jay Villemarette Skulls Unlimited International Inc. 1-800-659-7585 or 1-405-632-4200
On 28.08.98 at 00:08 from Gl.ennie Mcginnis ( / no homepage)Werner, thanks for your timely response to my shrew query, it helped greatly. I remember as a young girl learning about and being interested in shrews, my recent shrew visitor has rekindled my curiosity
On 25.08.98 at 04:20 from TIM HARRIS (FJORD_27@HOTMAIL.COM / no homepage)A GREAT SITE!
On 19.08.98 at 15:53 from mary anne ( / no homepage)thanks for the wonderful site! i now know what's been handing out in my stone walls here in connecticut. (they sure are cute!)
On 13.08.98 at 22:15 from Lyndsay (via / no homepage)I'm writing a report on Shrews and this website is helping alot!!!!!!
On 04.08.98 at 03:00 from Sam Abbott ( / no homepage)My name is Sam and I'm almost 5 years old. My mom and dad read me a story about shrews that was in "Missouri Conservationist". I wanted to know more about shrews and the story told us about this web site. Thanks
On 28.07.98 at 11:13 from A. Kaiser ( / no homepage)I found 4 young shrews and did not know how to handle. Thanks for a lot of adresses where i could find some further help
On 13.07.98 at 04:42 from Adrienne ( / no homepage)I found a short tailed shrew that kept walking in circles, sometimes even falling on its side. He seemed to have problems with his hind-quarters. I found your site while searching for information on shrews. You have some very interesting information here. I would be interested in anyones opinions regarding the above incident.
On 26.06.98 at 18:00 from Brian Doucet ( / no homepage)Thanks for all the interesting info on, what is for me, a new-found creature.
On 24.06.98 at 02:00 from
Gordon Allen
( / no homepage)The two cat youngsters (about 9 months old) have been bringing in things from outside to play with. I went wandering around doing research on Internet to find out actually what was the species that frequently showed in the house - sometimes not damaged hardly at all (yet). Your homepage with all the info (and photos !!) about shrews. Ah yes ... life is weird. Thanks ...
On 19.06.98 at 17:42 from
Kathrin Jaeck
( / no homepage)Hi Werner,
Discover magazine does a monthly survey of interesting web pages. I e-mailed them about the shrew(ist's) site. Perhaps they are going to mention the page in one of their future issues.
"Your" page is simply FAB!
On 19.06.98 at 00:16 from
Alison Baker
( / no homepage)I was writing my weekly commentary for Public Radio and quoted a children's story in which Jimmy Skunk says, "If [the shrew] tastes as bad as he smells, I for one don't want to try him." To verify the scientific accuracy (!) of Jimmy's remark, I checked my Petersons Field Guide to Mammals--but no info. So I turned to the Internet...and found this wonderful Shrew Site! AND got an answer to my question from Werner within a couple of hours. Do people stay up all night in Vienna?
On 10.06.98 at 07:30 from
Jill Jacobek
( / no homepage)I began my quest for information on shrews when a few appeared in my parents' yard. I never dreamed that such a great looking site, filled with both wonderful humor and helpful information, could possibly exist! Thank you for the large amount of effort, time, and expertise that obviously went into creating the "shrew shrine"!
On 24.05.98 at 21:28 from
Alex D
( / far the best site to do with shrews on the
Before this site I could only find sites about shrew GENE MAPPING!!! Ahhh!!...
I was confused and wanted to learn more about them..
This site is Great!
On 21.05.98 at 01:00 from
Emily & Nathan McQuillen
( / source of information about shrews! We're not shrewists or anything, but have a deep love of the little critters and everything shrewish. You'll be prominent on our links page...
On 09.05.98 at 09:26 from
Jane Ann Junge
( / no homepage)What a great idea !
On 21.04.98 at 03:48 from
Benjamin Weaver
( /'m a high school student in Hawaii, US. I have used Mr. Haberl's Shrew (ist's) Site for many projects, including information for my school homepage. It is informative and also at the same time interesting, unlike many research sources today. I enjoy the site and look forward to the newsletters.
On 20.04.98 at 19:00 from
Charlotte Barolo
( / no homepage)Hi, this is Charlotte from Tuscany. I´m doing post-graduate studies in rainy Ireland. Just came across your absolutely astounding & fascinating web-site on my favourite creatures on this planet. Wish there were more of these highlighting moments to brighten up my quest to learn more & wish you a shrew-ful future.
On 17.04.98 at 22:06 from
Charlotte Overby
( / no homepage)I'm an editor and writer for a U.S. magazine called the Missouri Conservationist... Your site is great, and I plan to include your URL along with an up-coming feature we're running on least shrews... 400,000 readers will see it. Thanks for all your hard work.
On 02.04.98 at 22:46 from
Steve Freeman
( /"Believe It or Not!" Robert Ripley sent us here! I work with remedial reading students in Centralia, Washington USA. A student chose to research the Elephant Shrew and that led us to your site. What a great source of information. Even though he did not find his answer here the prompt response from Werner has led him to proof that Ripley was mistaken! That doesn't happen often! Nice to find such an informative site operated by such a helpful gentleman! Thanks!!
On 13.03.98 at 22:51 from
James A. Hart
( / no homepage)James A. Hart
The Vertebrate Museum
Shippensburg University
Shippensburg, PA 17257
On 04.03.98 at 02:30 from
( / I am an avid shrewist on the internet, my area of expertise in that of the Guosim shrews of Mossflower woods. I know you have mentioned it on your site, and I was wondering if you could somehow connect my site with yours. In any way, whatever you think is appropriate, but it is my homage to the shrews of the world. I would be a very happy shrewist if you could. Thanks.
On 25.02.98 at 04:32 from
( / no homepage)it is well organized and i think I can use it for my school project!
On 24.02.98 at 17:43 from
Katia Bore
( / no homepage)Hi! Your site is great! My friend didn't know what a shrew looked like, now she does, thanks!
On 19.02.98 at 21:37 from
Ryan Hunt
( / no homepage)HI,
I have Just Caught a shrew or what I think is a shrew. Anyway I would like to know more about this, can you give me any information? If you can I would appritiate it.
On 11.02.98 at 17:50 from
Jan Decher
( / no homepage)Great Site - Will definitely recommend a visit to my mammalogy students.
Vorzuegliche Information, Gestaltung & Unterhaltung!
Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Muehe.
On 07.02.98 at 23:21 from
Dianne Ferris-Doekes
( /
I'm a writer of children's stories. I've been researching the Shrew for some time now. Your site has been of great importance to my article...and in the aid of teaching children.
Thank you.
On 04.02.98 at 20:28 from
Brian Carver
( / no homepage)I am a grad. student doing some research for a
class on poisonous mammals. I found this site
very helpful in my research.
On 03.02.98 at 21:56 from
Marian Neville
(JMN1941@aol / no homepage)Neat discovery, while I'm learning the web. Also since I've been refered to as a shrew I'm not exactly sure what the corelation is? Then again maybe I don't want the answer.
On 03.02.98 at 03:27 from
D. A. Gabis
( / http://NONE)I am taking a course about mammals in winter at The Morton Arboretum in Chicago. My special interest was B. brevicauda. I thought I might find a few items through Alta-Vista. When I came upon your site, I was astonished at the huge amount of esoterica on the shrews. This is great, interesting and useful "stuff"! . I can't wait to share this with my fellows. Thanks for the excellent work.
On 01.02.98 at 01:45 from
T.M. Ashby
( / no homepage)Thanks Werner for your input on elephant shrews. My very first intuition said rabbit, but I dismissed that. I should not have.
T.M. Ashby
On 29.01.98 at 20:35 from
Trevor Hughes
( / no homepage)Your site was the single best source of information
to resolve a drunken err, scholarly discussion at
the local pub. My shrew-facts were disbelieved and
I was duely persecuted by my comrads, until your
authority vindicated me. I tip a pint to ya.
On 27.01.98 at 06:20 from
Prof. Greg Johnson
( / no homepage)I think that it is outstanding to have such a wonderful scientific page up on the net. You have my thanks.
On 25.01.98 at 00:19 from
Mary Gobet
( / no homepage)I am very interested in the Shrew Gift shop. Being part of a Renaissance Faire in Oregon, USA that is called the Shrewsbury Faire. All likenesses of a shrew would be greatly welcomed.
On 24.01.98 at 19:49 from
Leslie Engle
( /! This is the most wonderful site. I must admit my interest is only a love of shrews for simply being themselves. I keep 2 mice in lieu of shrews. I named my business, a Renaissance Faire, Shrewsbury...(after "real" shrews....but most people think after Shrewsbury, in England...)Thank you for this wonderful site. Now I will also learn more about my favorite beastie!
May all your days be Faire ones!
the Shrew ~~~~~~~( 8:>
On 14.01.98 at 20:10 from
Jason Brune
( / no homepage)Very interesting and informative site. The pictures, articles, and newsletters are superb! Thank you for designing such a great site!
On 12.01.98 at 22:57 from
Cathy MacKenzie
(wgahfx@ns.symaptico.ns / no homepage)Wasn't really expecting to find a site dedicated to shrews when I put my search in. Glad to see the little guys are arousing such interest. Unfortunately still didn't find the latin name I was looking for. The search continues....
On 09.01.98 at 01:53 from
Harold Perry
( / no homepage)Fabulous web site. I live in Central Iowa USA.we Just recently caught three Shrews and didn't know
what they were.Finally found them in a volume of books on animals of the world. Found out they eat mice.Will visit again. Do not have home page.
On 24.12.97 at 07:52 from
( / site - keep up the good work!
On 10.12.97 at 22:07 from
Patricia Schiml
( / no homepage)Hello, I work with musk shrews, Suncus murinus and was wondering if anyone would contact me with good citations for musk shrew natural ecology and density measurements. Also, if anyone knows of any good field work done on the musk shrew, I would love to hear of it.
On 28.11.97 at 18:05 from
Stephen Petersen
( / no homepage)Hello, Im looking for a reliable method to live trap shrews (for mark recapture) while still being able to identify them to species. Our speicies are Sorex cinereus, S.hoyi, S. monticolus, S. arcticus, and maybe S. palustris. any help would be appreciated.
On 26.11.97 at 21:08 from
richard Lehr
( / no homepage)Came across your website and wondering if you had some answers. I live south of Helena Mt. USA, at 5800 ft. in the Helena National Forest. We have had a deer mice problem in our house which we have been fighting,(and losing I might add), until recently when my traps have not produced any mice. What they have caught are shrews! Not on a steady basis, but 3 over a period of about 9 weeks. I know virtually nothing about them. Do they eat mice? Do they infest houses similiar to mice? We are presently still finding ways to combat the mice because of haunta Virus (not sure of spelling). Do shrews also carry the virus? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
On 20.11.97 at 23:59 from
Lisa Hartman
( / no homepage)Hi Werner and other shrewists,
This site is a great help in providing information about shrews, and aiding communication between shrewists. Thanks for taking up the challenge!P.S. If anyone wants to talk water shrews....
On 18.11.97 at 23:41 from
Edvard potisk
( / no homepage)Hallo to everybody and have nice time with Mr. Doctor Haberl
On 09.11.97 at 17:27 from
( / no homepage)Werner:
Greetings from Hoboken, NJ, USASay "Hello" to Auntie and Log-A-Log for me!
On 21.10.97 at 04:37 from
( / no homepage)Is an elephant shrew a shrew? Can they be raised in captivity?
On 17.10.97 at 04:44 from
Ramón Luque Cortina
( / no homepage)A great web.
Ramón Luque
On 16.10.97 at 16:35 from
Pascale Juch
( / http://ohne)I did research work in Uganda on small mammals as well as shrews using Sherman mammal traps. Found 5 Species of shrews out of 24 captures, of which one species, Crocidura allex hasn't been found in Uganda at all yet.
I am a 4th year student at Aberdeen University, Scotland.
On 16.10.97 at 06:57 from
Julie Fuller
( / no homepage)My project: to do a survey of small mammals and rodents at the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge.
My education: I am a freshman at the University of Montana at Missoula. I am from Omaha, Nebraska where I worked as a zoo keeper and as the head of a pet department in a garden/nursery/petcare center.
I am interested in shrew identification guides and effective shrew capturing data. I will be using sunken coffee can traps unless there is an easier way.
On 13.10.97 at 11:29 from
caesar angeles
( / no homepage)i am from los baños in the philippines.(southeast asia. i saw a shrew inside our house chasing mice. do shrew eat mice?
On 12.10.97 at 05:55 from
Robert Griffin
( / no homepage)Great site. And some people say such nasty things about them. Keep it up.
On 20.09.97 at 19:57 from
( / your site /You're up on mine
pass ZooChat around (Want it to become a
site for global communication amongst all Zoologists Catcha on ZooChat!
On 10.09.97 at 20:49 from
George Winters
( / very well planned and interesting site, Brovo!
On 10.09.97 at 07:55 from
Lee H. Simons
( / no homepage)A well organized and interesting site that I will visit again!
On 19.08.97 at 07:37 from
Hirofumi Hirakawa
( / no homepage)Visited this site after a long interval.
Very much enjoyed its new features.
Excellent! And arigatoh (Danke).
On 08.08.97 at 16:54 from
Mary D. Smith
( / http://)
Your site delights me! Do believe the scientific study and husbandry interests can benefit each other. Certainly, it is a tremendous help in
rehabilitation to know better the worlds we release these creatures into!
On 07.08.97 at 19:48 from
Monroe Pastermack
( / no homepage)Excellent sophisticated site. A model of what all biological sites should be. Danke
This web site was created by Dr. Werner Haberl. Address: Hamburgerstrasse 11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria. E-mail: URL: