Day-to-Day Ethical Challenges: We routinely take care of scores
of additional “in-and-out kids” – these are children who may drop by and ask to
for shelter at our Center for a while, but then may “disappear” again out into
the streets after a few days. This is a very challenging situation for us, as we
would, of course, like to keep every child that seek help with us. After all, it
may have heard while roaming the streets that there was “an island of hope
called “HOPE-F-U-L” amid the squalor of suburban slum life. Thus, one day dozens
of street children may come to rest from street live, eat, and, most
importantly, drink clean water. We are regularly tormented between the human
call to provide these life saving essentials to anyone who would knock at the
gates of the HOPE-F-U-L Center, and the realization that such policy would
spread resources extremely thin for our charity -- so that eventually we would
risk turning the Center into an overcrowded and mismanaged, ill-conceived