July 2008 we found a home that could serve as an orphanage for our children.
With the help of our Austrian donors we have been able to rent this house on the
outskirts of Kampala-Kifumbura since. The shelter is now permanent home for
around 50 former street kids aged 7-16.
The premises consist of a main building with an annex, which we soon upgraded to
additional sleeping rooms for the boys. We are also proud that we built new
outdoor toilet facilities. Most importantly, the entire location is protected by
a high wall from the buzz and rough Kampala slum life outside, it's really a
“small, quiet island” amidst hectic Kampala city life. Actually, the kids find
room to play football, practice dancing and the drums for their drama
performances. In summer 2010 we even started a little vegetable garden on the
premises and could soon harvest our own carrots.