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Fiona Apple

9. Novemver 1997

The following is a posting I made to the Fiona Apple Bulletin Board on her website.

Every once in a while i seem to sort of "fall over" something amazing in my way - this time it was that tremendously beautiful looking lady. I just saw her picture in some common e-zine, but i couldn't recall which one it was. Since i never bookmark the pages i *really* like, i couldn't find the article anymore. I loved the picture -- so i saved it, but i never knew who she was. I put her portrait onto my windows-desktop for a few days, since those bright eyes didn't let go of me anymore. Or was it the other way round? ;)

Fiona Apple

I wondered who she was and how, and what she'd do all day, apart from confining me to her glance... 'till yesterday. Not aware of what to come, not even knowing what i was looking for, i was browsing the mediadome website, and there it was again, that face that seemed familiar for quite a while to me...

Fiona Apple

"Fiona Apple", so thats her name!

I thought she was an upcoming photomodel or something like that in the first place, but when i read she was a singer, i grew curious what would be next to "strike" me now. As if her beauty alone wouldn't be enough to impress me... So i clicked the first of the realplayer links - and nearly fell off my chair. What a "feelable" voice!

Good heavens! Who's that girl?!

I watched the other clips and grew more impressed with everyone i listened to. When i heard "Sleep to Dream" and "Criminal" i finally *did* fall off my chair ;). This'd be the girl and voice i always dreamed of singing and performing with (since i am a singer as well, over here in Austria). But besides that, i knew i'd run to the record store to fetch "Fiona" right now! But as live goes, i did not get mine. Ack! Well, it was quite a while since "Tidal" had been released, so they didn't have it on stock anymore, since (can you believe it?) Fio is not quite known over here - at least not yet. But be sure i'll spread the word... However i ordered the album and I'm now impatiently waiting for it. So all i have by now, is the website. And i hate that - although i maybe wouldn't have "found" Fiona without the net... Well i heard there is a new album coming, which i am looking forward to get "on time" - on the day of the release, that is. ;)

So Fiona, you're so promising, so talented - and one of those who seem to have that "must be loved by everybody" blessing bestowed upon them :) I wish you all the best! I am waiting for you, to hear you, see you and even feel you that little bit. Keep it up.

PS: Please consider touring Europe, and when you do, give Vienna a visit! And If i were the only fan you have here, come anyway - you're always welcome at my place ;)))

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