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Shrew Talk
"SHREW TALK" - Vol. 1, No. 17 - 14 September
SHREW TALK - 14 September 1997 - Vol. 1, No. 17
Number of Recipients: >230
Contents of this Issue
o Research
1. Preble's shrew or Preble's jumping mouse?
(Reply to J. Howard, Shrew Talk 1/15)
2. Shrews from Northern California: synopsis of dissertation
3. A question on shrew venom
4. Shrew Molars & Iron pigmentation
o Shrew Bibliography: New Papers
o What's New on the Shrew (ist's) Site
o Shrew Talk Instructions
1) Preble's shrew or Preble's jumping mouse?
(Reply to J. Howard, Shrew Talk 1/15)
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 97 08:05:29 PDT
Subject: Shrew Talk - Preble's shrew or Preble's jumping mouse?
A person wrote in recently asking about Preble's shrew at the Rocky
Flats site in Colorado. I thought the creature of concern at the former
nuclear weapons factory was Preble's jumping mouse, a subspecies of jumping
mouse previously found throughout the Front Ranges of the Colorado Rockies,
but now restricted to the Rocky Flats site. The story is that the mouse
requires good-quality grasslands, which have been grazed out of existence
everywhere within its range, except around the well-fenced-off weapons
plant- proof, some would say, that cows are more dangerous than nuclear
Regards, Dave Huggard (250-828-4714) Wildlife Habitat Ecologist Min.
of Forests, Kamloops Region _______________________________________________________________________
2) Shrews from Northern California: synopsis of dissertation
From: "Lee Simons" <lnlsimons@snowcrest.net>
Subject: shrewists on email
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 23:25:46 -0700
I hope the following is in useable format.
Lee H. Simons#Shasta Natural History Foundation#913 Shasta Avenue,
Yreka, CA 95616 USA#(916)841-1905#lnlsimons@snowcrest.net#ecology, natural
history, conservation
The title of my dissertation is:
Distributional Ecology of Terrestrial Micromammals based on Resource
Preferences: Field Studies in Northern California. 152 pp. Accepted by
the Office of Graduate Studies of the University of California, Davis in
June 1997.
The following synopsis of my dissertation is for your information or
use as you see fit. Major players in my research included Sorex vagrans,
S. trowbridgii, S. ornatus, and S. palustris. A few Sorex specimens were
not referable to any know taxa for the area (personal observation and in
discussions with Dr. Bob Hoffmann & Jesus Maldonado).
I recently completed the Ph.D. in Population Biology at the University
of California at Davis. My advisors were Drs. Thomas W. Schoener (chairman),
James Quinn, and Peter Moyle. My dissertation research involved characterizing
a community of micromammals (shrews, moles, and rodents) near Mount Shasta
volcano in extreme northern California in terms of their preferences for
riparian versus upland habitats. I used these characterizations to extend
the traditional island biogeography perspective of habitat quality to a
landscape perspective in which habitats are allowed to vary continuously
(including all levels of suboptimality) rather than only dichotomously
as in traditional island studies (optimal or uninhabitable). My results
suggest that the importance of size and isolation of optimal habitat patches
has been overemphasized in terms of importance for conservation relative
to the importance of other factors, such as autecological and synecological
forces. This research offers a means of pursuing issues of conservation
strategy to a landscape level more indicative of real world situations
than has previously been typical.
Lee H. Simons
A photo of Sorex arizonae
3) A question on shrew venom
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 14:05:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: HAROLD KISANG KIM <jordan23@ucla.edu>
I'm presently taking vertebrate morphology at UCLA and I asked my question
about how poisonous shrews prevent the neurotoxin from being self-reactive,
my professor didn't have the answer but I was wondering if you could elucidate
on the issue.
Thank you, Harold Kim
4) Shrew Molars & Iron pigmentation
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 11:53:49 -0400
Subject: Shrew Molars & Iron pigmentation
Organization: marshall university
Guten tag! I am in urgent need of a list of articles (in English) on
the iron pigmentation in shrew molars, its evolutionary significance, and
any density studies of those molars. Thank you for any assistance you may
Please send any info to GARDNERW@MUSOM01.MU.WVNET.EDU.
Bill Gardner
ÒThe Shrew BibliographyÓ is a collection of more than 6000 references
to research on the biology of the Soricidae (Insectivora, Mammalia) and
small mammal ecology. More info: http://members.vienna.at/shrew/shrewbib.html
To announce your new research papers/books, please follow the instructions
(separate fields with the character "#"): Author(s)#Year#Title#Journal&Page
No.#Abstract#Keywords#Address *I* would appreciate receiving a reprint
of your paper and/or a list of your publications to add to the bibliography.
Rausch, R.L., Rausch, Virginia R. 1997. Evidence for specific
independence of the shrew (Mammalia: Soricidae) of St. Paul Island (Pribilof
Islands, Bering Sea). Zeitschrift fuer Saeugetierkunde 62 (4): 193-202.
Simons, L.H. 1997. Distributional Ecology of Terrestrial Micromammals
based on Resource Preferences: Field Studies in Northern California. Dissertation,
University of California, Davis. 152 pp. Accepted by the Office of Graduate
Studies of the University of California, Davis in June 1997.
o Last Update: 9 September 1997
o Number of Visitors (Date: 14 September 1997): >4121
o Number of "Shrewists on E-mail": >154
All replies to the Shrew Talk inquiries should be posted to the group.
However, if you prefer to reply to someone personally, *I* would appreciate
receiving a copy of the mail (Cc or Bcc) and/or a summary of the "outcome".
Reply to shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at
- include the words "Shrew Talk" in the subject line.
SHREW TALK is archived and back issues can be read at: http://members.vienna.at/shrew/shrewtalk.html
If you would like mail to go to Werner Haberl rather than to the group,
DO NOT include the words "Shrew Talk" in the subject line and/or
please indicate in the body of the letter that it is personal.
To be removed from the list, write to the same address and ask to be
removed. ***********************************************************************
Dr. Werner Haberl Editor, SHREW TALK (http://members.vienna.at/shrew/shrewtalk.html)
Hamburgerstr. 11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria
Email: shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at URL: http://members.vienna.at/shrew
(The Shrew (ist's) Site)
The Shrew Bibliography (> 6000 references) (available on CD ROM)
This web site was created by
Dr. Werner Haberl. Address: Hamburgerstrasse
11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria.
E-mail: shrewbib@sorex.vienna.at
URL: http://members.vienna.at/shrew