

What metal detector showed
In May 1983 Shri Mataji had just completed a lecture tour of Australia and had stopped over at Kuala Lumpur, en route to India, where She was to give some public programs.

At Singapore airport, a friend of mine and I had the privilege of being able to join Her for the onward flight to Mumbai. We were waiting in the queue of people to go through the metal detector prior to boarding the aircraft. As Shri Mataji started to walk through, all the lights started to flash and the buzzers to sound. Shri Mataji was called to one side by a security attendant. After we had gone through without a murmur from the alarms, we followed to where She was detained.

Shri Mataji was wearing a typical traditional Indian sari and blouse. The security attendant was using his hand scanner to check for any metal objects and, to his surprise, it continued to sound while scanning Shri Mataji, even on Her bare arms. He checked his device on himself by scanning his arm and it only buzzed when going over his watch. A little confused, he once again scanned Shri Mataji, especially her bare arms and the device continued to buzz.

According to the metal detector, this Indian lady, wearing only a silk sari with a short sleeved blouse, was clad in a suit of armour. In the confusion and in disbelief in what was happening before his eyes and with a queue of passengers building up and walking through the detector without supervision, he waved to Shri Mataji to carry on. Shri Mataji chuckled and walked on into the boarding lounge.

All this happened in a matter of ten to fifteen seconds. We both saw it and were totally bemused. I doubt that anyone else in that busy airport lounge realized what had happened that early morning.
Albert L.

Higher Authority in Telecommunications
Hari J. is a telecommunications engineer who has worked for various large institutions around the world.
Some years ago in my work I had to develop a new type of radio antenna. I was at first unable to make much headway in improving on older designs. One morning as I sat in meditation, I asked in my heart the question to Shri Mataji:
“Mother, are You the telecommunications expert of the universe?” I started to feel cool vibrations. Then an idea came to me of electromagnetic waves spreading through the universe like the vibrations which we experience in Sahaja Yoga and being helped in their radiation through the use of certain auspicious shapes and forms. In Sahaja Yoga we find that certain shapes, for instance the bandhan or horseshoe, attract and channel vibrations, hence they are said to be auspicious, and pleasing to the divine.
Later that day, I began to design my new antenna taking these forms as a base. The antenna we built to this design worked extremely well and the company went on to win orders worth many millions of pounds. When they asked me for information about the theoretical basis of the new design, I just told them that I had consulted a Higher Authority.
Hari J.

Who answered the phone?
My friend Mr Madan and I always take a chartered bus to our Sahaja Yoga programme. It reaches our stop at about 5.10 pm. On one occasion when the bus had still not turned up at 5.30pm I decided to phone a friend who would know whether the bus was coming. I phoned from a booth at the bus stand and heard my friend’s wife, Mrs Gunraj, saying “the bus is reaching you any minute,” after which the phone was disconnected. At that moment the bus arrived and we managed to get to the programme.
A few days later, we had all gathered at the residence of Mr Madan for a function and Mrs. Gunraj was also present. I told her that I had had a talk with her on 9.1.99 at 5.30 pm, over the phone. She replied that she had not received any phone calls on that day because their telephone was out of service up to 11.1.99, two days later.
Jadunandan P.

Unexpected advice of Shri Mataji
In December ’95 we were recording Sri Mataji for a Doordarshan (Indian National TV) programme at Ganapatipule. The recording was set up near the tourist bungalow, in the complex on the seashore where Sri Mataji stayed. When we were about to begin the sound engineer informed me that the sound quality was not at all clear as it was picking up a lot of ambient noise from the nearby sea shore. I told him not to worry and we would deal with it during the editing. This conversation took place in Shri Mataji’s presence, although we were quite far away from Her and She could not hear us. However, to our utter surprise She asked some time later if there was any disturbance in sound recording and also asked if we removed this disturbance by using filters. I answered in the affirmative and was surprised by Sri Mataji's knowledge of sound recording. When we were editing the programme in Delhi, much to my surprise, there was no disturbance of any kind in the recording. We did not have to use any filters and the sound was very clean.
Jadunandan P.

We could still hear the music
There was a programme with Shri Mataji in 1988 just outside Munich, Germany. One evening there was a music programme, and it was an Indian musician playing a santoor, which is rather a quiet instrument. There must have been three or four hundred of us in the tent, and I was right in the back row. At a certain point the electricity broke down and obviously the sound system stopped working. The musician went on playing, and the music was very beautiful. I noticed after a few minutes that I could still hear, just as well as when the sound system was all right. I couldn’t understand how I could hear at all, from the right at the back.

It came to me that this man was like Pundit Tansen, the great Indian musician at the court of the Moghal emperor Akbar in the sixteenth century, who purportedly had power over the elements through his music. At that moment the electricity came back on, and a little while later the musician finished his piece.
After he had done so, Shri Mataji spoke. She firstly asked us if those of us at the back had been able to hear when the power was off, and a whole row of us put our hands up, to say we could. Shri Mataji explained that we had been hearing through our Sahasraras. Then She said exactly what had been in my mind, that his playing was so beautiful that he was like Tansen, and She spoke a bit about this famous man.
Linda W.