My Mission(What Business I am
I am "Portfolio Worker". My portfolio consists of:
Helping to get the Ideas of the "Föhrenberg-Kreis" (http://foehrenbergkreisdokumente.wordpress.com/,
(to help the "corporation" Austria to
reinvent itself) spread around and implemented.
Consulting/coaching public institutions (regions,
lobbying organizations, ...) about Cluster design and implementation, market
identification, research initiatives
- Business Consultancy – Unternehmensberatung (usually in an
international environment):
- Corporate Transformation Projects, BPR -
Business Process Reengineering (in cooperation with internationally
renowned Consulting Organizations) – Unternehmenstransformation (in Austria through NUTs). “A
Turnaround is transformation tragically delayed – an expensive substitute
for well-timed adaptation”. (Gary Hamel)
- Business Model Development
- Visioning:
Coaching to define Values, Value Propositions, Vision, Mission, Strategy, Objectives
Innovation Brokerage: My clients themselves are the most
innovative – but learning from patterns of innovation of other industries
(which I bring to the party) can
lead to new, networked “recombinant innovation” (A. Hargadon).
I can offer help
with “Business Model Innovation”
- Board
Room Consultancy (Consultancy about Consultancy)
- Executive
- Helping
New Economy Companies (and others) to go public, prepare for
management buyouts, achieve a fair price in a takeover
- Organizational
Transformation - Organisationstransformation
- Change
Management, Leading Change
- Marketing
and Business Plans
- Knowledge
and Information Management, IT Governance
- Measuring
- Do
You want to know more? Click here!
- Trend Spotting in Business and Management
- Since my times as Head of the company university (1988) I have
been reading about 80-90 business books per year, and that across all the
relevant topics (from Strategy thru Management and Leadership, Marketing, Finance,
Human Capital, IT, Information Management, Innovation, Environment,
Geopolitical Order, etc.)
- This has been complemented by many business journals, magazines,
and recently more and more Weblogs.
- Blended with my 35 years of management experience, this allows me to
determine which management concepts are lasting and sustainable, and
which ones are fads or just fashionable. And this helps me also to sense
emergent trends and new management concepts.
- Educational Projects:
- Helping
to conceive and design Management/High Potential Education Curricula and
tutoring them
- Lecturing about a wide range of topics
- Management, Leadership
- Marketing
- Innovation
- IT and Information Management, E-Business
- Knowledge Management
- Intangibles Management
- New Financial Measures
- Learning, Training and Education
- Lecturing at Universities and Post-Graduate Institutions:
- in
various countries
- different
topics (from theology to information management)
- in
different languages
- Writing
- Books
- Professional
- Newspaper-
and Magazine Contributions
- Work with "Non-Profit-Organizations"
- trying
to help them to apply professional principles
Vision Mission My Offer CV
Publications Lecturing Public