Flexx's Friends Page

A few words on my friendspage: This page is updated time and again, but of course, it's never "finished". If you, dear visitor are one of my friends, and you do not find yourself here, do not bother.. This means absolutely nothing - except that I didn't have the time or the impulse to put you in here, YET. Since I do not spend my days counting friends or making up my mind who "deserves" a place here, don't assume this to be complete - you should know better! Hey, this is just a website... I am simply too lazy to add each and everyone I know, or everyone I call a friend. As a matter of fact, I update these pages when I think of somebody of my past (or my present) when I have my HTML-editor loaded, browse to some photos, or have nothing else to do.. or whenever. Nevertheless, it does "mean something" if you are on this page! (Please don't turn around what i wrote in the previous lines, ok?)

If you think you are missing here, send eMail.. I'll fix it ASAP. I promise [*fingers crossed*].

Some might wonder why I make that point so clear here. Well, I heard of someone who was really upset b.cause he was not mentioned here. To this person goes my humble excuse... I am full of regret. I'll be a better boy (or maybe a better girl) in my next life, I promise...

My Family

Stefan, my twin-brother

This guy is my twin-brotha. He's one minute younger than me, and earns his money by playing the bass (as a musician). He indeed is one of the most promising young bassists the viennese Scence has to offer these days. Remember his name - you *will* hear it again. I promise.

His latest project ist called "Faust". It's kind of a rock band, that plays in and around vienna, an has build up quite a lot of fans. They have some CD's out on the market. Look out for them! contact-p? Mail him @ mailto:a9505442@unet.univie.ac.at, or visit his homepage!

He also plays with "Hypersax", a fine and well known Jazzband founded by Hubert Waldner, inventor of the Vienna School Act Project, an annual music festival where serveral austian schoolbands present their talents. Highlight of any VSA is a guest star, who plays with the best music pupils of the year (Stefan was part of it every year back in his time at school. :-)

Check out my events page, which is under construction at the moment, but will be included to my website soon, if you want to see Stefan live...

There will be more about Stefan and his work soon, so drop in again. Until then you can take a glimpse onto the MC Sultan Website, where you will find some information about his latest album called "Super Ethno Astronaut".

We are also planning to build up a web page for his latest, cool band called "FAUST", so be sure to watch this space for updates. The Faust page will most probalby be at http://privat.schlund.de/faust if you'd like to note that down already.

My "Family"

Sonja K.

If I had to pick out one single person I'd call my best, oldest and most faithful friend, no other than Sonja could be chosen... She's been there all way through, even if we didn't meet for long periods. Thats what makes a friend, right? She's a bit gibbing to me when she thinks she didn't see me for too long, but thats quite okay.. Actually this is the way to get me out of my bed, showered and ready to go for it (whatever "it" may be).

Besides that she cooks the best Lasagne in town, and having coffee with her takes about 11 hours - but it's always worth the time.. She is a good listener, and always was there when I really needed someone. I sometimes wonder if she's got some kind of sensors built in that tell her when to pick up the phone to ring me out of isolation.

Those are the reasons, she'll always have a thankful and faithful friend in me. God bless...


Tina masking herself, 1996 Tina's passport photo

Isn't she lovely... isn't she wonderful?

Tina is my ex-girlfriend, and one of my best friends ever. What can I say? She's great. But as time goes by sometimes things just work out "left", right? Some time ago I went slightly mad and left her alone. Hey, well you can flame me for this, but think twice.. She's blonde, she's dangerous and she can be quite demanding when she wants to. Well it's not that I cant stand demanding women, but I also like some room time after time. That's why our relationship broke to bits those days. Now, as we both are a bit older, we play that odd "let's be friends"-game. And hey - believe me or not - it really came fine for us.

The one sour thing is, what's known as the "Harry and Sally effect", making me shiver whenever I look at those photos, reminding me of the good times we had... Anyway, I lost my "girlfriend" gained one "old friend", and I am not sure what's more valuable, are you?

"dOm" (the artist formerly known as "Braian Sushi" ;-)

Tommy is one of the best - and one of the most lasting - friends of mine. He's a musician (git, b) and has some records out on the market (For details have a look to his homepage). I played my fist gig with him, and we will play on as long as we can stand each other. Maybe you heard of our Band "The SoulDevice" (formerly known as "FunkDevice"). Erm. Well, I guess not...

His other projects in include "Gothmog" (Albums: "Void", "Killaass") and "Panik-Attacken" (EP: "Embryonic").

Wanna-hear-dOm-p? You can do it right here! Click the link below but be sure to have the latest version RealPlayer installed.

Panik Attacken / Embryonic (15.2 Kbps RealAudio 550KByte)
© 1997 Copyright Thomas Bayer

Panik Attacken

Following are some german comments Tommy wrote about me:

Wer was auf sich hält "braucht" natürlich Kommentare von ein paar Freunden auf seiner Homepage: Einen konnte ich auftreiben... Der Tommy! Er ist sicher einer der wenigen Freunde die für mich öffentlich lügen würden ;)

Vielen Dank, Tom!

Originalton (ich schwörs!):

- wer ich bin?

kumpl, leidensgenosse, tommy, musika, computer-twin

1 of I T P - project

was er wohl mit "Leidens Genosse!" meint???
- warum ich (hier) bin?

na weil ana alan kann doch net so deppat...

Was wär ich ohne ihn?

gibt so viel, was uns verbindet;
einiges, was wir gemeinsam erlebt haben;
etliches noch zu probieren;
manches neu anzufangen;
nix zu verlieren!!!

Hey! Schön gesagt... find ich.
- was ich glaube er ist (zitat: joda): freak (as freak can)

alles im kopf was der bauch verhindert anzufangen, weil der rest von ihm zärtlich schlummert.

Hää? Was er jetz' wieder meint?
Ouch. Hab schon wieder Bauchweh.. Werd mich ins Bett legen :)

künstler (vor allem lebens-) und logiker - wot a combination!

Genau. Meine Logik is zeitweilig recht "künstlich"...

träumer - es gibt viel zu wenig davon!!

Nicht verzweifeln Tom, wir 2 kriegen eh bald Junge, wirst sehen!
:-)) :) :)

romantiker - los mädels, trauts euch!!!!

dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen...! ;-)
- was ich lieber nicht sehe:

wenn er zu spät ist - familientradition (hütet euch!)

Oh, Tommy! Was hast du nicht schon auf mich gewartet in den letzen Jahren... und in den kommenden erst!

wenn er auf grund seiner berufung (1. version von "data" - betaVersion!) fuer 1 halbe ewigkeit in der versenkung verschwindet.

C: \ flexx > reboot IRL -now -safe -pls!

Flexx2000. loading IRL.
please wait... processing.

? reality.sys is corrupt!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore? _

sein grünes benetton t-shirt.

Hehe, ist beim Waschen mit einem roten Socken in Konflikt geraten.. Jetzt is es lilagrün! *blinzel, trän, schmerz*...
- was man ihm neidlos anerkennen muss:

er ist. und das gar nicht mal so unauffaellig!

Ganz genau!

...ha! jetzt hab ich's aber allen gesagt...


(eine kleine Auswahl seiner Nickname-Collection:)

tommy b.
brian sushi
dOm (lé Whoub)

Ist er nicht herzallerliebst? Wer ihn für dieses Kommentar flamen will (oder aber ihn noch mehr über mich ausfragen will): Bitte, tuts euch keinen Zwang an! ;)


Oder besucht seine Hompage auf


Es sei angemerkt, daß ich mich von dem Stil seiner Homepage "ausrücklich" distanziere... Nach 20minütiger, äußerst schmerzhafter Modifikation meiner Physis durch Tommys Bodyguards (outch) ließ ich mich allerdings im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes "breitschlagen", diesen Link hier einzutragen :)

Nein jetz mail ehrlich: Besorgts euch die neue CD "Killaass" von "Gothmog"! Infos auf Tommys Page!
Wer drauf steht, wirds lieben!!!

Sandro - "Don Deguera"

Well this guy is my big little brother as I use to say. He's been there for a long time, even when he wasn't. He's the Italian-rooted gung-ho-"always ready for an ice cold beer"-kind of buddy everybody needs. Besides he's gone through good times, trials and tribulations with me, and that's why he can't loose me as a friend anymore. Regardless which mood I might be, he is always a good companion and brightens up my day.

He has created a homepage at http://www.msqr.com/gastro/gastro.htm.

Katya "Mahatma" Tugendsam

Katya and Flexx, 1991

The lass giggling on my shoulder is one of my dearest friends during my five years attending the technical highschool. She's a gread buddy, and always managed to put a smile on my face (which can be quite a job sometimes...).

I'll never forget her disguise as "Quasimodo the Hunchback" on a Carneval Party in our School. She wore some kind of a monks habit under which she stuffed a pillow - really a nice bump.. "BACK! BACK!" (*waving with a cruzifix*). Ta Hell, she was frightening!

These days she is gone (for gold), studying some business stuff in Chicago Midway University, and I have not seen her for quite a while.. Well hopefully she'll be back during summer holidays. She always was a little runaway, right after completing school she went to Ghana, working as a development aid volunteer, teaching english and german, and some mathematics (ROTFL!) over there. She told me stories about Gung-Ho Bats, chasing her in her cabinet, and of cockroach armadas starting an attack rather than fleeing when she slammed her slippers on them... Maybe she'd better taken some ABC-Weapons with her. UAGGHHH!! I hate cockroaches! I'm still thankful she brought none with her.

Well it would be nice hearing from you time and again, so if you read this, report back to base!


Tis' a cool bassist I use to play with time after time. We had a "legendary" project called "Mr. Magoo" back in the days I was still in school. He also has various band's running. One of them, "For Tea Four" has got it's own website, where you can check out the their gig-dates, and see some photos. You can also mail Georg. He happens to be the bassist of "Panik Attacken" (see above)


"Losmen", "BlackFoot", "Moni-Maus", Fiona, Powerfox, Stefan M.

They are all friends of mine in the Black°Box BBS. I hang around with them a lot!

"InTheSand", "Gorma", Lindsay, Emily, Steve

These people are a regulars on the #15billion IRC channel, which is one of my favorites. Visit it, its a real fine, quite polite channel without massdeoping and all that cal. The regulars are nice people, and - best of all - you'll find *me* there from time after time! ;-)

Visit Gorma's cool website and get more about #15billion and the people in it.

If you want to know, what Gorma writes about me check this out!


I know maniac a too short time to say much about him, but this can change ;)). He's also is a user at Telekabel. Visit his homepage at http://speth08.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/h96b/h9652369/.

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For contact & comments mail me: flexx@teleweb.at

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© 1997 - 2002 Alexander Wessel.
Further copyright notices can be found on my credits page.