Lecturing and consultancy on the Olivetti Faculty
and other Postgraduate Educational Institutions:
As Principal and Managing Director of the
International Training/Education Operations of the Olivetti Group I was
also involved in design/development of courseware and
lecturing/tutoring/consulting on our own faculty and through abroad deliveries
in 37 different countries to Olivetti employees and clients. Since more than
ten years I am visiting professor at Business Schools.
My portfolio of lectures as of today consists of the
following areas (in English, German, Italian, Croatian):
Branding/Brand Management
- Budgeting and Forecasting Techniques
- Business Planning, Development of Business Plans
- Business Process Reengineering,
- Business Transformation
- Business Modeling/Business Intelligence
- Change Management, Leading Change
- Chaos and Management
- Cluster Management
- Competitive Strategy
- Competitiveness of Nations, Regions
- Conceptual Selling
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Creating a new Mindset
- Cross-cultural Issues
- Digital Economy, CyberCorp, e-business
- Enterprise 2.0, Collaborative Networks
- Finance: New Measures (Company Value,
Shareholder Value, MVA, EVA etc.)
- Globalization
- Human Capital Mnagement
- I.T. Industry Assessment
- I.T. Governance
- Industry Marketing
- Information Management
- Innovation Management
- Introduction to Marketing
- Key Account Management Process
- Knowledge Management, Managing Intellectual
- Knowledge Work, Intellectual Capital,
Measurement of IC
- Leadership
- Learning and Education
- Manager's Coaching
- Managing Across Borders
- Managing Change, Leading Change
- Managing Company and Shareholder Value
- Managing Human Resources: People are the Key
- Marketing: Myth and Reality
- Marketing: Positioning, Market Segmentation
- Measuring and Assessing Intellectual Capital
- Measuring and Managing Intangibles
- Measuring the Value of Technology and
- Network Management
- Network Society
- Organizational Transformation
- Performance Management
- Process Management
- Product Marketing
- Professional Sales Development
- Public Management
- Read For You. An Overview about recent business books in various topics
- SOA. Service Oriented Architecture. From Business to SOA.
- Social Media
- Strategic Marketing Planning, Business Planning
- Strategic Selling
- Strategy Development
- The End of the Nation State
- The Learning Organization
- The New Geopolitical Order
- Training and Education Issues
- Value Proposition
- Visioning for Regions
- etc.
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