
Shri Mataji’s Photograph

The picture seemed familiar
I'm French and got my Self Realization in November 1980 in London. I had spent the three previous years in Sicily, in the south of Italy, and was eager to go back to the capital, Palermo and tell my friends about my magic encounter with Shri Mataji. I got the opportunity to do so in August 1981.

I was quite excited to visit again a land whose people I loved very much, but I was feeling uneasy at the same time as to what should I say to my friends. As expected, the hypothesis of vibrations was accepted very well. Italians are always open to magic and the irrational. They are ready for dreams to come true. My friend Mariella had remained opened-mouthed when discovering Shri Mataji's photograph, unable to speak for a short while.

“This is incredible,” she started a few seconds later. “This is really incredible! I've seen this lady in a dream a couple of nights ago. Yes, it’s exactly her. I'm sure.” Mariella felt the wind of the Spirit on her hands, on top of her head, on her face and all around her, filling the room with ecstasy and bliss.
Guillemette M.

Cured by photo
In September, 1999 I became very ill and went to the Apollo Hospital in New Delhi. After a thorough check up (X-ray, monogram etc.) I was diagnosed with a cyst in my left breast, which the doctors suspected to be breast cancer. I had full faith in Shri Mataji and went to our local Sahaja Yoga centre.
I sat in front of Shri Mataji’s photograph, and the lady running the centre, Mrs Venkateshwaran, gave me vibrations, and asked me to meditate. I felt a cool breeze on my head, hands and heart. I meditated in this way daily in the morning and evening.
After one and a half months, I went to the hospital for the biopsy. The doctors could not find any cyst and I had again to go for another round of monograms etc. as a check up. The doctors were very surprised that the cyst had vanished and they could not find any reason. They were nervous and perplexed and paid me back the large amount of money which I had spent. I knew it was the blessings of Shri Mataji. She had showered Her cosmic love on me and I was cured.
Rekha D.

Shri Mataji’s photo under pillow
In 1978 in London, there was an Indian lady who was in hospital on her deathbed. One of her relatives was a believer of Shri Mataji and she came and pleaded with Her to heal the lady. So all Mother said was to take a photograph of Her and put it under this lady’s pillow. Well, they put it under her pillow and, sure enough, in a few days she was taken off the life support system and she was healed. This was a case where I was personally present, where Shri Mataji, through Her photograph, healed a lady on her deathbed.
Bala K.

Amazing healing
In December 1985 I was in Geneva, where I met an old friend, whom I found very calm and peaceful. She told me that she was practising Sahaja Yoga. She gave me Self Realization shortly before my return to Egypt.

On my return to Cairo, I learned that my son had been very seriously injured in a road accident. Both legs had been broken in several places, many muscles and ligaments had been torn and the legs were just hanging limply. After several operations, the surgeons had little hope that he would never walk again and even told me that amputation might be necessary. In my despair, I turned towards the photograph of Shri Mataji.

“Oh, you who are a Mother, you must be able to understand how much I am suffering. Please heal him and let him be able to walk normally.” I meditated and repeated this prayer every day.

Some time later I received a phone call from the doctors telling me that there would be no need to carry out any more transplants, as somehow the flesh was reforming in place without medical intervention and no further operations would be necessary. The doctors were extremely surprised by what was happening as the healing seemed to take place all by itself.
My son has since completely recovered the use of his legs and now runs around like any other boy. I know that he was healed through the grace of Shri Mataji. I have since continued the meditation and She has continued to bless my whole family.
Leila E.

Light on the photographs

In the early 1980’s, more and more people started taking photographs of Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yogis. Sometimes it seemed that light was getting in to the cameras, and all sorts of other phenomena started appearing. Later we began to realize that although it is not right for us to actually see the vibrations as light, for some reason the camera often picks up what is going on at wavelengths beyond what our eyes see. Here are a few examples. Photographs of objects which carry a lot of vibrations also sometimes radiate light. These photographs cannot be taken to order – they just happen spontaneously when one least expects it.

The first puja we had at Chelsham Road was the Bhoomi Puja, the puja to bless the house. As the housewife, I offered the different items, such as rice, to Shri Mataji in the porch of the house. After we had finished the short puja, Mother told us to bury the offerings on the right of the doorway, between the door and the window.

About a year later I was taking some photos of the children who were sitting on the front door step. When the photos were developed, there was a bright light coming out of the ground where we had buried the offerings, in all the photos. At that time, we did not know about miracle photos and I thought there was something wrong with the camera.

‘Because a saint was buried there’.
There was another village that we went to on that India tour, which was the place where the miracle pictures were taken, where the light is coming down. I was sitting next to Cheryl Bradshaw, who took the pictures, so I can vouch for the fact that it was completely open, no cover. It was an overcast day and there was no sunlight.

I took the pictures from Cheryl to London, to Shri Mataji at Her flat.
“These amazing pictures have come out, Mother,” I said, but didn’t take all of them. I took about three or four of them and showed them to Her.

“There’s another picture, Mother, in the series. It’s the last one and You have Your hand up over your head like You’re saying, ‘It’s enough now,’” and She laughed.

I found out afterwards that She said the reason for the light was because there was a saint there. After the talk in that village, She made us go down to where he was buried and we walked around.
Kay McHugh

Miracle picture in progress
In Sorrento Italy, in 1989, I was on the boat trip with Shri Mataji. Actually we were going round another smaller island there. When we got to Capri, Robert Hunter, who took the photos, went to the photo shop to have his pictures developed that he had taken on the boat. When he picked them up an hour or so later, I happened to be with him, and we were eager to see how they had come out. We thought they were normal photos. But we were so very surprised when we saw them with the light coming in every photo on the boat. In every successive photo there were more and more vibrations (light) coming. We were amazed and didn’t understand about them at all. When we were on the boat we didn’t see any light coming. It was a wonderful trip with Shri Mataji but there was nothing unusual happening. Also there was no light in the other photos on the same reel of film.

On the first, one can see the people sitting on the floor in front of Shri Mataji, with Herself sitting on a bench and more people sitting around and to the side of Her. The picture is normal, although a little blurred.

On the second picture a few individuals can be made out around Shri Mataji, but the whole photograph is dissolving into light.

The third photograph is practically nothing but sheets of light pouring from Shri Mataji. No more Sahaja Yogis are to be seen. Shri Mataji said this photo showed the fully open Sahasrara.
Mara-Madhuri C.

Sleeping on a sofa and delivering a public program at the same time!

Shri Mataji came to Lucknow, India in 1989. On the same evening as She was flying to Delhi from Lucknow, She had a public program in Noida, near Delhi. We all went to the airport in Lucknow to see Her off, but the flight was delayed. 
There was a sofa there and so Mother was relaxing on the sofa and She closed Her eyes and someone took a photo of Her while She was relaxing. We all saw Mother lying on the sofa in the airport, so we thought She was sleeping. This was 7 pm in Lucknow.
At the same time, somebody took a photograph of the stage in Noida, at the public program where Mother was supposed to be, but because the plane was delayed, She had not arrived. The miracle was that when the photo came out it showed that Mother was sitting on Her chair in Noida, at the public programme, watching everybody there. 
Mother definitely was in Lucknow at the time sleeping on the sofa in the airport.