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Shrew Talk

"SHREW TALK" - Vol. 2, No. 11 - 30 May 1998

SHREW TALK - 30 May 1998 - Vol. 2, No. 11
Number of Recipients: > 379
Contents of this Issue
o Research
1. Re: Small mammal live traps (Stephen Petersen)
2. Scent communication in mammals (Jon Benge)
3. Re: Baiting small mammal traps (F.J Dirrigl Jr.)
4. Information request for species habitat use in Oregon & Washington, USA (Dept. of Fish & Wildlife)
5. Developing Shrew Info Online INFO/FAQ
6. Shrew Info Online INFO/FAQ: Hitherto assignments
o Introductions
1. New Members
Robert C. Dowler
Mary Beth Voltura
Elmer J. Finck
Donald L. Rubbelke
James N. Layne
Tim Bekhuys
o The Shrew Bibliography: New Papers / Books
o What's New on the Shrew (ist's) Site
o Shrew Talk Instructions
1) Re: Small mammal live traps
Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 15:57:51 -0700
From: Stephen Petersen <ddansere@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca>
I have used victor tincats for rodents and they do catch some shrews but not in great numbers (wrong bait or rodent avoidance may be factors). Anyway this summer I am testing a few shrew traps (pitfalls (shallow/narrow, shallow/wide and deep/narrow), as well as some wooden shrew traps and modified tincats) and I will let you know how it goes. The modification of the tincats will be to exclude rodents but if any one has any other ideas I would be interested in hearing them. I don't have the budget to buy any traps right now so I'm not going tho try Ugglan or sherman traps, and my grids are very large (8km square and 2 km square) so I don't want to be digging pitfalls.
thanks stephen
Stephen D. Petersen
Department of Biological Sciences University of Alberta, Museum of Zoology University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, T6J 2E9
Phone (403) 492-4622 Fax (403) 492-1903
2) Scent communication in mammals
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 09:47:47 +0000
From: j.benge@herts.ac.uk (Jon Benge)
As part of a PhD research project looking at the ecology of water voles (Arvicola terrestris) I am interested in the role of latrines in communication. Water voles use latrines to mark territories along waterways. Latrines are scent marked from lateral glands on the flanks of the animal. I plan to take samples of this scent from both live animals and their latrines for chemical anaysis. I am writing to ask if anyone has experience of taking samples of this nature from live animals or from scent marked objects. I am primarily interested in information on rodents, although useful information from other mammals would also be appreciated, as would any appropriate references. Thank you for your time.
Regards Jon
Jon Benge
Landscape & Ecology Research Group
Department of Environmental Sciences
Tel: ++44 1707 285562
University of Hertfordshire
Fax: ++44 1992 503498
Bayfordbury Field Station Email: J.Benge@herts.ac.uk Lower Hatfield Rd, Hertford Herts, SG13 8LD, UK
3) Re: Baiting small mammal traps (fwd message)
I was lucky enough to be trained by a great mammalogist who taught me to take a handful of oats, put it in my mouth, chew it into a paste, store it in the cheek of my mouth, and roll pieces into small balls with my tongue and place it on the treadle of the traps. It captures mice, voles, shrews, moles. I have always had good luck at captures and it is easy to clean of the treadle, let it dry and flick it off. Try it some time. Frank.
Frank J. Dirrigl Jr., Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology U-158 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269-2158 fdirrigl@sprynet.com
Visit Zooarchaeology Home Page at http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/fdirrigl
4) Information request for species habitat use in Oregon & Washington, USA
Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 13:59:43 -0700
From: "Kelly A. Bettinger" <BETTIKAB@dfw.wa.gov>
To: batline@mail.unm.edu, shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at, ecolog-l@umdd.umd.edu
Subject: Information request for species habitat use in Oregon & Washington, USA
Wildlife Habitats and Species Associations in Oregon and Washington Building a Common Understanding for Management
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Management Program 600 Capitol Way North Olympia, Washington 98501-1091
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Ecological Analysis Center 7118 Northeast Vandenberg Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330-9446
Dear Colleague:
We are seeking individuals knowledgeable on the habitat requirements of one or more bird, mammal, reptile and/or amphibian species in Oregon and/or Washington. If you have conducted research, surveys, or monitoring in the Pacific Northwest for any of these wildlife species, we would like to request your participation in the data development process for the project entitled *Wildlife Habitats and Species Associations in Oregon and Washington* (*Species-Habitat Project*). The Species-Habitat Project is involved in detailing habitat relationships for over 500 species in Oregon and Washington, the results of which will be published in a book and CD ROM format. Although much has been published on these species, additional information remains in the collective knowledge of experts like yourself. In our effort to obtain the best available science, we have established an Internet World Wide Web Page by which species experts can assist the Species-Habitat Project in our data development process. We are currently seeking your help to assist us in populating species-habitat relationship data matrixes for species of your choice via a World Wide Web page.
We are developing two data matrixes for the Species-Habitat Project via our World Wide Web data collection forum. The matrixes will address wildlife species use of: (1) Wildlife Habitats - 31 wildlife habitats in Oregon and Washington; and (2) Structural Conditions - 26 Forested, 20 Non-forest, 3 Urban, 5 Agricultural. Additionally, we are asking species experts to enter data on a limited number of life history characteristics. Confidence rankings will be used to help qualify all responses and will allow us to show where there are gaps in our knowledge and research. Optional comments fields will also be available to further qualify responses and to add supporting information where necessary. The other four matrices - Habitat Elements, Life History, Management Effects, and Species Key Ecological Functions - are being filled out by Project staff. Information collected via the web will be reviewed along with the Habitat Elements matrix by expert panels to be convened in August.
The Species-Habitat Project World Wide Web Data Entry Page will be available from May 29th through July 15th, 1998. You will be able to access the page at any time within that period.
Our Web Page can be accessed at:http://shp-odfw.peak.org/
Please note that you will need any version of Netscape Navigator to access the web page. Internet Explorer does not work. The first time you access the web page you will be asked to register. After registering you can expect to receive an e-mail within one business day granting you security clearance to the web page. This will only apply to the first time you access the page; once you are granted access by the system administrator you can access the page and enter data on the species of your choice at any time.
For further information on the Species-Habitat Project, please contact: David Johnson (360-902-2603; johnsdhj@dfw.wa.gov) For further information on the Web Page or Internet Access, please contact: Tom O*Neil (541-757-4185; Thomas.A.ONeil@state.or.us), or Marla Trevithick (541-757-4185; Marla.Trevithick@state.or.us)
Thank you for your interest!
5) Developing Shrew Info Online INFO/FAQ
From: shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at (The Shrew Site)
Subject: Developing Shrew Info Online INFO/FAQ
Just a friendly reminder: The Shrew (-ist's) Site is *not* my 'homepage'. It is an internet site and a communication forum composed of *YOUR* contributions to it.
I have already posted this request *'Off-ST'* some weeks ago and I would like to thank those who replied and who have offered their help (list below). However, many subjects are still not covered.
Anybody who would like to help, please contact me. - WH
a) Request for texts
b) Seeking Reviewers
a) Request for texts
In order to provide some general information on the Soricidae online, I am in the process of developing a new web-section on the Shrew (ist's) Site. My aim is to put up several pages dealing with the general aspects of shrew biology. Since - due to copyright legislation - it is illegal to scan published texts, I would like to ask if there is anybody willing to write and provide short texts (concise and informative, approx. 2-6 pages) on one of the topics below. You will clearly be stated as the author, the procedure will be similar to an Online Journal. The purpose is to also provide info for non-scientists and newcomers, to extend the shrew network and to furnish public awareness. I will add links to photos and selected references for further readings.
General Biology Species Accounts Ecology Behaviour Reproduction Laboratory Breeding Longevity Anatomy Food Metabolism Predators Conservation needs Rough Systematics Genetics Evolution Distribution Parasites Methods (Trapping, Marking, Precautions to take) Populations Pest Control Rodent Interaction Diseases Paleontology Shrews in buildings / are they pests? etc.
... or any other topic you wish to write about... Topics can be splitted. Any text you can provide will be appreciated. If you have a manuscript on a more specific topic that you would like to place online, I will include it in another new web section (Shrew Online Journal), which will be the next project.
I am especially seeking a 'shrewist', who could provide an informative text to which the many people from the public who seek advice in 'how to get rid of the shrews in their houses & gardens' / 'are shrews a pest' etc. can refer to in the future (telling them about the true nature of shrews, WHY these animals should be protected, which humane means exist to remove them and how to distiguish them from e.g voles). (This should be written in a non-scientific language and should be clear and simple to understand). To get examples of the queries the Shrew Site receives in this respect, please refer to the ST archives ('shrews in the house'). (I would be willing to send a summary to anybody interested in this assignment).
If you think that you can help, please contact me and tell me what you could write about, how long it will take and how many pages it will approx. be. Please include a few major references. Photos and illustrations are most welcome. The texts will be reviewed.
b) Seeking Reviewers
For the reviewing process of the submitted texts and manuscripts, I am seeking shrew scientists who would be willing to do this on a voluntary / anonymous basis. Please contact me.
Hoping that you can help to make the Shrew Site *BETTER*,

Thank you,
Werner (shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at)
6) Shrew Info Online INFO/FAQ: Hitherto assignments
This is a list of topics that have already been assigned:
-) Predators of Shrews: Justina C. Ray (University of Toronto)
-) Shrew Helminths: Vasilij Tkach (Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences)
-) Shrew Anatomy: Howard P. Whidden (Dept. of Biology, Iowa)
-) Behavioural characteristics of Suncus murinus: Keiichiro Tsuji (Nagoya University)
The assigned topics can still be split and can be put online if the information is valuable and as long as there is no redundancy. This decision will be with the referees.
I would also like to thank those who have offered their help by volunteering to be *anonymous* referees for the submitted texts.
Werner (shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at)
1) New Members
Robert C. Dowler
Professor of Biology and Curator of Mammals Department of Biology Angelo State University San Angelo, TX 76909 USA 915/ 942-2189 Robert.Dowler@angelo.edu
Mary Beth Voltura
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center 11510 American Holly Drive Laurel MD 20708-4017 Phone: (301) 497-5730 Fax: (301) 497-5744 Email: Mary_Beth_Voltura@usgs.gov
Elmer J. Finck, Associate Professor Division of Biological Sciences Box 4050 Emporia State University Emporia, KS 66801-5087 e-mail: finckelm@esumail.emporia.edu home page: http://www.emporia.edu/biosci/fincbiol.htm telephone: (316) 341-5623 fax: (316) 341-6055
Donald L. Rubbelke Asst. Prof. Biology Lakeland Community College Kirtland, OH 44094-5198 (440)953-7103 Donald_L._Rubbelke@lakeland.cc.oh.us
James N. Layne <jlayne@strato.net> Archbold Biological Station P.O. Box 2057 Lake Placid, FL 33962
Tim Bekhuys, R.P.Bio. Environmental Services Group Manager EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Suite 550, 1100 Melville St. Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4A6 phone : 604.685.0275 fax : 604.684.6241 e-mail : bekhuys@eba.ca website : www.eba.ca
ÒThe Shrew BibliographyÓ is a collection of more than 6000 references to research on the biology of the Soricidae (Insectivora, Mammalia) and small mammal ecology. More info: http://members.vienna.at/shrew/shrewbib.html
To announce your new research papers/books, please follow the instructions (separate fields with the character "#"): Author(s)#Year#Title#Journal&Page No.#Abstract#Keywords#Address *I* would appreciate receiving a reprint of your paper and/or a list of your publications to add to the bibliography.
o Last Update: 8 January 1998
o Number of Visitors (Date: 30 May 1998): >8691
o Number of "Shrewists on E-mail": >210 (registered on the website)
o Number of recipients: >379

All replies to the Shrew Talk inquiries should be posted to the group. However, if you prefer to reply to someone personally, *I* would appreciate receiving a copy of the mail (Cc or Bcc) and/or a summary of the "outcome".
Reply to shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at - include the words "Shrew Talk" in the subject line.
SHREW TALK is archived and back issues can be read at: http://members.vienna.at/shrew/shrewtalk.html
If you would like mail to go to Werner Haberl rather than to the group, DO NOT include the words "Shrew Talk" in the subject line and/or please indicate in the body of the letter that it is personal.
To be removed from the list, write to the same address and ask to be removed. ***********************************************************************
Dr. Werner Haberl Editor, SHREW TALK (http://members.vienna.at/shrew/shrewtalk.html) Hamburgerstr. 11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria
Email: shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at URL: http://members.vienna.at/shrew (The Shrew (ist's) Site)
The Shrew Bibliography (> 6000 references) (available on CD ROM) ==================================================================

This web site was created by
Dr. Werner Haberl. Address: Hamburgerstrasse 11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria.
E-mail: shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at
URL: http://members.vienna.at/shrew