Creating a Collective

Their hearts and chakras were clean
We had a puja. Before this I had one of the first of many lessons. The Dollis Hill ashram in London was a bit untidy and I got everyone running around cleaning it up. When Mother came, She took me aside and was not pleased. She said whereas I was clean outside, my chakras were not clean inside and, although the Sahaja Yogis’ ashram was a bit untidy, their hearts and chakras were clean. But She was so forgiving. After the puja, we would all take turns to go up to Mother. One by one She would work on us. It was wonderful.
There was a Christmas Puja early on, in 1980, and Mother gave a lot of presents.
Shri Mataji had a whole shipment of gifts for all of us. It seemed to me to be a couple of crates. She brought them to Chelsham Road and had us unpack them in the meditation room and there was packing material all over the floor. Out of the crates came loads of ceramic animals and other objects. We had to lay them all out and then She assigned each one to one of the people in the collective. And Mother is amazing in the way She remembered all the people in the collective, all the names, all the people at that particular time and there were quite a few of us. She gave each of those people a gift for Christmas.
When I went up there, it was as if Shri Mataji could only see vibrations. She was in such an amazing state, She was looking at people and it was almost as if She didn’t know who they were, but in fact She knew much more than who they were. And She was reading us so deeply. And She gave me three presents, three presents and I was amazed, but what do you do? They were just handed to me. And I remember walking home from there, back to where I lived, quite late at night and feeling Her love. She had given me these things which were somehow so symbolic and, of course, I still have them.
There was a Christmas Puja, which was one of the early ones. It was at the Temple of All Faiths in Hampstead [London]. Shri Mataji gave me a picture. For some of the other older Sahaja Yogis, She had different things. She had a lot of ties and She had wrapped them all up. They were all wrapped up in exactly the same way. They were all different, but they were all wrapped up the same way, so there was no way of knowing one from the other.
So Shri Mataji was giving these packages out. And She gave one to somebody and then off he went and She gave a couple more out and then She said, “No, don’t take that one. Give me that one back, please.” Then She gave them to this other fellow. Then She gave him another sealed parcel and he opened it up and it matched the suit he was wearing exactly. So it is amazing, Shri Mataji wasn’t looking at the person, She was looking at the vibrations and She knew that the vibrations were incorrect, so She put them right. That’s the way it worked out.
The right honey
After the Ganesha Puja in Brighton, there was quite a big gathering and Shri Mataji was working on somebody and She wanted some honey to vibrate for clearing people’s Agnyas. Someone had a very posh pot of honey, which had been bought in a nice health food shop.
Chris M.
The reason why I remember it so strongly was that I bought that acacia honey from the health shop. I bought the food that was used for the catering from Paul Winter’s house and we had been to the wholesalers and various places and the honey was acacia honey.
Vicky H.
Shri Mataji said, “No, this is no good. This is acacia honey and acacia is the tree that Christ was crucified on and it’s also this horrible spiky thorn thing.”
Chris M.
When Shri Mataji made this comment about the honey and the acacia, I had the most extraordinary pain through my foot, really sharp like a nail going through my foot.
She said, “What’s the matter?”
It was like the crucifixion, like a nail in my foot. I somehow didn’t feel guilty. It was just recording.
So I went down to the local corner shop and got a pot of Gale’s Honey, which is a very ordinary honey you can get from any supermarket, brought it back and that got presented to Shri Mataji and She said, “Oh, this is fine.”
Chris M.