Shrews in Colombia
(Thanks to Michael Alberico)
Spanish: Musarañas (Musaraña)
Cryptotis nigrescens: Musaraña Centroamericana (no specimens from Colombia; included in list of Colombian mammals based on distribution of C. mera in eastern Panama)
Cryptotis colombiana: Musaraña Antoiqueña
Cryptotis meridensis: Musaraña de Mèrida (may be conspecific with with C. thomasi, but treated separately by Hutterer, 1993)
Cryptotis squamipes: Musaraña de Munchique
Cryptotis thomasi: Musaraña de Thomas
These names are given in the following paper:
Rodriguez-Mahecha, J. V., J. Hernandez-Camacho, T. R. Defler, M. Alberico, R. B. Mast, R. A. Mittermeier & A. Cadena. 1995. Mamìferos colombianos: Sus nombres comunes e indìgenas. Conservation International, Occasional Paper, No. 3. 56 pp.
In this paper we have made an attempt to "standardize" use of common names in Spanish, given the need for a common point of reference among the many and various end-users of this information (especially all of those doing environmental impact surveys).