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ZooChat Home
The Shrew (ist's) Site:
A Joint Venture by The Shrew (ist's) Site and ZooChat © 1997

This site is obviously still (heavily) under construction but we are full of ideas...

(*Some links below are not yet activated*)

The Shrew Conference Hall is open 24 hours a day and it aims to become more than just another playground. However, until we have the site ready for scientific use, you might want to just test it. But please don't expect any more than mere "hellos", "is anybody theres" and "goodbyes"...

Some of you may have never experienced an internet chat yet, so you might just want to try it out to get the feeling for it until we get into "serious business". In the future, we hope to fix certain times (adjusting to time zones) for holding planned discussions. Whether you take advantage of this opportunity or not will be up to YOU.

The official opening will be announced separately to all "Shrewists on E-mail", on "Shrew Talk", as well as on this page. - So keep a close watch and come back again.

Currently, the only conference room that is available is the ZooChat Main Hall.
Click below to participate.
This DOOR will soon lead you
... to the Shrew Conference Hall. ... ENTER

User Information:
These pages are monitored and no offensive acts should occur. We believe in equality and integrity of all races, gender, age and religions. No vulgarity shall be conducted on any of our sites. If this should happen we will contact the guilty parties and remove you from our lists.
These pages are to be used for professional reference or educational purposes. However simple chatting and fun is permitted provided it stays clean.
Logs of past conferences can be sent to participants. Please specify and order by sending an e-mail to ZooChat. Suggestions for improvement are most welcome.

Shrew Conference Announcements:

First Introductory Meeting

Date: Soon...
Discussion of recent topics brought up in Shrew Talk (e-mail newsletter)
Talk-In with a Special Shrew Guest

The First Shrew Internet Congress 1998 (SIC I)

(Anybody interested should send an e-mail to

Date: As soon as we are ready for it...
Link to Virtual Poster Demonstrations
Additional information

Go back to:

Shrew Home: plunge deeper into the crevices
ZooChat Main Page: find other conference rooms and make contacts


This web page was created by
Dr. Werner Haberl. Address: Hamburgerstrasse 11, A-1050 Vienna, Austria © 1997
in Co-operation with Laura A. Smith (Webmaster of ZooChat) © 1997
(and thanx to S for a door)