My Gallery

Welcome to my web gallery. Here you will find some pages containig photos from my personal collection. You can take a closer look at me, myself and I, learn about some jouneys I made, and about my friends also.

Just follow the links below to enter the different rooms of my gallery.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...
This is my personal photo's album. If you want to know how I look, what I do, who I am, you should open up this album.
Summer Academy Zakynthos, July 3rd - 21st, Vasilikos, Greece
Here I tell you a story about a wonderful journey to an island in greece, where the summer academy took place in the summer of 1994. This was one of the finest places on earth I ever put my feet on. Follow the link, and relax. A summers tale is waiting for you.

All photos Copyright Alexander Wessel.
Exceptions are listed on my credits page.

Publishing, printing and copying of any of the photos requires written permission. You must not copy or puplish the shown photos electronically or physically. You are only allowed to view the photos using a web browser. You may download the photos to your local PC, as long as your PC is cannot be publicly accessed (in case you'd have a publically accessable FTP-Server running on your machine, for example, you may not store the photos in any directories that are open to public access).